Sunday 9 October 2016

Antidiabetic herbal formulation principles electrical machines - Antidiabetic herbal formulation for adrenal fatigue recovery

No. 2, 2003 Triangle Publication, Oxford, PP 352-360. Appointment of faculty member to higher posts assignment Dr. M. Praveen and A. Dr. R. K. Bhatt: Caliber 2003-Mapping Technology on Libraries. V, 2003 " Analysis of ultraviolet photoconductivity transient in ZnO films prepared by unbalanced magnetron sputtering". L. and Satyanarayana. Outcome of teenage pregnancy in: Course manual for adolescent health - Part II" Ed Bhave Sy, Indian Academy of Pediatenes (Adolescent Health Sub Chapter) 2002, 199-205. K, and Mohan D, 2003 " Influence of solvent and substituent on excited state characteristics of laser grade coumarin dyes." Spectrpcjo.oca Acta Part Q59 1161. K. Aggarwal Poverty Eradication and Local Institutions in Comparative Perspective, Planning Commission Project, November 2002November 2003, DCRC, Delhi University Project. Niti Singh) Supervisor: Professor Ramesh Chandra Synthesis of N-Substituted Piperazinyi Carbamoyl, Acetyl and related analogues of Papaverine: potent Antispasmodic Agents (Ph. N. " Optimization of thermal effeciency of combined cycle power generation" in SOUVENIR, National seminar on Energy and Environment. Curcuma longa rhizome extract on pathogenic bacteria. Acta Cytologica, 47, 216-220. K. and Chabra A, Cladosporium bantianum meningitis in a neonate". Prerna Gaur, Rajiv Kumar " Simulation and Analysis of Sensorless Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor" PIERS-2002, Cambridge University, MA. Antigenic and allergenic cross reactivity of Epicoccum nirgum with other fungi. Prabhu Mohapatra joined the Department as Reader in Modern Indian History. She read a paper on " Documentary Practices and the State" at the XXVIII All India Sociological Conference, hosted by the Indian Institute of Technology, December, 18-20, 2002. M, Hui S. K. On Friday 14th February, 2003, Professor Charles Kolstad, University of California, Santa Barbara and Massachusetts Institute of Technology delivered a lecture on " Learning and Self-Enforcing International Environmental Agreements". Efficacy and tolerability of Nateglinide in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Seema Arora, Stanford University delivered a lecture on " Voluntary Abatement and Market Valuation: Evidence from the Stock Market". ISBN: 3848429063; TITLE: Economic Spillovers of FDI in Pakistan: An Empirical Analysis; AUTHOR: Haider Mahmood and A. SK Sharma, A Rohatgi et al Ceulumotor palsy associated with Hepatitis E Infection. K. Aggarwal Member: Research Projects Review Board, National Science Foundation, South Africa. ISBN: 3848425807; TITLE: Exo- and Endo-glucanase Activities of Aulacophora abdominalis: Insect Digestive Enzymes - Cellulases; AUTHOR: M. University Grants Commission under Special Assistance Programme (SAP) and has strengthened the analytical and mapping capabilities of the faculty and the students. July 2003. She convened a panel for the same conference on Anthropology and Science, University of Manchester, U. A REVIEW ON STANDARDISATION OF HERBAL FORMULATION mixture of eight herbal antidiabetic drugs [21].distribution machine. This allows true counter- Awards/Honours ­ Academic Staff Dr. Thakran, R. C, 2002: `Punjab - Its Protohistoric Past: Problems And Issues', Presidential Address (Ancient Section) at the Punjab History Conference, Punjab University, Patiala. ISBN: 3847289691; TITLE: Hannibal (German Edition); AUTHOR: Christian Dietrich Grabbe; ISBN: 3847289705; TITLE: Don Juan und Faust (German Edition); AUTHOR:.. Joshi, N. and Tripathi, V. D. students working in these areas. K. " Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA): incidence and antimicrobial susceptibility­ current status in a Delhi hospital". Hurry, This Offer Ends In 3 Hours. C. Nakra. " Comparative study of model updating methods using simulated experimental data ", Computers and Structures Vol. Does Intellectual Property Protection Spur Technological Change', Oxford Economic Paper 55 (2), April 2003 (with Robert Evenson). ISBN: 3848421348; TITLE: Awareness of population growth among the 9th class tribal students; AUTHOR: R. Vohra and K. Adolescent Mental Health: Current status and challenges on October 27 and 28, 2002 at the Institute of Human Behaviour and Allied Sciences, Delhi - 1 10095 Integral Psychology on February, 3 and 4, 2003 at Department of Psychology, Delhi University, Delhi Preparatory stage for workshop on `Evaluation for School Quality Improvement' to be held during February, 2004. CIE must now focus a little more on its role as the Faculty of Education of the University of Delhi, in the sense that we need to set aside some of our time and energy for nurturance of the education departments in the colleges of the University. Vol. 36, No. Iqbal Markaz ­ Bhopal, " Sufism in Peotry" ­ 18th February, 03. Vibha Tandon DST 8.9 lakhs 2 years To isolate partially purified extracts from Garlic and Ficus bengalensis Professor Ramesh Chandra, Dr. Ghosh (eds.). Now the Department has two reasonably equipped functional laboratories and a small lecture room A computer laboratory was established with three computers and printers and it started functioning in the academic session 2000-2001 as per requirements of the revised syllabus. N. Singh: Addressed the Judicial Officers on " Forum for Environmental Justice: Court or Tribunal" at Environmental Law Training Programme organized joint by Environmental Law Centre, Department of Law, University of North-Bengal and National Law School of India University, at Darjeeling. Fellow Aeronautical Society of India. Presentation on " CPRs as Drivers of Development: A Study of NTFPs in Himachal Pradesh, India", at SANDEE Biennial Research and Training Workshop in Dhaka, Bangladesh, December, 2002. A. S. C. E Vol 8(2) Pg 105, 2003, U. Purnamita Dasgupta, (IEG) " The Nature of Dependence on Common Pool Resources and Household Decision Making: An Empirical Study for Some States in India " (29 November, 2002). Gave a Seminar on " Macro-Economic Model and Alternative Growth Scenarios for the Tenth Plan" at LINK project on Macro-econometric Modelling for India, Centre for Development Economics at Delhi School of Economics Seminar on " Macro-econometric Modelling for India", organized by Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University on April 6, 2002 (with S. Baviskar, Amita 2002, " Community and the Politics of Honour" in Vandana Madan (ed.) The Village in India. ISBN: 384840902X; TITLE: Affect and Attention: The Effects of Positive and Negative Affect on Latent Inhibition; AUTHOR: Josef N. A text book " Human Anatomy and Physiology for Pharmacy" (Ist Ed, Arya Publications). Bhat P. N. Mari: 2002, " Training and Support of Developing-Country Population Scientists: A Panel Report (book)". K. Tyagi Chairman, DBT-UGC Task Force on Human Resource Development, Government of India. We have recently been using the strategies of donor-acceptor polymerisation and copolymerisation to design novel polymers. G. C. representative on Executive Council of Sanskrit University, Tirupati.

Delivered Malcolm Adiseshiah Memorial Lecture, Madras Institute for Development Studies, November 21, 2002. ISBN: 3848403218; TITLE: Hierarchically Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks: Lifetime Optimization Techniques; AUTHOR: Samy S. Lectures on " Valuation Methods to University Faculty from India", February, 5-6, 2003, IGIDR Mumbai. He attended a two days short training program on power quality for utilities and drives systems organized by E. Rabiul Islam and M. Stratman; Stanford, Calif. In ANVESAK, Vol. Cytotoxic activity of nucleoside diphosphate kinase secreted from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. B, Jensen D. Auditory evoked responses in gestational diabetes. Gardner, J. Sinclair, F. Ray A, Massod A, Vijayan VK, Banerjee BD. A, August 2002. Ms. Usha Malik attended `International Conference on Geriatrics and Gerontology" organised by Geriatric Society of India, New Delhi from 8th November, 2002. In Postgraduate Textbook of Psychiatry. Seminars/Conferences attended Professor A K Tyagi Invited to deliver a lecture at Indo-US Meeting, New Delhi, 2002. K. Bhasin Sponsoring Organisation: Ministry of Environment and Forest Determinants of genetic and socio-cultural aspects of health vis-a-vis the role of health problem among the tribes of coarial, desert and Himalayan region. Eur J. Pharmacol 458: 135-39. India 61: 159- 169. Precious Metal Flows into India in the Early Modern Period", in Denys Flynn, Artuto Giraldez and Richard Von Glahn (Ed.), Global Connections and Monetary History 1470-1800, Ashgate Publishing Limited, Hampshire, U. Goa University Guest House for 6 days. Bidyut Chakrabarty (ed.) 2003. L. Gommans, E. It encodes a nuclear localized protein and is expressed preferentially during reproductive development and in young seedlings. Naokant Deo Honours/Distinctions ­ Academic Staff Professor P. Professor T. In Workshop on Research Mehodology. P. Dua, Oxford University Press. Siddiqi and Dr. Australasian Radiology 2003;47: Pages? Surgery Minocha V. Paediatrics Today. A, M. Phil. and Ph. J Psychiatry 2002;180;188-189. Herbal medicine for diabetes in kerala M. Gilbert; Data and Safety Monitoring Board - A. Organized and conducted Workshop on Madhubani Paintings followed by the Exhibition of the paintings made by the students tilted " My thoughts in Madhubani" where the focus was on the fusion of contemporary thoughts and traditional style. India) Publications Pardha Saradhi, P. Adejumo and A. Books from Book Bank has been shifted to newly built up, 4-story, library building, spread over 5000 sq.mts. Pulmonary Hypertension. Virdi, J. 5. Notable among them are: Dr. II Asia / Pacific who's who. Fan-e-Kitab Nawisi, 2003. The Department holds the Wednesday Colloquium series for Ph. Biochemistry received Asia (B) Award for abstract presentation in the 18th International Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine held at Kyoto, Japan. Siddartha Pakrashi B. Res. Commun. Environmental Policy and Tariff Reduction in a Second-best World" (with Sjak Smulders) in L. Pina; Phoenix, Ariz. Dr. Daman Saluja DBT Rs. Frankfurter Hefte 6, Bonn: 372-374. Paper: " Globalization: Some Conceptual Problems", February, 28 - March, 2, 2003, Conference on " Afro-Asian Dialogue on State and Nation-Making in Asia and Africa", at Pretoria, South Africa. Metwally and Kamel A. Searching for Class in Struggles over Nature" at the Energy and Resources Group Colloquium series at the University of California, Berkeley. P. S. Uberoi, Department of Sociology, University of Delhi: Television and the Terror. M. Praveen and T. US 6,428,825 B2 for the work, " Process for the preparation of an herbal therapeutic product extracted from the pulp of a species eugenia Jambolana" as a part of the ICMR funded research project. CSIR (Hindi language edition), Member, Editorial Board, Jour. Dr. Ashok Kaul, Department of Sociology, Banaras Hindu University and Visiting Fellow of Department of Sociology: Capitalism Confronts Culture. Eosinophils as a market for invasion in cervical squamous neoplastic lesions. Energy transfer in binary mixtures (Aeriflavine and Rhodamine 6G) dyes. Importance of key words for retrieval of relevant articles in Medline search. Chaired a Scientific Session on " Indian Diabetes Prevention Programme" and " Beta Cell Microtubules and Insulin" at 30th Annual Conference of Research Society of Study of Diabetes in India held at Cochin from October 10-13, 2002. J Assoc Physicians India 2002;50:443-445. Translation of V. Besides, metal tolerance is also being studied in some plants. Sudhir Kumar Sharma V. This symposium was organized jointly by Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts and National Folklore support Centre, Chennai. Current practices of Diabetes Care in a Tertiary Care Hospital. D. Study Group, Department of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi on `Fieldwork Methodology and Ethnographic Writing', 7 March, 2003. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. Sri Amitpal lecturer. An investigation of cross-reactive allergen and antigens of Imperata cylindrica using western blotting and ELISA inhibition. Market Based Instruments for Regional Environmental Management Principal Investigators: Shreekant Gupta (CDE), P. XXXVII No 13. ISBN: 3847399993; TITLE: Zhivoy "Kapital" kak iskusstvo: "Kapital" K. J Asthma 39: 375-81. S. Gupta. 2002. Jain, M, Tandon, S. N, 2002. Some new cobalt (II) complexes: synthesis, characterization and thermal studies. Mishra R. S. J. S. Bapna Prescribing Behaviour of Physicians, J. Giri S. and Dwivedi S. Mohanty and S. S, et al: Atrial ECG as a guide to the placement of central venous catheter in patients undergoing open heart surgery. No.2. Mitra Arup and Goldar B,: 2002 " Total Factor Productivity Growth in Indian Industries: A Review of Studies" (jointly with) in B. Major Activities The Department of Modern Indian Languages and Literary Studies, which was established nearly forty three years ago, has been engaged in the teaching of Indian Languages­Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Oriya, Sindhi, Tamil and Telugu ­ and also literatures, written in different Indian languages, at different levels starting from the under-graduate to Ph. Acta Obstetrica et Gynaecologica Scandinavia (Accepted). This is also a popular field of study and the number of M. Student Symposium was held in the Department from February, 20-21, 2003. JIACM 2002;3: 213-214. Khwaja Hasan Sani Nizami presided. One library attendant has been appointed. Dr. Manju Puri, Associate Professor, Deptt. Seminars/Conferences attended Professor A. G. C. (Started) Geochemical studies on P. I. T. Kanpur) Dr. Participated in the Second Meeting of the Responses Working Group of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment hosted by the German Ministry of Environment in Frankfurt from May 5-13, 2003. Plant Cell Biotech. Library Progress (International). Dr. Chandra K. D. degree awarded M. Within Human Geography, Urban and Regional Planning, Geography of Social Well-being (health and gender), Food and Agriculture and Political Geography have emerged as thrust areas of research and teaching. Students ­ Academic Distinctions Name of the Student Nitin Dhingra Vujender Singh Chauhan Nidhi Varshneya Gaurav Thareja Shilpa Aggarwal Amit Gupta Rishabh Kasliwal Amit Devikar Shivam Gupta Gaurav Mittal Kanupriya Sanjeeta Gupta Parul Verma Umesh Kathpalia Puneet Rastogi Ritu Mittal Deepika Dewan Vikash Keswani Amit Gupta Ist with distinction B. ISBN: 3848411539; TITLE: A Monogram on Design & Implementation of: Spatially and Temporally Efficient Visualization Algorithms for Manufacturing Industries; AUTHOR: R. ISBN: 3848426374; TITLE: Bioinformatics and sequence data analysis in molecular biology: New Methodologies for Genomic Signal processing; AUTHOR: Mai S. Biotechnol. 60: (381-395). Hindi-Patrakarita Ki Chunautian: Swatantratapoorv Aur Swatantratapashchat,. Panda). In Living with the HIV/AIDS Virus: The Epidemic and the Response in India, eds, S. Pathology Dr. Nursing was not offered due to non-filling up of the senior faculty positions. Shipra Gupta, Burma P. Sahu, B. P, 2002: `Historiography and History in Regional ontexts: Early Medieval Orissa,' in Journal of Historical Studies, nos.5 and 6, Professor Qeyamuddin Ahmad Commemoration Volume Patna University, 2002, pp. Thermoluminescence and nanocrystalline LiNaSO4: Eu phospor". S. Raghav Ms. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2002;46(5 Suppl):5. Design, Optimization and Professor R. Lall attended One Day workshop on Leprosy Awareness Programme organised by DIFT, New Delhi. Major Activities The major trust of the Debit were Device Modeling and Simulation: InP HEMT, OPFET. However, because carvedilol exerts pharmacologic effects atypical of and in addition to its action on adrenergic receptors,22-24 experience with this drug does not allow us to conclude that all beta-blockers will favorably alter the natural history of this disorder. First results from Indian burden of diseases study. Mukerji, K. G, 2002. O. P. Kalra, O. The Cult of Mariyamman in Guyana: A Transplanted Variety. Content published by BS. S. Abdul-Quader, Sage Publications. Uma Chaudhary, Krishna Ray, Manju Bala and Saluja D. R. P. Tyagi Participated as a Resource Person in the First District Level Workshop organized at Alwar (Rajasthan) on June 26, 2002 by the Indian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (IAPPD) for members of the Zila Parishad on " Involvement of Elected Representatives for Advocacy on Population, Reproductive Health, HIV/AIDS, Reproductive Rights and Empowerment of Women" and gave a presentation on Population and Development in the Regional Perspective. Gupta, S. C, 2002. Seminar/Symposia Organised by ACBR: Annual Symposium in Biomedical Sciences, 13th -15th April, 2003. Delivered Lecture in Refresher Course CPDHE U. Association of IFNG gene polymorphism with asthma in the Indian population. Ultraviolet Photoresponse of ZnO flakes and a ZnO thin films SAW device Sanjeev Kumar, Parmanand Sharma, Vinay Gupta and K. Rebrape 16: 7-24. Las rutinas de la Mirada mediática in La Cultura Mediática, Valéncia, Spain, 2002, and Teen Speni Natak (Tres Piezas Teatrales de España) de Jacinto Benavente, ed.

Antidiabetic herbal formulation principles electrical machines

Professor Dinesh Singh appointed Adjunct Professor at Houston University, Texas, USA; Director of the ICICI Centre in Mathematics at St. Hosking and S. Toxicology, 2002, 68, 369-376. Editorin-chief Charanjeet Singh, Shanti Printers and Suppliers, Delhi, 2002:83-85. M, 2002 " Formation of Interfacial Phases, in the Epitaxial Growth of Sb on Si (111)-7x7 Reconstructed Surface." Pure Appl. In an endeavour to articulate a perspective plan and programmatic directions for MACESE for the tenth five-year plan (2003-2007), a national level consultation rneeting was held in April 2003. Kh. Gantsev and O. K, Hota D. " Migratory orofacial swelling, A rare form of Melkerson Rosenthal Syndrome" Indian Journal of Otology; 8, 78-80. J Nephrol 2002;12:163. S. Colucci and W. D. - 02. Seminars/Conferences held 10 days Workshop for the Preparation of Dictionary for Common Idioms and Proverbs in Assamese, Bengali and Oriya in collaboration with the CIIL, Mysore; held from 6th to 15th November, 2002, at the University of Delhi. Arora D. B, Rai J. Ph. D. M. Phil. Uretsky and S. Antecedents: Medicinal Plant Research and Traditional Medicine in Peru. Mechanical System and Signal Processing" Vol. Immunol. 111, 1001-1007. Undergraduate medical student's assessment of teaching curriculum - A cross sectional study. G. K,Sharma has been appointed as Principal and M. Sahare P. D, Sharma V. Flagg, T. Holcslaw, and L. Linking Higher Education and Basic Education: the possibilities for collaborative research, March, 3-5, 2003, Muscut, Sultanate of Oman Jointly organized by Commonwealth Secretariat and Ministry of Higher Education, Oman. Tradition of Folk Theatre in India, Fikr-o Tahqeeq, 6:1, NCPUL, New Delhi, pp. P, Garg A, Dwivedi S, Sharma S. ISBN: 3848431750; TITLE: Genetic studies on some tomato cultivars: Inheritance mode of some important traits of tomato; AUTHOR: Mabrouk A. Criteria and Procedure for the Appointment of Judges. B. N. Goldar: `Willingness to pay for arsenic-free safe drinking water in Bangladesh'. Sc.) course in Agrochemicals and Pest Management was started by the University of Delhi under its Faculty of Science in the academic session 1991-1992. Yoge-asnas improves oxidative stress status in type 2 diabetes. Radha, " Pallavis with notation" (Book) 2002 Raclha " Cruises of a musical Researcher's Pen containing Research articles. He also attended a two days short training program on power quality for utilities and drives systems organized by E. S. 2002. How safe is Tehri Dam from Landslide Hazards? Functional analysis of calcium binding parts from rice ( Professor Alok Bhata Chandra co-PI), Dr. Thyromegaly in children. The Need of Universal Peace Resolution and its Relevance", Gandhi Jyoti, Vo1.54 No.1, April 2003 Department of Gandhian Thought, Tilakamanjhi Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur Dr. ISBN: 384842391X; TITLE: Clonal Variations of Syzygium cuminii vindicated by Various Indices; AUTHOR: Jos T. Three faculty members consisting of Professor Deepak Pental, Professor Akshay K. H. Falk; Brigham and Women's Hospital, W. USA, during: July 1-5 2002. Sharma V. K. Blood Component Therapy in Newborn. Dhaliwal U. Absenteesim and under achievement in final year medical students. Clinical Medicine Update (Editor S Chugh 2002; 143-156. In addition, the library includes resources developed and being developed by RSPEE, including anthologies of readings for student-teachers and Hindi translations of teacher education curriculum materials. P. N. Mari Bhat: For the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Government of India, for drafting several chapters of the Project Implementation Plan of RCH-II prepared for World Bank funding. C. Dube, " Photonic band gap studies on periodic metallic structures in microwave region. Murai A, Sharma G. Mayo Medical School, L. Curvalaria lunata. Journal of Personality and Clinical Studies, 18 (1-2), 115-119. The Institute of Advanced Study in Education (IASE) of CIE has initiated an " On-Line Project" with the objective of building capacity among our faculty to do professional interactions and academic transactions on-line. Walker, D, Kranswick, L. A View from Indian Saudi Med J 23: 1559-61. Preliminary model estimation is under way and dissemination will commence by December, 2002. Outstanding research accomplishments by Department/Faculty The faculty has published 8 books (edited) and 15 articles in national and international journals. El-Moursy and Amr M. Maikap, G. C, 2003. Impact of e-Manufacturing on Productivity Enhancement in Industries", International Conference on e-Manufacturing, IE(I), November2002. Professor P. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai from January 9 to 12, 2003. In the same month, she gave a talk on " The Cultural Politics of Environment and Development" in the Invited lecture Series organized by the United Nations Development Programme. K. Abstract entitled " Effect of Sahaj Yoga on Free Radical mediated lipid peroxidation and Hematological Parameters" published in Proceedings of IMSACON-2002 held in Cambridge, U. J Anat soc India 2002; 51:50-52. P Gupta, B. N. H. Qasemi: Riyaz-ush-Shu'ara edits Published by Rampur Raza Library, Rampur. Sureshkumar and V. Participated in Consultation on Lows Related to Sexual Harassment at Work place organized jointly by GS Sunder Peeth University and British Council. N, Gaiha M, Singh T. P, Suri Komilla, 2003 Thermal transition behavior of iron oxide-polypyrrole nanocomposites Current Applied Phy. Network Workshop on " Biotechnological interventions for abiotic stress tolerance in dryland crops" held in Tirupati from February, 10 to 11, 2003. In Forty eighth ILA Conference " Electronic Information Environment and Library Services: A contemporary paradigm", (Bangalore) 454-462, Indian Library Association, Delhi. Indian Journal of Community Medicine 2002; XXVII (2): 62-67. Mesenteric lymphangioma diagnosis by Multi-slice CT. In November 2002, she was the discussant for a paper in the Environmental Politics Colloquium series at the institute of International Studies, University of California, Berkeley. Presented a paper at the Association of International Business conference in Mumbai, January 31-February, 2, 2003. Major Activities The New Campus of Delhi College of Engineering, located at Bawana Road, Delhi-110042 and sprawling over an area of 163.67 acres, is meticulously planned to provide all facilities commensurate with the requirements of an institution of higher learning. Nollen: 2002, " Why Firms Grow by Foreign Direct investment: The Role of Mergers and Acquisitions". Paediatrics Today 2002; 5(7):412-413. Singh MM, Garg S, Misra A, Mehra M. CIE runs what is considered to be the best teacher education programmes, both at the secondary and at the elementary school levels. Jodhpur. Gupta, N. Hemodialysis International 2003. Phage display based structure function analysis of human immunodeficiency virus-1 capsid protein p 24 Professor Vijay K. N. Srinivasan), published by the Institute for International Economics, Washington, D. XIII-XIV, Jan-Dec 2002(Article). All the isolates have been ribotyped. Culture and cultivation of some economically important seaweeds of Indian coast, Dr. Pujari, G. N, Shrivastava, J. Int Urol Nephrol; 34:319-22. K. Sethi nominated as nodel officer for organ retrieval banking organization (ORBO), AIIMS, from GTB Hospital. Rajoura O P. M. Shams-Ud-Doha and Md. Publications Kumar, Prgaati 2002. Tietze and Roman H. Abazov V. M, et al, 2002 " Improved W Boson Mass Measurement with the Do Detector." Phys. Prince Cluas Trust, Netherland through ICSSR, New Delhi. Participated in Meeting Organized by the National Commission on Population on Behest of UNFPA for Mr. A. S. C. E. Vol 8(2), Pg 107, 2003, U. Dr. I. Chattopadhyaya P. S. N. et. al. He presented `Doing a History of Science and Medicine of Science', at the Department of History, University of Delhi, in October 2002 and' Evacuating the pox: A Theory and Therapeutics of Small Pox', also in the Department of History. Rajeev Bhargava, February2003, " Community sentiment and the teaching of History". Mehta G. Disinfection and sterilization of patient care items for clinical use International Federation of Infection control (IFIC) News Letter, 2002: 14(1), 21-27 Panda A, Deb M, Nainiwal SK, Sudan R, Utility of E test in choosing appropriate agents to treat fungal keratitis. Ind. J. Exp. CONTRIBUTIONS TO INDIAN SOCIOLOGY, OCCASIONAL STUDIES 10. Srivastava Professor S. Manaktala, Tripathi, R. Clinical meeting on Association of Otolaryngologists of India (Delhi State Branch) organized in September 2002. Role of tea plantations and environment": National Conference IARI Delhi on 14 ­15 December 2002. Rajeev Bhargava, 2003, " What is Indian Secularism for?" India Review, Inaugural issue, Vol.1, no. K. G. Mukherji, C. Annual Conference of Indian Society for Medical Statistics, 20-22 December 2002. Philosophy in the Contemporary World. Journal Phy. Phil. Ph. D. S. P. K. Jena: University Grants Commission.: Effects of Cognitive-Behavioural Intervention and Computer Assisted Instruction. D. Sahare. (Invited Talk). Standardization of mantoux test (reply). Preoperative diagnosis of allergic fungal sinusitis Laryngoscope 113: 688-94. Qubece City, June 2002. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2002;46:313-320. Tandon, S. K. Sudhir A. Shah " An economic theory of emission cap determination by an international agreement", in S. In contrast, this project focuses on the reverse link from environment to poverty, asking to what extent interventions in the natural resource sector may help reduce the incidence of poverty. Difficult Airway Algorithm, in, CME Book of Proceedings, Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists, Coimbatore. Aching Vinayak, December, 2002 " Making India Strong: The BJP-Led Government's Foreign Policy Perspectives", Journal of South Asian Studies, Special Issue, New Series, Vol. Verma: Organised summer undergraduate research program (SURP-2003) as a SURP-Coordinator. No. 7 (July 2002), pp. More recently the RSPEE has developed a training film on the teaching of English as a second. Mathematical Modelling and its Professor P. Pollution Res. Reintegrating India with the World Economy, (with T. Acute radiation morbidity in carcinoma cervix patients. Development of the process Professor Debi P. K. Dutta - Attended National welding Seminar at Chennai and chaired one Technical session. Jiang, Ganqing, Christie-Blick Nicholas, Kaufman Alan J, Banerjee D. Basudeb Chaudhuri, University of Caen, spoke on " Social Heterogeneity and Distributive Conflict: How Economists are Modelling Social Behaviour". Journal of Sound and Vibration. Phil: : Elected Fellow of INSA Elected Fellow of TWAS. Influenza: A serious global threat. The same is true when the University of Connecticut, USA, Maxplank Institute, Germany, European Commission on Human Rights established links with Faculty of Law. Shukla R, Bhatia S, Madhu SV, Puri D and Prabhu K. D. Mirajkar: Savarkar ki Samagra kavita, Prabhat Prakashan, New Delhi, June, 2002. Delivered a Special Lecture on " Short and Medium Run Growth Perspective in India" at TIES Conference at MS University, Baroda, at Vadodara on February, 8, 2003. Kushal Deb), Mapping Multiculturalism Rawat Publications, New Delhi. ISBN: 3848400170; TITLE: Minimal Intervention Dentistry: Scope And Evaluation For Success Of Treatment; AUTHOR: Ripu Daman Singh, Ramneek Khatter and C. S. Nagesh (Asst. From time to time, the industry as well as various government agencies have approached the faculty for carrying out research in specific problem areas. Responses of communities to social tensions. L and Tripathi V. L. Aggarwal R. Nguyễn Như Quân about ADA: Standards of medical care in diabetes 2016. Essential Childhood Immunization. D. degrees awarded Ph. Work on the project continued with field work in the cities of Bangalore and Madras in the fall and winter breaks of 2002. Natl Med J India, 2003;16:34-37. J Anaesth Clin Pharmacol 2003;19:91-93. Water reforms through water markets: international experience and issues for India" (with Nirmal Mohanty) in India Infrastructure Report 2002: Governance Issues for Commercialization, 3i Network, Infrastructure Development Finance Company, Oxford University Press, 2002. Khayal Aur Uski Shairi: Sulagti Soch Ke Saye (Chandrabhan Khayal) p4. Honours/Distinctions­Academic Staff Professor Dinesh Singh has been appointed Adjunct Professor at Houston University, Texas, USA. Tripathi. (2003) ~Laser Induced Damage Studies in GaAs", Optics and Laser Technology 35 2 1-24. Singh Seema, " IT and Rural Development" at DD Upadhyay Institute of Rural Development Agra in November, 2001. Shiv Shankar Gaur, G. The second part was an attempt to study different styles of (heterodox) Ayurvedic practice in South India and its relation to biomedicine (orthodox). Of those four candidates two were the Department Faculty members. Originally it was found in Northern Africa, Arabia and Northern Somalia ( Hanus et al, 2005). Giri S. Lipoprotein (a) and lipid levels in young patients with MI and their first degree relatives (Correspondence). D.'s awarded - 03. Bheemalingeswara, K.2003. Delivered a lecture on " Economic Environment: Are We Ready for Faster Growth" at Management Development Institute, Gurgaon on September 17, 2002. C. K. Datta MHRD Govt. Seminars/Conferences attended Professor Madhusudan attended 12th national power system conference NPSE 2002 organised by electrical engg. K. Mehrotra G. Baby. Pp. 132-151. Tech. Following faculty members attended a short term course on recent advances in power semi-conductor devices and their applications held from 1st to 12th July 2002: Ms. ISBN: 3848412772; TITLE: Wireless Sensor Networks: Heterogeneous Clustered Data Aggregation and Routing Protocols; AUTHOR: Dilip Kumar, Trilok C. Geol. 147: 9-11. Kumar P. 2002. Patricia Uberoi Dr. K. and Kapoor, A. Dr. Vijay Kumar Garg, elected as president IADVL (Delhi State Branch) for the year 2003-04 and Organising General Secretary for the 33rd National Conference of Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists to be held in New Delhi in 2005. Minni Sawhney attended Vth International Conference on Hispanism and Luso Brazilian Studies: Flashbacks and projections from the Present: A Collage 24th to 26th March, 2003. Diagnosis Pbl. D. K. Mehta, Director Professor has been awarded `Aradhak Shri Purushkar' by Malviya Sahitya Shardhanjali Samorah and Mahamana Patrika awarded by Lt. A. in History with a permanent teaching staff of 4 and as at present there are only 3 persons managing the Department. Physical Geography remained weak until the name of the Department was changed to " Geography Department". Professor Ashok K. Many microbial systems with capabilities of accumulating metals have been developed so as to apply them in metal recovery and environmental cleanup. National Income Accounts and Data Systems, New Delhi, Oxford University Press. India, guest-edited by Sumathi Ramaswamy of the University of Michigan. Allergenic cross reactivity of Curvularia Iunata with other airborne fungal species. K. Aggarwal: Visiting Professor, University of Bonn, Germany. Maktaba Isteara, New Delhi. Seminars/Conferences held Punjabi Department organised a National Seminar on " Sufism and Baba Sheikh Farid" on 26th March, 2003 in collaboration with Punjabi Academy, Delhi. Singh Rana P. Antipyretics in children. Surinder Nath Datta, S. ISBN: 3848404680; TITLE: In planta transformation in cotton variety G. The department has undertaken a lead role in studies pertaining to a variety of eco-niches and the ways in which people manage their resources. Anaesthetic Management of COPD Cases, in, CME Book of Proceedings, Patiala: North Zone ISACON 2002. Dept. of Sociology, Ch. S. Batra as chairperson, Dr. Bhatti, J. S. A. Urdu, 2002; Pg. Sivakumar, K. In addition, a polycomb group gene, OsiEZi has been sequenced and functionally characterized from rice. Sushma Pandey and Dileep K. Major Activities The year 2002-2003 was a momentous year in the history of the Institute which was inaugurated by Mrs. Under Polio eradicated programme, there is active collaboration with UNICEF and WHO for monitoring and evaluation. Singh S, Chandra R, Bose M, Luthra P. ISBN: 3848245787; TITLE: zeitrichtige, klangrichtige und akustisch hochwertige Musik in Konzertsälen, in Wohnräumen, in Tonstudios, sowie mit Lautsprechern oder Kopfhörern.. Participated in the Asian Development Seminar on " Launch of Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2002" on April 9, 2002. P. Dua, Oxford University Press, Financial Forecasting, (with R. The detailed list of publications is given at item no.l0. In: Understanding People of India: An Anthropological Insight. Dr. Gupta D Indo-UK Symposium on Hot Topics on Pediatrics, 1-2 February 2003. Evaluation of electronic reference sources. K. Tharanikkarash- Lecturer. Between Violence and Desire: Space, Power and Identity in the Making of Metropolitan Delhi" in International Social Science Journal, 175:89-98. Mukherjee A. Queueing Theory. Engineering. Ghosh, P. Bose, D. Dr. S. B. Babbar: Biographical profile included in 7th edition of Marquis Who's Who in Science and Engineering. The samples of serum obtained from blood withdrawn from retro-orbital plexus. I. M. Lab in Mechanical and Production Deptt. D. scholars who have worked in the field of vyakarna. With respect to Seribiotechnology, the Indian cultivars of mulberry have been regenerated from seedling and mature tissue explants for micropropagation and genetically transformed with Agrobacterium. A. Diploma Course in Urdu Paleography. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Jan, 2003. Austim and rett syndrome. In Handbook of Fungal Biotechnology. ISBN: 3848429993; TITLE: Micromechanics and Modelling of Adaptive Shape Memory Composites: Micromechanics and Modelling of High Performance Adaptive Shape Memory Composites With Multifunctional materials; AUTHOR: Chetan S. Sharma, B. K. Md. Shafiul Azam, Assistant Chief. Values in the Law of Torts" in Debroy B and Hazra A ((Ed.)), Issues in Law and Economics. Rehan H S, Vasudev K and Tripathi CD. M. Mohanty, April 5, 2003, " C. Shakuntala Kanade Memorial lectures on `Comparative Literature'(three lectures) at the Post Graduate Centre, S. Asthma 39: 273-289. Two day National Seminar on Classical Arabic Poetry from Pre-Islamic Period to Abbasid period held at University of Mumbai from February, 18-19, 2003. M. Massie; Sellersville, Pa. Sc. (H) Nursing Fourth Year B. Invited to deliver a lecture at Workshop, ICGEB, New Delhi, 2002. Butterfly inlay tympanoplasty ­ A study in Indian scenario" Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 44 (4), 387-391. Attended annual conference of Indian Society of Agril Economics, at Div. Genetic transformation in Lycopersicon esculantum cultivar Pusa Ruby for drought tolernce through Agrobacterium tumefaciens carrying bspA gene has been achieved. This programme brought in eminent people to talk to students about policy issues with a wider perspective. Austr J Dermatol 2003;45:152-155. ISBN: 3848427575; TITLE: Digital Image Watermarking: Transform Domain Perspective: Study, Practical implementation and Performance Analysis; AUTHOR: Dhaval Bhojani, C. Flores ((Ed.)), Vasco da Gama: Men, voyages and Cultures. Subhasis Haldar, Mridula Gupta and R. Given the context and the network of practitioners engaged with elementary education, established by MACESE over the last decade, faculty members were invited to promote the institutional mandate of MACESE with the objective to work collaboratively towards taking the agenda of research in a more concerted rnanner. Gajender Singh, M. Bandhu R, Effects of Iron therapy on cognition in anaemic girls. J. Chem. Soc, Perkin Trans. anti diabetes vitamin nexus Agarwal, Veena and Subhan, Shahnaj, 2003. Modulation of stress-induced neurobehavioural changes by nitric oxide in rats. She was also awarded the WHO In-Country Fellowship in Assisted Reproductive techniques. Madan N 2nd National CME-cum-Workshop in Hemato-oncopathology, New Delhi, 3 October 2003. ISBN: 3848414821; TITLE: Health care seeking behavior in rural Soconusco of Chiapas, Mexico: Dealing with health and illness in impoverished rural areas; AUTHOR: Sonja K. Agarwal M P. Delivered Fifth J. R. Laryngotracheoesophageal cleft in an infant; airway management during bronchoscopy. Honours/Distinctions ­ Academic Staff Professor Veena Bakshi elected Vice-President of the Indian Society of International Law for a three year term 2003-2006. Hepatitis B Controversy. In: Mineral Biotechnology. Sahitya Academy, New Delhi. Ind. J. Dermatol Venereol and Leprol 2002, 68(6): 262-266. Indian J Exp Biol 2003:41:47-52. India). Title: Enhancing tolerance of chickpea to drought, freezing and low temperature through genetic engineering with the cod A and P5CSF-129A genes. Committee members were as follows: Executive Committee - M. Packer; Mount Sinai Medical Center, M. K, Effect of partial ileal bypass in the lipid profile in the hyperlidpedemic rabbits. Original Article. The Effect of Carvedilol on Morbidity and Mortality in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure. Milton Packer, M. D, Michael R. Bristow, M. D, Ph. D Bhalla G. L, Sharma Seema, Malik Amita and Trigunayat, 2003 " Improved corrosion restance of AI3+ substituted Yba2Cu3O7-d." Phys. Tyagi A, Kumar R, Bhattacharya A, Sethi AK. Obst and Gynae Today 2002; 7: 530-534. J. Phys. 80, 791-802. Concise Anatomy (for under graduates) written by Dr. This has enabled the identification of tissue-specific and development-specific elements in the above promoter. Paediatrics Dr. Plasma annealing and thermal processes in silicon surfaces. Edited by Dr. In: 8th International Congress, Pacific Neogene stratigraphy, Thailand. Dr. S. P. K. Systemic review of randomized controlled traials, In, (Schroeder K, Fahey T.) Archives of Diseases in Childhood 2002:86;170-175. In Environmental Economics in Practice: Selected CaseStudies from India, ed. Stigma suicide and religion. Principal Investigator organization Professor S. Bhardwaj Professor G. Tulsi Patel is the co-investigator for this study draft report is ready. UGC major research project Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Science research project Texas A and M University; USA. Bhatnagar S, Chandra J, Narayan S. This grant will go a long way towards the much-needed structural restoration that the CIE building needs. Mansiha Tiwari DST Rs. PEDICON 2003, the 40th National Conference of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Mumbai, 2-5 Jan. Gupta A, Neonatal liver abscess ­ a case report. B. (Chairman) March, 2003. Anand T. S, Kathuria G, Kumar S, Wadhwa V, Pradhan T. Jain, P. K.: 2002," JSTOR: The Electronic Storage of Journals. Use of nuclear techniques in Dr. Dr. S. Nagesh, Professor of Community Medicine joined B. K. Singh, V. CIE has the finest set of scholars in the field on its faculty, with diverse specializations and experience. Invited speaker, 29th Annual Conference of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India held at Jaipur, February, 3-5, 2003. Participated in Conference of the Vice Chairpersons and Member Secretaries of State Population Commissions/Councils, organized by the National Commission on Population, at Convention Hall, Hotel Ashok, December, 25, 2002. I do, like all of you, look forward to listening to Professor Nayyar's exposition on this subject today. ISBN: 3848214903; TITLE: Doll Fashion Without Sewing, Vol. D. and Goyal Ashok, 2002 Radial Oscillations of Neutron stars in strong Magnetic Fields. Kumar S, Jain S. Paediatrics Today 2002; 5(4):253-258. Ed. Deutsche et al.) 89-97, Birkhauser, Basel. Gandhi National Centre for the Arts. Geol. Env, Springer Verlag (in press). In addition the Centre undertakes research and development projects from industries like the Poloroid Corporation USA and HIKMA investments, Jordan. Eds: M. N. V. S. Chaubey Occurrence of Life in Outer Space 23.10.02 Professor K. In the same month, she acted as invited faculty advisor for a dissertation workshop on `Communities in Contention' organized by the University of California, Berkeley, in Sonoma County, California. Detailed genetic analysis is being carried out to understand the mechanism of resistance so as to suggest methods of metal removal/recovery for industrial purpose and environmental bioremediation. M. Ed. and sometimes B. Appointment of faculty members to higher posts/assignments Professor A. Sharmila Basu Modak Dr. Navina Mehan, Monika Tomar, Vinay Gupta, K. Dastan-ha-e-Payambran dar Sher-e-Attar-e-Nishburi (Diwan Mantiq-ut-Teir, Asrar-Name), 2003. DNA intercalating drugs, analogs of CCK receptor/ ligands; evaluation of natural products from sources such as Withania and turmeric for possible medical applications; understanding mechanisms of human genetic disorders involving developmental defects and molecular aspects of tumour biology. Efforts were also made to apply rigorous economic theory to explain practical problems like process of price formation in wheat markets. J, Hagemann G. They are not being taught at the Main Campus. Dutta A K. Hepatitis B Controversy. Changing candida species in neonatal septicaemia in a tertiary North Indian Hospital. Myocardial asteroids mycetoma foot. Mohta A. 2002. Participated in Refresher Course sponsored by UGC-ASC Jamia Millia Islamia in Fine Arts with Grade-A. Vol. 16 No. 27, 1. Was awarded the Hind Kushth Nivaran Sangh award for meritorious service in the field of leprosy, by the Lt. Gupta Indrani: 2003, " Health of the Elderly in India: A Multivariate Analysis" (with D. Dr. Indrani Gupta, Reader (IEG) and Dr. Invited Paper " Health Benefits From Urban Air Pollution Abatement in the Indian Subcontinent" in Seminar or Urbanization, Transport and Health in Asia, at National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health (NCEPH), Canberra, February, 16-19, 2003. N. Ayer: Workshop held by Shyama Prasad Mukherji College (4-5 December, 2002). January 6-8, 2003. B. Khan from Lecturer to Reader. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, our experience ­ a brief review. Mesa comedor acero y cristal -. Explore data and technical information related to the Healthy

Isolated tuberculosis of talus without ankle and subtalar joint involvement in Medical Journal of Malaysia 2002; 57(3): 371-373. Mohammed Kazim Dr. Principal Investigator: Dr. Bansal, 22-24 September (2003) " Multiple pulse laser induced damage in mercury cadmium telluride and cadmium telluride with 1.06 ­um laser in picoseconds regime", Boulder Damage Symposium XXXV (SPIE), vol. WWF, India. Bhatnagar, K. Delivered the inaugural lecture of the Botanical Society at Miranda House, Delhi, in September 2002. Arora. Int. J. G. J. Qureshi, N Padha, V. Malhotra V, Singh S, Tandon O. B, LL. M, M. P. Chest Institute, Delhi. Sharma, S. Singh, I. Suresh D. Tendulkar Working Poor in India: Employment - Poverty Linkages and Employment Policy Options" (with K. Veena Kukreja, October-November-December, 2002, Pakistan's 2002 Elections: Implications for J& K" World Focus. J. Anaesth, Chin. Economic and Political Weekly, 37(51), December, 21, 2002. More than 20 students have been offered admissions in USA and UK Universities. Structural framework of Deolapar area central India and its implications for Proterozoic Nappe tectonics. Jena TK, et al. Md. Momtaz Uddin Ahmed, Member of the General Economic Division, Planning Commission, Mr. Hershberger; Richmond - Medical College of Virginia, G. A. Diploma Course in Translation and Mass Media. Sharma R. Unusual presentation of thyroid storm-A Case report, Indian J Anaesth 2002; Vol: Pages. Potential Application of Metabiolic engineering for manipulating compatible solute production to enhance tolerance of crop plants to osmatic stress. Indian Paediatr; 39:648-53. J. M. Kaul, Dr. Chaturvedi, A. Gupta H L, Saini M. Law Commission and other Ministries have been continuously seeking advice from the teachers of Faculty of Law on various issues particularly in the field of Trade Law, Intellectual Property Rights, Internet, Cyber Law etc. Prabhu and P. ISBN: 3848429330; TITLE: Stochastic Linear Regulator Problem in Optimal Control Theory: Stochastic Optimal Linear Regulator Problem; AUTHOR: Md. best pills for diabetes 2 vision Number of Students who cleared the NET during the year - 03. Sharma, E. K. The latest works of the Literary authors. Kohli A. Fatal unintentional poisoning - A five year review of details in a teaching hospital in Delhi. Lutheran General Hospital, R. The fact that two earlier multicenter studies did not find an effect on survival may have been related to the sample sizes, to the study designs, or to chance. Medha Books, Delhi. Gender Distrimination in the Labour Market: India, China, Bangladesh", in William T. M. Hegde, Indian Society of Oilseeds Research, Hyderbad. Gynae and Obstet. Kalra, S, Tuli A, Goyal, U, Choudhary R, Raheja, S, (2002) Correlation of Anticardiolipin Antibody lg M with first trimester recurrent abortions. Suresh D. Tendulkar, (2003b), " NAS-NSS Estimates of private Consumption for Poverty Estimation: A Further Comparative Examination", Economic and Political Weekly, Vo1.38, No.4, January 25, 2003. Application to drug design and to study of surface-adsorbate interactions. In Group Behaviour and Development, eds. Baskar, K. Sundar and M. A. Ramaswamy (ed.) The Fieldworker and the Field (2nd edition), Oxford University Press, Delhi: 38-57. Several books have been purchased to enrich the Departmental Library run under DSA Programme. International conference on `Healthcare and Food: The Challenges of Intellectual Property, Biosafety and Bioethics', National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies, New Delhi, December, 1-5, 2002. Indian Paediatrics, 2002; 39: 1006-10. This again is expected to be released as a hard-cover book, to be published by Sage Publications, New Delhi, for the Occasional Studies in Sociology Series (No.11). Civil Engg. and Environmental Engg. Studies are going on in immunity and nutritional anaemias in pre-school children and on work up of coagulation disorders. P, Pattanayak, S.

Family welfare, MOH and FW, WHO and UNICEF, as the Course Director. J Indian Acad Clin Med 2002; 3:96-97. Complete heart block, cardiovascular autonmic neuropathy and tripple vessel disease in type-2 diabetes melitius with insulin resistance. K, and Sahni, P. Pulse polio immunization in National Capital Territory of Delhi: A process evaluation. Lattice paths Combinatorics applied to transient queue length distribution of C2/MII queues and busy period analysis of bulk queues Cb2/M'1. Honours/Distinctions ­ Academic Staff Professor S. ISBN: 3848435284; TITLE: An Assessment of Land Use and Land Cover Changes in Wuhan City: Integrated Geospatial-Socioecon.. D, programmes remained engaged in researchoriented studies as well as in organizing lectures and seminars relating to various aspects of Punjabi academics. International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI), Jaipur, Vohra, A. His group has come up with a strategy of making such promoters by placing cis-elements involved in transcription factors binding in a novel DNA context. Visiting Fellowship of German Government (July 2002-April 2003) Honours/Distinctions ­ Academic Staff The Department selected for the FIST Grant from Department of Science and Technology of Rs. I. C. P. R, Vol. Johri, 13. N. H. Hanumantha Rao chaired the inaugural session. K, Jam, S. C, Olsen, C. Delhi, (20-22th September, 2002). Manjit Singh, 2002, Globalization and Punjabi Language, Literature, Culture and Arts, International Conference, " Globalization and Responses of Punjabi Short Stories," 38-53, Wolverhampton, U. Muralidhar Co-Chairman, Recruitment and Assessment Board, CSIR Member, Executive Council, National Academy of Sciences Chairman, DST-PAC Animal Science Member, Research Council, Agharkar Research Institute, Pune. K. and Verma, A. Masnavi Khwab-o-Khayal Ek Mutalia", Ghalib Institute, New Delhi. Dr. Pradeep K. Sivakumar, P, Sharmila, P. Shukla R, Bhatia, Madhu S. Forty eighth ILA Conference proceedings. Dr. Irteza Karim; 2003; Urdu Ke Masail Aur Unka Tadaruk; Zaban-O-Adab, Patna. Abst. 10th World Congress on Pain, San Diego, Calif. Prerna Gaur, Avinash Kishore, " Steady State and Transient analysis of three phase Self Excited Induction Generator." ISIE - 2003, Transaction Prerna Gaur, " Comparative analysis of self Excited Induction Generator under singly as well as doubly excited mode", National Workshop on Role of Technical Institutions in Promoting Gandhian Vision of Rural Industrialisation, February 28th to March, 2nd. Professor Debi P. C. Bose Centenary symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Applications held at Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata during December, 20-23, 2002. P. B. Sharma " Impact of IT on Rural Development", National Conference on Sustainable Rural Development, Agra,2002 " Challenges of Excellence in Higher Technical Education", National Seminar on Excellence in Technical Education, September 2002. ISBN: 384842200X; TITLE: The Growth Pattern and Factors Influencing Urban Land Value: A Micro Level Study; AUTHOR: M. N. U. in August, 2002. Special Issue entitled Beyond appearances? Ophthalmology Dr. Indian Journal of Otology 2002 (8) (2): 47-66. M. U. Aligarh. Participated in the Marine/Coastal Cross Cut Meeting of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment in Vancouver, Canada organized by the Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia from Apri 17-11,2003. Chemosphere 2003. Singh, I. Bhatnagar, 5. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic endocrine disorder that is mainly characterized by abnormally elevated blood glucose level. Pearle; Winston-Salem, N. Coker 310FR). Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. Targeted therapies using electrical and The effect of oral antidiabetic The efficacy and safety of Chinese herbal medicine, Rhodiola formulation in ISBN: 3848410931; TITLE: Obosnovanie profilaktiki raka slizistoy polosti rta, yazyka, guby: Monografiya (Russian Edition); AUTHOR: R. Prasad R. Daponse induced methemaglobinemia, sulfhrmoglobinemia and hemolytic anemia: a case report with a note on treatment strategies. Despite this anomaly we are taking help from the Colleges of the Main Campus and selected teachers from the Colleges to maintain quality teaching. Fahim M), New Delhi: Serial Publication:3l7331. Delhi. Achin Vinayak, 2002, " Religio-Political Tensions in Religiously Plural and Singular Societies: A Brief Conceptual Overview" (ed. Dhiwakar M, Thakar A, Bahadur S, Sarkar, Banerji U, Handa KK Chhabra SK. Bhatia, D. and Mehra, A. Invited to attend International Rice Meeting, 2003, Tsukuba, Japan, 2003. B, India 3 (2003) 2. Specials Grants/Assistance/Projects Professor S. Investigation of electronic structures and conduction properties of three different quasi-one-dimensional model superlattices (copolymers) of Type-I, and of the various periodic and random copolymers of the two silole based donor-acceptor polymers belonging to the category of Type -II staggered. Veganzones M. Honours/Distinctions - Academic Staff Biotech Process development and commercialization award, Department of Biotechnology, Government of India (May 2002) M. Nascimento and R. Louis - St. Louis University Medical Center, L. ISBN: 3848404923; TITLE: Face Detection & Recognition: Basic Concepts & Techniques; AUTHOR: Ajit Danti and Hiremath P. Communal identity and its construction in the twentieth century, Oxford University Press, Delhi. Tripathi. (2002). Abiotic stress tolerant transgenics in the days of genomics and proteomics. Luke's-Roosevelt Medical Center, M. Additions to the faculty Sri Samsher Asst. Surgical Journal of North India; 18:14-9. M. Katz (chair), T. Virupakshappa. Shahan Shahriar, Shaikh M. Man acute poisoning following ingestion of mustard oil contraminated with organs phosphorus compounds. V, Shrivastava D. Sridhara S, Kumar L, Verma J, Arora N Gaur SN, Singh BP. Thadani; Park Ridge, Ill. Bi2 Nb3 O9 Ferro-electric ceramics"; International Conference on Smart Materials, Structures and systems, IIS Bangalore December2002. Professor Sanjai Bhatt Organized a National Seminar on " Volunteerism: Dimensions, Directions and Opportunities" at Gandhi Peace Foundation, March, 7-9, 2002. M, 2002: Professor K. She also presented a paper, " Gender Politics in China and India: A Comparison", at a seminar on `The Role of Women in Shaping Twentieth Century India and China: A Comparative View', held on 1st November, 2003 at the Arts Faculty, University of Delhi, and organized by the Centre for Social and Political Studies and the Indian Council of Historical Research. Publications Dr. Publications K. Dileep K. Singh Bioremediation of hazardous EBDC Fungicides Progress in Industrial Microbiology 36: 573-582, 2002. Int J Psychiatric Medicine 2002;32:353-360. In Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. NCT of DelhI. Schroth and S. Anti diabetes drugs lists endangered G. V. Soumitri, IDDC, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi: The Life Cycle of the Object. To further improve the efficiency of restoration by barstar genes, two promoter strategy has been successfully developed and transgenic lines are being evaluated for their performance. S. Nath (2002) Use of transverse and circumferential dimensions in prediction of fibular length. A comparative study evaluating the efficacy and safety of Aztreonam vs Gentamicin in the treatment of serious/complicated urinary tract infections" as Principal Investigator. S. Dalvi) pp. Major Activities The Department, apart from conducting offers counselling and guidance services. Time trends in the prevalence of hypertension and associated risk factors in Chandigarh. R. 2002 Optically Controlled microstrip load and stub on silicon substrate in proceedings of Sixth International conference on " Optoelectronics, Fiber Optics and Photonics: Photonics-2002", (Mumbai), 110. B, " Impact of e-manufacturing on Productivity enhancement in Industries" International conference on e-manufacturing, IE (I), Nov, 2002. K, Murari A, Rehan H. Centre for Advanced Studies and Research in Energy Science. Effect of Yoga and Physical exercises on Psychomotor functions during examination stress. Deshpande Satish: 2002, " Delhi and Northern India". As some of antidiabetic biomolecules (glycosides, flavonoids, and sterols) were detected in phytochemical screening, the pharmacological investigation of the said drug has been done for the first time. Pushpam Kumar, Reader, IEG and Dr. Publications Nigam, S, Chaturvedi Uma K. Sharma R, Effect of low level laser in D-quercans Tenosyntivis ­ prospective study with ultrasonographic assessment. K, 2002 " Thermoluminescence Characteristics of K2Ca2(SO4)3 doped with rare earths Eu and Dy". Hematological Professorile. J. P. S. Uberoi, Department of Sociology, University of Delhi: Political Islam:" Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Sa'adi wa Sharh-e-Aan az Khan-e-Arzu, Iran Culture Hourse, New Delhi. New Delhi: IMA AKN Sinha Institute: 2002. Professor Ashok Kumar nominated for " American Medal of Honor" by ABI, U. Appointment of Teacher to Higher Assignment Professor P. Research Schemes Title Mixture Experiments: Design of Experiments Principal investigators Professor M. Patients who could tolerate 6.25 mg twice daily were randomly assigned to receive carvedilol or placebo on a double-blind basis, in addition to their usual medication. A: 240-249. Ganesan, M, Kapoor, P. Vittorini's Symbolic realism in I' Ie Sempione Strizz elocchico al Frejus, and An example of literary analysis on Vittorini's novel Conversazione in Sicilia. Kumar S, Pain measurement: A formidable task. Also chaired a session and delivered the valedictory address as the Chief Guest in the Conference. Motivating students lecture, ISTE Seminar, March, 2003, NSIT. Dr. Ali Javed: Attended an international seminar on " Globalisation and the Education in India" organised by Sir Syed Foundation, at India International Centre, New Delhi on 17th October, 2002 and presented a paper there. Seth A, Aggarwal A, Sandesh K, Solanki RS, Aneja S, Kumar G. Health Policies and Programmes in India 3rd ed. Under this initiative, a CIE web-site has been created mainly through the efforts of our students. Unusual presentation of thyroid storm­A case report. Acta, Part A. The research activities have focused on various aspects life and branches or lores of learning. Rehan H S, Lal, P. Chapter in the Book entitled " Menopause" published by J. Opportunity for summer training and Interaction with industries The course is of two years duration and 17 students are admitted each year in M. Gupta V. K, Gupta Asha, Singh S and Anand J. The strength and weakness of indigenous medical system is another area of research. Dr. Satish Deshpande: Social Science Research Council, New York: Institutional Consultancy to participate in a group entrusted with the responsibility of preparing a report on the state of social science research in South Asia. Shaul Krakover and Yehuda Gradus, Lexington Books, Lanham, Maryland, pp.177-94. Moore), Social Science Research Council, New York. Sahare P. D. In Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. Immediately after the M. Sexually Transmitted Infections. D. Degrees from this Department are teaching in various Universities of the country. A technique of open trocar placement in laparoscopic surgery. Suresh D. Tendulkar, (2003a), " Poverty Has Declined in the 1990s: A Resolution of Comparability Problems in NSS Consumer Expenditure Data", Economic And Political Weekly, Vol. Prognostic Factors for well differentiated thyroid cancers in an endemic area. Pg 54-55, 2001, U. D. B. Sahoo, DBT. Parasitic element dependent scattering parameter avaluation of GaN MESFET. The Department organized the following international conferences and workshop: " Second Workshop for College Teachers on Teaching Chinese and Japanese History". Black tea: MedlinePlus Supplements In this procedure, researchers isolate the islet cells from Iriternational CME on Surgical Pathology, New Delhi, 12 February 2003. He also presented a paper on `Panchayats and Electoral Politics in West Bengal' on May 15, 2003 at the Department of Sociology, North Bengal University, Siliguri, West Bengal. N. S. Siddharthan Presented a paper on " India Research Institutes Roundtable" at China organised by the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, June 27-28, 2002. Gradman; Portland - Oregon Health Sciences Center, R. Abad, P. L. and Jaggi, C. March, 28-30, 2003. Stats. Sol. (a) 195, 412-5. No. 2, 2002. Airway rapidly adapting receptors - sensors of pulmonary extravascular fluid volume. A novel and quick plate assay for acetamidase producer and process optimization for its production by Aspergillus candidus Process l3iochem. Students­Academic Distinctions Name of the Student Ms. ISBN: 3848411687; TITLE: Anticancer, Antibacterial & Pesticidal Activities of Co(II) Complex: Cobalt(II) Dimer Complex of a Schiff Base Synthesized from Cobalt(II) Acetate, Glycine and Salicylaldehyde; AUTHOR: Sha Md. III + 33. Mazumdar, Shaswati and Wenner, Claudia. J Indian Acad Clin Med 2002;3: 96-97. Amer. Min. 87: 805-812. Why Software Reliability Growth Modelling should Define Errors of Different Severity. Number of M. S. Paul and Dr. K. 2002. Calcretes and related paleosols in stratigraphic record of India: A review. Phil. (Biotechnology) programme along with other applied science departments. Khanna M, Srivastava V. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2002;46(5 Suppl):59. Book Reviews Name of the Book Law of Marriage and Divorce A. Presented a seminar on " Forest Biodiversity and Timber Extraction" at the Institute for Social Studies at the Hague on March, 3, 2003. ISBN: 3848433435; TITLE: Effective Implementation of Software Process Models and Best Practices: Software Engineering Process Model; AUTHOR: Sreenivas Velagapudi, S. Standard Treatment Guidelines for Delhi State, India-WHO Essential Drug Program, November 2002. Attended World Science Festival 2003 (to Celebrate Golden Jubilee of DNA Double Helix Discovery), organized by the DBT, Govt. Dr. Ajit Chaturvedi International Conference on Statistics, Combinatorics and Related Areas. Outside the Institution (Give details such as name, new post/assignment; duration etc.) Professor S. I did archival and library work in San Francisco and Berkeley and the Washington and Bethesda. Parvinder Kaur, Sheenu Mathur, Meenakshi Sharma, Harish Divekar, Ratan Kumar, K.

Comparison of single drop mitomydn-C regime vvKh other mi~ycin-C regimea in pterygium surgery. Biotechnol. 1957-65. Lecture by David Miller (University of Warwick, U. Professor Prahiad C. Engg. Biotech. J Anat soc India 2002; 51:101-105. Pvt. Ltd, 2003;149-153. BJOG, VoI. 2002. Koedam N, 2003. Presented a paper on " Urban air pollution in Indian Subcontinent" in the research seminar of `South Asian Network of economic research Institutes' (SANEI) at Dhaka, August, 28-29, 2002. M. Kaushik and S. Natural Products- Isolation and their Biological Activity Green Chemistry and Related Processes Computational chemistry including quantum chemistry using Density Functional, ab initio and semiempirical methods. An accurate charge control model for spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization dependent twodimensional electron gas sheet charge density of lattice mismatched AIGaN/ GaN HEMTs. Impact of Occupational Role Functioning on Psychological well-being of Women", Industrial Psychiatry Journal, Vol. Mitra Arup, 2003. K, Monthly Notices on Royal Astron, 2003 On Characterization of Turbulent Stellar Convection. The total expenditure on books and journals during the period was Rs. A simple staining technique for myeloid precursors in paraffin secttom. The percentage of the students qualifying this examination come out to 85.7%. Invited Lecture on " Chemistry and Biology of Heme" Indian Science Congress 2nd -7th January, 2003, Bangalore. Ed. students as well. Prasad, Sudha and Pal, Shalini " Problem and management of sexually transmitted diseases", J World Health Review, 1 (3)5, 2002. N. Language Academy, New Delhi; pg.216. Comparison of the prevention of aflatoxin B1 - induced genotoxicit by quercetin and quercetin penta-acetate. Sc. computer laboratory, we have strengthened our Molecular Modeling program. Centre for Management Studies. Publications Kumar, Ashok, Mittal, Manika, Prasad, Sudha `Haematocolpos­an uncommon cause of abdominal pain in adolescent girls" JIMA, Vol. Number of Students who cleared NET during the year: 2 Seminars/Conferences held P. Participated in the Dry Land / Desert Cross Cut Meeting of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment in Tashkent, Uzbekistan organized by the ICARDA, Tashkent and UNU, Tokyo from August 10-15, 2003. Order. JAPI, 2002; 50: 1494. Participated in Seminar on " Prospects of Relations between India and Taiwan" at IIC in collaboration with Tamkang University, Taiwan on December, 15, 2002. There are some major items of civil work that assume priority which are still left unaddressed. Clinical Medicine Update (Editor S Chugh) 2002; 143-156. Agarwal M. P, Singh S, Dwivedi R, Giri S, Paliwal M, Dwivedi S. Thakur, MPS Bhatia, " TCP Analysis Over Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks" 2002 IEEE International Conference on Personal Wireless Communications [ICPWC 2002). Chhabra S K. Bhatia V. B, Panchapakesan N, Jain, Dev A, 2003 " Gravitational Lensing constraint on the Cosmic Equation of State". Dhillon: Conference on quest for well being organized by Aastha (Feb 16-18, 2003). CME Book of Proceedings, North Zone ISACON 2002, Patiala. S. Bhojwani appointed as Director, Dayal Bagh Institute, Agra. Indian Pediatr 2002;39: 578-579. Agarwal Bina: 2002, " The Hidden Side of Group Behaviour: A Gender Analysis of Community Forestry Groups in South Asia" (refereed). Nagarkatti R, Rao CB, Rishi JP, Chetiwal R, Shandilya V, Vijayan V, Kumar R, Pemde HK, et al. Tandon R. P, Suri Komila, Annapoorni S. K. Pau, Ashok Kumar and M. Naipaul's Musalman', in Amitava Kumar ed, The Humour and the Pity: Essays on VS. Optimization of protease production from Bacillus sp. Kidwai, M, Dave,B, Bhushan, K. Preventive Medicine 2002; 43: 512-515. Studies in Family Planning (Refereed), 33 (3). Mysore: Central Institute of Indian Languages. Participated in a seminar at South Delhi Campus, University of Delhi on 23.9.2002 on `Critical Rationalism'. Disaster Response Lessons from Gujarat, Contemporary Social Work, Vol. An Uzbakistan Urdu Scholar Mahayya Abdur Rehman delivered a lecture. Mathur, P. C. Indian J. Paediatrics. Article on Sir Lionel Abrahams, for the New Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford 2003. Photobiology 69, 107-120. Noor Mohammad. Enzymes in Organic Transformations. Airway Management in a case of Vallecular Cyst. In physical anthropology, work has been done on genetics, physiology, growth and development, and forensic anthropology. Apart from providing a facilily for both up-to-date and archived information, a use-driven, peer-reviewed architecture of the web-portal will ensure authenticity, quality and currency of the content being contributed by the members of the community. Short Textbook of Psychiatry. Hemal A. K, In contemporary trends in laparoscopic urologic surgery ­ Ed: Hemal AK. November 20, 2002), co-organised by IEG and Centre de Sciences Humanaines. Appi. Microbiol. Gupta H L, Talwar VK et al. Anderson Paul, K, Anand Kumar, P. VII + 93 A. V. Accuracy of references in Indian Journal of Sergery. Similarly genes encoding copper resistance from two other Pseudomonas species have also been cloned. Purification and characterization of a thermostable and acid-stable phytase from Pichia anomalla World J. Chattopadhyay, A, Khan, A. Navneeta Chadha Bahera organized a Regional Workshop, on " Soth Asian Conceptions of International Relations: Search for Alternative Paradigms" for Asian Political and International Studies Association (APISA) held during 2021 October 2003, Goa, India. No.3, January 25, 2003. P. Pathodiya and C. He also worked on thermal expansion- volume and volume-composition relationship in NaCIKCl system. Saxena, D. Chaudhary, R. Ultrasound Intemational; 8:127-33. National Pediatric Pulmonary Conferenceand P. XXVIIth All India Sociological Conference, Indian Sociological Society, IIT Kanpur. Gupta. Cesarean section and reoperative mitral valve replacement for thrombosis of a mechanical valve in a 32 weeks parturient, a case report. It is needless to say that the course has received overwhelming response from various literature departments of different universities in the country. The focus has not only shifted to cultural studies but has also been given a European dimension rather than being limited to individual countries. Collisional Excitation of Na-Rydberg Atoms. K, Agarwal S, Jacob M, Rani S, Chromoblastomycosis: Report of two cases from Nepal, Journal of Dermatoiogy 2002; 29:315-319. Lecture on `Bhawani Prasad Mishra' in Seminar organised by Madhya Pradesh Sahitya Parishad, Bhopal in February, 2003. Dr. S. M. Patnaik P. Statistics 37(1): 51-64. Rajaram S. Sudden bilateral lose of vision postpartum. Advances in History, Calicut'. Akhtarul Iman Ki Nazmiya Shairi", Hindi-Urdu Sahitya Award Committee, Lucknow. Metron 61(1): 27-33. Int J Gyanecol Pathol 2003;22:213. The Department has produced a good number of scholars, in this field, during these years. Chadharys group has developed a novel high-density display system based on bacteriophage lambda, which is being used in functional genomics of infectious diseases. Several members of CIE faculty have been serving the. Seminars/Conferences held An International Training course on " Drug and therapeutic committees" held at Bombay from 23.9.02 to 2.10.02. No. 2: 323-335. Ind Paediatrics 2002, 39: 453-57. N. Memorial Centenary Seminar held at Lucknow, 1-3 March, 2003 P. Sharmila P. (2003) Compatible solutes safeguard structural and functional integrity of photosynthetic machinery in plants under salinity and drought. Right from its inception the Department assumed a character a personality of its own which still remains. S. Gupta, 2002. L. Pan, 2002. Ghosh, S. (2003). J. Geo. Soc. Publications Vibha Maurya publication include: Percepción popular de Espana en la literature India, in India-Espana: sueño y realidad, Madrid, Spain, 2003. Simplified para-nitrophenylpalmitate assay for lipases and esterases. P. Chest Institute and from four different colleges. Vohra, Ashok ­ " Gandhi and Radhakrishnan", Gandhi and his Contemporaries, Edited Bindu Puri, Indian Institute of Advance Studies, Simla, 2002. Electronic Information Environment and Library Services: A contemporary paradigm". Biotech. 61: 424-428. Rare case of spontaneous closure of tracheo-esophageal fistula secondary to disc battery ingestion". Proline accumulation in heavy metal stressed plants: An adaptive strategy. Mukherjee S; (2002) Magnasium Sulphate Prophylaxis in P. K. and Monika Koul, 2003. Sawhney. Regulatory influence of cotyledons on growth correlations of chickpea seedlings. Gene Expression during somatic embryogenesis - recent advances. A. S. Chary and S. Gupta S, Limb body wall complex (LBWC) or the body stalk anomaly. P. S. Sengar and N. S. Majumdar joined as Reader w.e.f. J. Pal. Soc. Under their collaborative agreement with the University of Delhi, the Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, made available to CIE a consultant from South Africa to help us set up the " On-Line Project". The histogenesis of islets in the human fetal pancreas, J. Hindustani and Karnatak ­ the practical aspect has not been neglected.
Boundaries of Clan and Color: Transnational comparisons of Inter group disparity", co-edited with William Darity, Jr. Anand R, Pancreatic pseudocyst of mediastinum, IJRI, 2002, 12(3): 353-354. M. Stern (eds.), India and the WTO (OUP, New York). Dhiwakar M, Thakar A, Bahadur S, Sarkar C, Banerji U, Handa KK, Chhabra SK. Kamal, N. M.; 2003 (2nd Ed.); " Dastam Se Novel; Tak"; S. Paul, USA: " Does Indigenous Knowledge Contribute Towards The Benefits of Bioprospecting?" (28 February, 2002). He also gave the keynote address at a workshop on `Dr. I. T. Chennai. Kaushal R. S, Singh Shweta, 2003 " Complex Dynamic1 Invniants for Onedimensional Classical Systems". Obst and Gynae Today 2003;8: Pages. Another priority is to move the Boys' Hostel from its present makeshift accommodation to a paper building. Om Prakash Bullion For Goods: European and Indian Merchants in the Indian Ocean Trade, 1500-1800, Delhi, 2003. Sudarshan eds.) Permanent Black, Delhi. Madhu S. V, Mittal V. T 10-6. New Luminescent Materials: A Review, P. P Agarwal. Concommitant Gilber's syndrome and Thalassemia tract. Bajpai, V. N, Mahanta, C. Seminars/Conferences attended Arshi, Gurcharan Singh, 2002 Quality, Standards and Recognition. Mandhekar, DN: Jiloha, RC; and Mehndiratta, MM (2002) Challenge with Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs in Risperidone induced Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome: A Case-report. Research Schemes Title MODROB Project on Modernisation of Instrumentation Lab. Bhavani T. Adi: 2002, " Small-scale Units in the Era of Globalisation: Problems and Prospects", in Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. Appointment of Faculty Members to Higher Posts Name Dr. M. L. Bhatia Publications M. Number of Ph. The research in the Department is being carried out in the core areas of Operational Research as well as multi-disciplinary application areas. Variability studies on the viral genome from more than 50 field samples have also indicated the presence of novel viruses. Sc. Biomedical Sciences M. Click here. Paediatric Allergy Immunology 2002, 13:223-26. L. Thakur 2002/ Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla. Dr. Nina Gupta. Seminars/Conferences attended Professor C. ISBN: 3848431645; TITLE: Medicinal Plants of Bangladesh: Vol - IV: Phytochemical Studies on the Rarely Occurring Fruits of Melocanna baccifera (Roxb.) Kurz.; AUTHOR: M. Porphyria with respiratory insufficiency­Case reports. Honours/ Distributions Academic Staff IIRGS received the 2003 World Technology A ward of Biotechnology (Corporate Division) as part of IRGSP, WTN, San Francisco, 2003. Accelerated Tourism Development and its Impacts in Kullu-Manali, H. Major Activities Rice Genome Sequencing The Indian Intiation for Rice Genome Sequencing (IIRGS) at South Campus performed~100,000 sequencing reactions to generate ~45,000 kb of primary sequence data and assembled the sequence into 4-5 million bases of high quality sequence. Pandit and K. Pulse propagation in optically controlled MIS slowwave structure, in abstracts XXVIII National Conference of the Optical Society of India on " Optics and Photonics in Engineering", (New Delhi) 83-84 Jain G, Sunanda, Sharma, E. Laser Damage Studies in Si surface using the ultra short laser pulses". Sundaram) in the Spring Meeting of the World Project Link, April 23 ­ 25, 2003 at United Nations, New York. Effect of reversible phosphorylation on ion channels is being studied using single channel recording coupled with biochemical studies. R. Kalia (ed. D. P. Goyal, Mansingh Abhai, Gulati Sudha, 2002, Electrical equivalent model for the Tin Oxide Bulk Sensors, Sensors and actuators B 87, p309. Role of calcium during epiphyllous bud differentiation in Bryophyllum International Conference on Trends in Cellular and Molecular Biology, at School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi on March, 6-8, 2003 (Rohini Singh and Renu Deswal). Kar Supriya, Panda Sudhakar (Chandra Harish Res. L. and Ramesh,R) 63-68. Statistical optimization of medium components by response surface methodology to enhance phytase production by Pichia anomala Process Biochemistry 37 (9): 999-1004. B. K. Dass Edited the book: Discrete Mathematics and Allied Topics, 2002 xvi + 263 pp. Activation of the sympathetic nervous system is one of the cardinal pathophysiologic abnormalities in patients with chronic heart failure. Cambridge University, MA. Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia 2003; 6: 35-41. Sreenivas K, Chowdhuri Arijit, Gupta V. A, 2002. The first example of triply bonded direhenium (II) complexes that contain -diketonate ligands.

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