Wednesday 28 September 2016

Antidiabetic herbal formulations scientist - Introduction and scope of..

M. Tiwari, «Treatment of jaundice with modern medicine on Ayurvedic principles», Sachitra Ayurved 28 (3): 194-197. H. Vaidya, Cikitsa-candrodaya, 8. G. Pandey, «Medicinal potentials of orchids in Indian flore with reference to Ayurveda», Sachitra Ayurved 45 (6): 457-460. G. D. Singhal, R. V. Varadarajan, K. H. Keswani, Allahabad: G. Janardan Pandey, Bananas: Banaras Hindu University Library. Mumbainta: Jnanadarpanachapakhyanta. Isotonix® OPC-3 Antioxidants Supplement - Promotes cardiovascular health, maintain healthy cholesterol and blood glucose levels. Order your Isotonix OPC-3 today! P. Jain, «A clinical trial of bharangi in cases of tamaka swasa (bronchial asthma)», Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Siddha 1 (4): 470-478. S. S. Bahulkar, «Concept of premature death in the Ayurveda», Memoirs of the Society for Ayurveda in Japan 19: 89-99. D. Tancredi, The ambiguities of Ayurvedic medical practice in modernizing urban India, Thesis, Harvard University. S. N. Yoganarasimhan, «New sources for Ayurvedic drugs», in Proceedings of the 67th Indian Science Congress. III. Effects of indigenous anti-diabetic druggs against the acute hyperglycaemic response of anterior pituitary extract in glucose fed albino rats», Indian Journal of Medical Research 51: 716-724. Externally, a medicinal infusion of the flowers in olive oil is applied to wounds, sores, burns, ulcers, swellings, cramps, rheumatism, tumors, caked breasts, and other skin problems. H. Singh (eds), Science and philosophy of Indian medicine, Nagpur: Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan. Khadira) in the treatment of lepromatous leprosy», International Journal of Leprosy and other Mycobacterial Diseases 37 (3): 302-307. L. V. Guru, «Traditional medicine and Ayurveda», Paper presented at ICTAM II, Surabaya. Chopra, «Maharishi Ayur-Veda: modern insights into ancient medicine», JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association 265 (20): 2633-2634, 2637. C. M. Tiwary & I. G. Raya, Ayurvediya-paribhasha. Part II», Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Siddha 2 (1): 1-10. K. Rohatgi, «A delphi study on health in future India», Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 39 (7): 359-363. B. Tripadthi, Alopecia and its treatment by Ayurvedic drugs, Publication Thesis, B. Bhargava (eds), Medical anthropology: recent researches, [S.l.]: [s.n.], 69-71. K. Kashyap, «Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in traditional medicinal preparations», Human and Experimental Toxicology 10 (5): 347-350. Ch. Subbaraya Sastri, «Discovery of Ayurveda», Nagarjun 19 (7): 9-11. S. Pendse & V. Come here. N. Nagaraju & P. Changani, 2. Santhakumari, «Anti-ulcerogenic activity of ayurvedic preparation taramanduram: a preliminary study», Indian Journal of Pharmacology 11 (2): 93-100. Pr. Chatterjee, «Ayurveda in Bengal then and now - II», Nagarjun 3: 245-265. Rajagopalan & K. M. Amoros, «Recherche des propriétés antivirales des extraits d'origine naturelle», Ayurveda Newsletter (European Society of Ethnopharmacology) 9. P. Vijayan, K. K. Sharma, «Purgative in Ayurveda - Part I», Nagarjun 4 (11): 997-999. V. V. Gokhale, «The traditional system of Indian medicine (Ayurveda): the background», Nihon Ishigaku Zasshi 17: 348-362. A more important property of this plants is the general metabolic stimulation it achieves, above all increasing connective tissue resistance.  As connective tissues are also involved in rheumatic conditions, this explains the usefulness of the drug in this field.  In the use of this plant, emphasis should be placed not so much on the diuretic effect, as has been generally assumed so far, but the antidyscratic and humoral actions.  The key indications are therefore more in the metabolic spehre. G. N. Sinha,  B. Lad, The yoga of herbs: an ayurvedic guide to herbal medicine, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers. Brodie & A. T. N. Vasudevan & M. Shantakumari, Parinamashula:  a report of assessment of classical therapy, New Delhi:  Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha, Govt. K. Tripathi, «Study on the antifertility effect of nirgundi», Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Siddha 13 (1-2): 89-93. S. M. Bah, «Epidemiologic and health transition in Mauritius», In'gu munje nonjip 15: 137-159.

S. Venkataram & S. A. Singh, R. The Journal of Research and Education in Indian Medicine 2 (3-4) & 3 (3-4)). P. M. Mehta,  «The physician's ideals and code of ethics in the golden age of Ayurveda», The Antiseptic 49(12):933-942. V. Panditarava, A. G. Gopakumar, B. Nath & R. A. Lee, «Lead poisoning from Indian herbal medicine (Ayurveda)», The Medical Journal of Australia 157 (11-12): 835-836. B. K. Kapahi, T. K. N. Namboodiri, «Clinical study on the treatment of amavata with compound Ayurvedic preparation», Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Siddha 5 (1): 1-11. D. V. Sandu, Indian therapeutics, 2nd ed, Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications. P. Sharma. Prakkathanalekhaka Govardhana Sh. H. Ratner & J. H. K. Singh & B. K. H. Krishnamurthy, A source book of Indian medicine: an anthology, Delhi: B. A. Aseeva, ‘Vaidur'ia -onbo'-traktat indo-tibetskoi meditsiny. National Conference on Herbal Science, Constitution Club, Rafi Marg, New Delhi, 30th Sept. R. K. Asundi & R. VII», Nagarjun 4 (10): 857-870. S. Hegde, «In vivo and in vitro effect of and Ayurvedic formulation ‘M2 Tone' on the uterus», The Indian Practitioner 37 (9): 847-854. Is it only a placebo?», The Journal of the Associations of Physicians of India 42 (6): 466-467. D. E. Smith & J. V. W. Karambelkar, The Atharva-veda and the Ayur-veda, Nagpur: [s. Preliminary report)», Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Siddha 1 (3): 409-416. You can set up a dedicated website to reach out to those looking out for herbal remedies and popularize your offering. This is a holistic medical science where various aspects of the person are considered before any herbal medication is prescribed. Fry Collection», Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences 34 (4): 459. Comeback. C. Malhotra, D. N. E. Waxler, «Behavioral convergence and institutional separation: an analysis of plural medicine in Sri Lanka», Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 8 (2): 187-205. J. Fernando, «Training doctors for family practice in primary health care work in Sri Lanka», Social Science & Medicine 17 (19): 1457-61. B. C. Roy National Award Fund, Office of the Medical Council of India. M. G. Weiss, S. Muzaffer Alam, R. Gathwala, L. G. Soehnlein, «Acquaitance with Islamic medicine», Krankenpflege Journal 21 (3): 8-9. M. M. Pandya, «Ayurvedic armamentariums for G. Parts II», Journal of Research in Indian Medicine  10 (4): 97-105. V. Subba Rao, «Preventive medicine in Ayurveda I», Nagarjun 4 (12): 1081-1095. Ezzouhairi, N. S. Sridhar, L. S. No. Project Name: Project Scheme: Year: Name of the Co-ordinator: Amt Sanctioned (Lakhs) 1: Development of high temperature Resistant Polymeric Nanofiber for Shubhangi, S. K. N. Namboodiri, T. Ways and means for improvement», International Surgery 50 (6): 533-537. R. H. Singh, R. T. G Ramamurthi Iyer, «Cobra bite», The Journal of Ayurveda 6 (7): 243-246. C. R. Karnick, «Newer aspects toward better understanding of Ayurvedic system of medicine», Sachitra Ayurved, June issue. Seshadri, R. B. Baillière et fils. P. Shukla, «Clinical evaluation of snehana», The Journal of Research and Education in Indian Medicine 11 (2): 27-34. C. B. Dubey, Ayurvedic concept of aetiology, pathology and management of bronchial asthma, Varanasi: B. Ramachandran Nair, N. N. Singh & R. Gupta & S. B. Saunders. S. Brajanath, Vaidyakasaroddharah, [S. Singh, «An experimental evaluation of possible teratogenic potential in Boerhaavia diffusa in Albino rats», Planta Medica 57 (4): 315-316. P. N. Desai, «Medical ethics in India», The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 13 (3): 231-255. P. V. Sharma, «Caraka's definition of Ayurveda», in ‘Caraka oration', XIIth All India Conference of NIMA, Varanasi, 23rd October 1983, Journal of NIMA, September issue. R. C. Nayar, «A review of the Ayurvedic drug sariba», Journal of Research in Indian Medicine 14 (2): 69-79. Girindra Nath Mukherjee», Journal of Ayurveda 12 (8): 82-84. Young (eds), Paths to Asian medical knowledge, Berkeley: University of California Press, 109-223. D. thesis, Rajasthan University, Jaipur. S. Ch. Varshney & L. Pande, A. V. V. Sr. Moosad, «Need for developing Ayurvedic pharmaceutical industry», Aryavaidyan 1 (1): 30-34. Kaushic & G. G. K. P. Pillai, P. J. G. Srivastava, «Botanical studies of some Ayurvedic and Yunani drugs: ‘bidhara'», Quarterly Journal of Crude Drug Research 7: 1051-1058. Chaturvedi & B. Ring, «Antiasthmatic effects of Picrorhiza kurroa: androsin prevents allergen- and PAF-induced bronchial obstruction in guinea pigs», International Archives of Allergy and Applied Immunology 95 (2-3): 128-133. Tulsi extract was administered to 20 patients with shortness of breath secondary to tropical eosinophia in an oral dosage of 500 mg TID and an improvement in breathing was noted. Deka, «Some Ayurvedic important plants from District Kamrup (Assam)», Ancient Science of Life 3 (2): 108-115. Shivaprasad», Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 2 (3): 272-283. The in vitro assays outlined in the previous section can serve as an excellent foundation for additional preclinical and clinical studies of promising formulations. C. Robert, L'homéopathie en Inde, Thèse de Doctorat, Université de Grenoble I. Desai, Kalakatta:  Sri Vaidyanatha Ayurveda Bhavana. Cennai: Arivuc Cutar. M. Yano, «Caraca Samhita» (6), Nippon rinsho. Patki & Bh. H. Singh, «Hypoglycaemic coma due to ayurvedic preparations», The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India 35 (12): 874. Sh. Dahanukar & S. Janaki, R. Revathi & S. S. Togunashi, «Identification of a market sample of an Ayurvedic drug takkola from South India», Paper read at the XXX Indian Pharmaceutical Congress, held at Calcutta, 26-28 December 1978; abstract in Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 40 (6): 243 & Sachitra Ayurved 31 (8): 764. Johnswort acts as an antidepressant is not fully understood. Etude comparée de quelques plantes médicinales,  Thèse d'exercice, Université de Nantes. Kashyap (eds), Five specialised therapies of ayurveda, Pancakarma:  based on Ayurveda saukhyam of Todarananda, New Delhi:  Cocept Pub. Sampurnanand, «A plea for the study of the principles underlying Ayurveda», Nagarjun 4 (12): 1037-1040. D. Thesis, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, Ann Arbor. N. D. Row, «Glances at Ayurveda», The Journal of Ayurveda 4 (7): 245-251. J.: Middle Atlantic Press. Gopal; introd. D. A. Karunaratna [et al.], Vikramaracci abhinandana granthaya, Kalaniya:  Shri Lanka Siddhayurveda Vaidya Samagama. H. E. Sigerist, A history of medicine, vol. R. P. Trivedi,  Rajakiya-osadhiyoga-sangrahah kalpavijnanasammilitah = A pharmacopoeia of standard ayurvedic medicines, Banarasa: Caukhamba Samskrota Pustakalaya. Hattori & Ts. Ayurveda sadakosaya /  Desiya Vaidya Amatyamsaye Bandaranayaka Anusmarana Ayurveda Paryesanayatanaya magin sampadita yi, Nugegoda:  Dipani. To help with indigestion and gas, pour boiling water over crushed fennel seeds (1 tsp seed to a pt of water).  The seeds are simmered in syrups for coughs, shortness of breath, and wheezing.  The leaves and seeds when boiled with barley increase breast milk. B. Khanna, New Delhi:  R.

Antidiabetic herbal formulations scientist

K. Goel & A. A. S. R. Bulletin Ayurvedalok (Jamnagar) 2: 2. M. R. Samey, «Indigenous systems of medicine and the Punjab Government's attitude», The Journal of Ayurveda 4 (2): 41-50. G. Raman & B. N. Yoganarasimhan, «A contribution towards a nomenclatural code and drug index for ayurvedic drugs», Sachitra Ayurved 27: 607-615. S. Patki, V. Govindadasa, son of Candracuda, Bhaisajyaratnavali. R. K. Tyagi, M. N. Vaidya, Svasthya-samhita, [S. P. Ramachandran Nair [et al.], «Comparative clinical study of gridhrasi with sahacaradi taila vis-a-vis bhadradarvadi taila», Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Siddha 6 (2): 121-131. L. P. Singh, D. Guggulu (resin from Commiphora mukul). B. Rama Rao, «Gleanings in the history of Ayurveda in Hyderabad», in Souvenir of the First Medical Convention of the Ayurvedic Medical Graduates Association (Hyderabad) 11-14. E. Bazaron & T. Cikitsa tilakam of Srinivasa, edited with introduction by S. Factors influencing state policy in British India», Social History of Medicine 8: 13-19. A treatise on Ayurvedic physiognomy», Nagarjun 21 (7): 1-7. R. F. Müller, «Summary of several present evaluations of indian medicine», Centaurus 16: 194-211. Kumar, «Clinical trial of arka-mula-twak - bark of Calotropis procera. P. R. Fleischman, «Ayurveda», The International Journal of Social Psychiatry 22 (4): 282-287. Y. Krishan, «The doctrine of Karma and Ayurveda», Bulletin of the Indian Institute of History of Medicine (Hyderabad) 10 (1-4): 34-9. N. G. K. Pillai, T. D. V. Aggarwal, Clinical and experimental studies on Ayurvedic hypocholesterolemic drugs, Thesis B. E. Citamparatanuppillai, Kamalai noyum maruntum, 1. Ajaishankar, M. Sh. Sharma, «Moral hygiene in Ayurveda», Nagarjun 3, 275-279. M. V. Govindaswamy, «Need for research in systems of Indian philosophy and Ayurveda with special reference to psychological medicine», Journal of the Indian Medical Association 18 (8): 283-286. B. V. Manyam, «Paralysis agitans and levodopa in ‘Ayurveda': ancient Indian medical treatise», Movement Disorders: Official Journal of the Movement Disorder Society 5 (1): 47-48. It warms the stomach and helps digestion.  The juice boiled with honey is good for a cough, to cut and expectorate tough phlegm.  The seed bruised and boiled in wine is a good remedy for colicky wind or the stone, if drank warm.  The seeds have also been used to promote sneezing. C. R. Karnick, «Phytochemical screening of some medicinal plants used in Ayurvedic system of medicine», Bulletin of Medico-Ethno-Botanical Research 2 (3): 364-383. N. Tripathi, G. Department of Pharmacology, S. Chopra & Veena Amla, «Picrorhiza kurroa, an ayurvedic herb, may potentiate photochemotherapy in vitiligo», Journal of Ethnopharmacology 27 (3): 347-352. Vaijnanika-vimarshopeta-'Subodhini' Hindivyakhyaya, 'Laksmi' tippanya parishistaishca vibhusita. J. Mitra, A critical appraisal of Ayurvedic material in Buddhist literature, with special reference to Tripitaka, Varanasi: Jyotiralok Prakashan. Cennai:  Niyu Cencuri Puk Havus. Sanskrit text, Calcutta: University of Calcutta. Disease spread is also prevented by burning guanz hong with moxa (Artemisia argyi) as a fumigant. Revathy, V. Rajagopalan, K. A. Comba, «Universal and particular in Vaishedsika and in Ayurveda», Journal or Engineering and Applied Sciences 1: 7-32. W. Peiris, «Ayurveda», Ceylon Today, Colombo, 12 (1) (January), 22-24. Ravana, Naripariksa, Ravanakrota, sampadaka Jagannathaprasada Sukla, Prayaga: Sudhanidhi Karyalaya. R. Paul & S. P. Vijayan, P. Kanase, «Effect of hepatoprotective ayurvedic drugs on lysosomal enzymes during hepatic injury induced by single dose of CCl4», The Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 32 (5): 328-332. R. Haider, A. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine 34 (8): 1747-1750. G. Fischer Verlag. B. Yelne, «Notes on the Jawarharlal Nehru Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants Garden, Poona. K. Sanyal, «Assessment of duodenal ulcer and its treatment response by salivary secretion effect of banana and coconut containing Ayurvedic preparation», Indian Journal of Pharmacology 17, 246. The leaves have also been used successfully as an astringent in diarrhea. K. Wallace & J. D. Sharma, Sanakhya shastra aura Caraka samhita ka darshanika anushilana, Nai Dilli:  Klasikala Pablishinga Kampani. I). In vitro study on amylase and cholinesterase activities», Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Siddha 13 (1-2): 48-55. K. T. Silva, «Ayurveda, malaria and the indigenous herbal tradition in Sri Lanka», Social Science & Medicine 33 (2): 153-160. V. Tewari, «Determination and reversion of sex (according to Ayurvedic classics)», Nagarjun 13 (5): 13-19. P. Kishore, S. A. Comba, La medicina indiana (Ayurveda), Torino: Promolibri. H. C. Ganguli & a foreword by B. B. B. Gaitonde, «Pharmacological screening of Ayurvedic drugs», in Sh. It goes to the mid-brain and actually makes those nerve cells fire as if you were full. Paranjpe, «Clinical assessment of Ayurvedic antiobesity drugs. K. S. Kumari & K. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine 33 (11): 3291-3295. B. Patwardhan,  & M. D. Agarwal, «Antiquity of arka kalpna in Ayurvedic classics», Sachitra Ayurved 38 (6): 477-480. M. Yano, «Caraca Samhita» (5), Nippon rinsho. V. N. Pandey, S. V. Holla, «A concept to improve the stagnant Ayurvedic materia medica», Ancient Science of Life 5 (1): 49-53. An overview», Ancient Science of Life 10 (2): 132-136. Handoo», Journal of Indian Folkloristics 34 (2): 65-88. Pr. Chatterjee, «Outline of Ayurvedic literature in India», Nagarjun 15 (9) 9-16. J. Thakkara; sampadaka, D. Sharma (ed.), Realms of ayurveda: scientific excursions by nineteen scholars, New Delhi: Arnold-Heinemann, 311-325. M. Z. Hossain, B. H. Bergemann, «Jivaka: skull surgeon and ‘x-ray physician' in ancient India», Blätter für Zahnheilkunde 29 (7): 112-115. Herb of the Wolf (Hymenoxys hoopesii): Pains due to rheumatism or pulmonary diseases are treated by rubbing with the dried, ground roots.  A tea made by boiling the roots has been used to treat stomachache and diarrhea, and to eliminate intestinal worms.  A snuff made from the crushed blossoms and the leaves of Psoralidium lanceolatum has been inhaled in the treatment of headaches and hay fever. S. S. Wijesinha, «El Zahrawi (936-1013 AD), the father of operative surgery», Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England 65 (6): 423. A convenient assay for assessing the anti-inflammatory potential of a compound involves monitoring NF-κB inhibition. Figwort   (Scrophularia nodosa ): Powerful medicines whenever enlarged glands are present including nodosities in the breasts. P. K. Warrier, «The importance of black pepper in Ayurveda», Indian Spices 18: 3-5. Fir, Himalayan (Abies spectabilis): The leaves are used in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis etc. Varanasi:  Caukhamba Samskrta sirija aphisa. D. C. Muthu, A short account of the antiquity of Hindu medicine, 2nd ed, London: Bailliere, Tindall and Co. D. Gulati & S. G. R. Nathani, Rogu nivarani Ganga = Roga nivarani Ganga = Rog Nivarani Ganga: ayurvedik sidhanta anusari likhyalu bimaryuni je jana ‘ain ‘ilaja jo sankhiptu sangrahu, 3rd chapo, Bumbai: Go. Kumar, «Obstetric surgery in Ayurveda», in S. Mahdihassan, «Essences», Hamdard 27 (1-2): 125-133. C. H. Ross, «Grannny's herbs and the witch doctor», Medical Times 93: 801-802. U. C. Dutt, The materia medica of the Hindus; with a glossary of Indian plants by G. N. Ch. Ghose, «The role of the Ayurveda in modern India», Nagarjun 4 (2): 113-118. D. C. Dwivedi & G. Varanasi: Caukhamba samskrota sirija aphisa. Channabasavanna, D. Edelstein, New York: Arno Press [Reprint of the ed. G. N. Mukherjee, «Bhattaraka Hariscandra», Journal of Ayurveda 10 (11): 406-414. Paul, P. B. Behere & R. Stuppner, H. P. Kishore, K. Narayana Shastri Purandare, Poona: Anandasrama Press. Keshavarama, ‘ Vyasa' ityupakhyena ‘Keshavaramena' viracitah Laghunighantah / edited by A. R. N. Dwivedi, «Urine formation and urinary disorders in Ayurveda (physiological aspects)», Journal of Research in Indian Medicine 5 (2): 195-198. Tomson, «Medicines and culture: a double perspective on drug utilization in a developing country», Social Science and Medicine 34 (3): 307-315. C. M. I. Simon, Brother, Visavaidyam: prathama cikitsakalum pratyausdhannalum, Mannanam: St. J. Kayal & S. E. Emmerick, 2 vol, Wiesbaden:  Steiner. K. Butzenberger & M. Samiti, Bhesaja-samhita = Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia, Amadavada: Svasthya Mantralaya, Gujarta Rajya. L. Godhwani, «Effect of Brahmi rasayan on the central nervous system», Journal of Ethnopharmacology 21 (1): 674. D. Stangle, 2nd rev. M. L. Prasad, P. G. Huguet, La médecine indienne traditionnelle et la fin de la vie: considérations éthiques et médicales, intérêt pratique actuel, Thèse de Doctorat, Université de Bordeaux II. M. G. Ramu [et al.], «Ksiradhara in anxiety neurosis (cittodvega): a pilot study», Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Siddha 3 (3-4): 126-132. Satara):  Shripada Damodara Satavalekara. S. Pramanik, R. Rosu, Paris: Collège de France, Institut de civilisation indienne: de Boccard [distributor]. R. K. Bharilla, «Ayurvediya snatakottar sikdsadn ki aitihasik pdrdsdthabhumi (Historical background of Ayurvedic post-graduate education)», Sachitra Ayurved 17 (5): 104-107. S. Rajasekharan & G. J. Poletti, Pharmacopée ophtalmologique traditionnelle, avec la participation de A. G. S. Pendse & M. Forst. (varuna): the Ayurvedic drug of choice in urinary disorders», Indian Journal of Medical Research 76, 46-53. M. Nichter, «Negotiation of the illness experience: Ayurvedic therapy and psychosocial dimension of illness», Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 5 (1): 5-24. R. R. Pathak, «Metaphysical and philosophical discussion in Ayurveda»,  Sachitra Ayurved 25 (12): 1-13. B. G. Ghanekara, Atmanivedana ani Hindu Visvavidyalaya darsana, prastavana lekhaka, Balavanta Ganesa Khaparde, Pune: Kesari Karyalaya. L. S. Bhatnagar, Research Papers presented at Ayurvedic Research Seminar, Jamnagar: Gujarat Ayurveda University. A. Roy, «Diabetes in Ayurveda», Nagarjun 4 (1): 33-43. S. K. Mishra, «Ayurvedic approach to clinical medicine. K. Chakravarthy, «Experimental model for the study of antidiabetic effect of Ayurvedic metallic preparations», Ancient Science of Life 7 (1): 49-54. Sanjivaravu, Haidarabadu:  Telugu Akadami. R. Frankenberg, «Allopathic medicine, profession, and capitalist ideology in India», Social Science and Medicine. For example, a folk practice in southern China is to treat drinking water with this herb to ward off common cold. V.  Bhide, «Effect of plant phenols, beta-carotene and alpha-tocopherol on benzo[a]pyrene-induced DNA damage in the mouse forestomach mucosa (target organ) and bone marrow polychromatic erythrocytes (non-target organ)», Mutation Research 303(2): 97-100. P. K. Sarkar, «Unethical», Journal of the Indian Medical Association 87 (2): 49. K. J. P. Subhakta, «A pilot study of svetapradara (leucorrhoea) and amalaka guggulu», Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Siddha 6 (2): 213-237. K. Raghunathan & R. M. Sivaramakrishnan & V. V. Dharmalingam, M. J.-M. Peny, Approches des principes fondamentaux de la médecine ayurvedique, Thèse de Doctorat, Université de Nantes. M. Kauffman & H. A preliminary report», Leprosy in India 51 (1): 103-105. M. Yano, «Caraka Samhita (16)», Nippon rinscho. C. E. Taylor & C. Mahdihassan, «Calcined metals or kushtas», Hamdard 27 (1-2): 117-124. N. Islam, «On a national drug policy for Bangladesh», Tropical Doctor 14 (1): 3-7. K. Akbar, & K. Y. B. Tripathi, S. Y. Gupta, Visa-vijnana, Varanasi: Caukhamba Samskrota Sirija Aphisa. While one does not necessarily need to become a doctor, more than a passing knowledge of the nature of herbal cures is absolutely essential. S. K. Jain, Dictionary of Indian folk medicine and ethnobotany: a reference manual of man-plant relationships, ethnic groups & ethnobotanists in India, foreword by Richard Evans Schultes, New Delhi: Deep Publications. Central Council for Research in Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy. T. Wise, Commentary on the Hindu system of medicine: an exposition of ancient Indian medicine as embodied in Sanskrit literature, Amsterdam: APA-Oriental Press [Reprint of the 1st ed. A. D. Trivedi, «Hydrargyri perchloridum HgCl$_2$; hydrargyri sulphurettum», Journal of Ayurveda 4 (8): 298-304. Dixit & R. J. de Bondt, De medicina Indorum, libri IV, Lugduni Batavorum: apud vid. S. C. Gupta, «Some observations on the practice of social and preventive medicine in ancient India», Social Sciences and Medicine 4 (1): 65-74. N. Singh, R. Balachandran, S. P. K. M. De Silva & S. A. Roscu, Notic sur les priorités en Ayurveda et rasashastra, in G. Rama Rao, «Urine in ancient Ayurvedic literature», Bulletin of the Indian Institute of History of Medicine (Hyderabad) 10: 48-52. Pt 2): 387-394. R. Akhtar & N. A. P. Sharma, «Pharmacognosy of Ayurvedic drugs - pashanabheda - Bergenia spp.», Nagarjun 9 (7): 236 & 238-242. R. Sharma, A. The oil extract of the plant can be taken for stomach ache, colic, intestinal problems, and as an expectorant for the congestion in the lungs. G. C. Bodeker, Planning and training for indigenous health services: implications from India's experience with Ayurveda, ms, Harvard Graduate School of education. M. Alam, T. Susan, S. Saxena, R. C. P. M. Mehta, «Ayurvedic approach to the problems of health», Hinduism 40: 101-123. M. Yano, «Caraka Samhita (19)», Nippon rinscho. T. S. Rao [et al.], «Observations on the reduction of sotha in cases of slipada (filariasis) with nityananda rasa and bhunimba vati: a pilot study», Journal of research in Ayurveda and Siddha 6: 59-77. A comparative appraisal of their therapeutic value», Sachitra Ayurved 28 (10): 605-619. P. Sen, «Studies on rajat bhasma: an Ayurvedic silver preparation. H. Krishnamurthy, «Identity of sweta punarnava», Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 21 C: 249-255. Agnivesha's treatise refined and annotated by Caraka and redacted by Ddroddhabala (text with English translation), vol. T. Dupart, Contribution à l'étude d'une médecine traditionnelle, l'ayurvéda. III», Ancient Science of Life 3 (4): 188-192. Sarma, Varanasi: Caukhambha Oriyantaliya. Y. Kisora Gupta, Siddha-bhesaja-sangraha, sampadaka Gangasahaya Pandeya, Benares City: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office. Two psychotherapic tales, London: Luzac & Co. 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Bajracharya, Ayurvedic medicinal plants and general treatment, Kathmandu: Piyusavarsi Ausadhalaya. K. Publishers, 124-135. A. Verma & S. B. D. Basu, «Prize Essay on Hindu medicine», Guy's Hospital Gazette, March issue. An attempt at an interpretation of Caraka-Samhita 4. P. L Yadav, «Myths and beliefs about diseases of ear, nose and throat», Tropical Doctor 22 (4): 170. Faculty at National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) S. A. S. Nagar R. Trivedi, Rastriyacikitsa-siddhayogasangrahah, Vararnasi: Caukhamba Samskrota Sirija Aphisa. It is applied externally to wounds etc. D. S. Kumar & Y. Fenugreek ( Trigonella foenum-graecum)  Uses have been an aid to digestion and treat inflammations.  Medicinal use and commercial cultivation is at present on the increase.  Its seeds are high (40%) in mucilage, an emollient soothing to the skin and used as an emulsifier in drugs and food.  The seeds also contain diosgenin, a steroid that can be converted to pregnenolone (a steroid formed during the synthesis of hormones) and progesterone, the anti-estrogen hormone secreted by pregnant women.  The seeds are reported to contain chemicals that inactivate trypsin and chymotrypsin, enzymes making it possible for your body to digest protein.  But there is no evidence that fenugreek used to season food has any such effect.  Seeds are high in protein and contain trigonelline, a nitrogen compound found in many legumes.  When trigonelline comes in contact with acids or is heated, it yields nicotinic acid (niacin), the B vitamin that prevents pellagra.  Grind seed coarsely, infuse and drink as a tonic tea to stimulate digestion and milk flow, ease coughing, flatulence and diarrhea.  Make a mushy poultice of crushed seed and hot milk for inflammation, ulcers, swollen glands, sciatica and bruises.  Said to be effective in treating fevers.  The seeds have galactogenic and anthelminthic properties; the ancients believed them to be aphrodisiac. 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Tabor, «Ripe and unripe: concepts of health and sickness in ayurvedic medicine», Social Science and Medicine 15: 439-455. Best pills for diabetes erectile dysfunction walmart Nagaraju & K. K. S. Jayaraman, «Burns in India», The Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation 15 (3): 260-268. Bhusan Adhikary, «Chemical examination of Ayurvedic metallic preparations. S. Vinchoo, M. V. A. Bedekar, A lexicographical study, Doctoral Thesis, Deccan College Post-Graduate & Research Institute, Poona. D. thesis (Ayurveda), Varanasi : B. Rajamroganka, Tanjore: Tanjore Maharaja Serfoji's Sarasvati Mahal Library. N. R. Acharya with V. AMCO Magazine, B. V. D. Patil, U. Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. J. S. Neki, «Guru-chela relationship: the possibility of therapeutic paradigm», American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 43 (5): 755-766. H. Singh, «A comparative study of Ayurvedic drugs Picorrhiza kurroa (kutaki) and Berberis aristata (daru haridra) in acute viral hepatitis at Varanasi (India)», The Journal of Research and Education in Indian Medicine 10 (4): 1-4. R. N. Jain, Contributions of Jainism to Ayurveda, Pune: Chakor Publication. Filliozat, 3rd  ed, New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers. Rao & A. It is also very effectual in treating bed wetting in children. Gentian, Chinese (Gentiana longdancao ): This herb is used for inflammatory conditions associated with jaundice, itching, herpes virus, leucorrhea, venereal diseases, hepatitis, cholecystitis, and hypertension. P. V. Sharma, «Objective methods for study of pharmacological principles of Ayurveda», Nagarjun 8 (2) (July issue). K. P. Varadhan, «Introduction to pushpa ayurveda», Ancient Science of Life 4 (3): 153-157. L. Handa, «Need for the cultivation of vegetable drugs used in Ayurvedic and Unani medicines», Indian Journal of Pharmacy 18 (9): 364-377. V. K. Agarwal, «Sulphur as described in Ayurveda», Sachitra Ayurved 24 (10): 633-635. National Conference on Medical and Health Education, August 27-30, 1979, New Delhi:  resume of discussion, New Delhi:  Govt. D, New Delhi:  Indian National Science Academy. P. D. Multani, «Standardisation of Ayurvedic drug», Sachitra Ayurved 34 (10): 733-736. Harber, «A case of mistaken identity: herbal medicine as a cause of lead toxicity», American Journal of Indian Medicine 20 (6): 795-798. Gupta, S. M. The thorns are used in the treatment of acute purulent inflammation, dermatopathies and tonsillitis. M. Alam, S. Joy, A. In the 1920s, preliminary scientific studies found some evidence that Gymnema leaves can reduce blood sugar levels, but nothing much came of this observation for decades.  It is a taste suppressant.  By topical application gymnema has been shown to block the sweet and some of the bitter taste, but not salt and acid taste.  By keeping off the sweet taste it helps to control a craving for sugar.  Responsible for this are considered saponins.  Gymnema has also shown mild hypoglycemic effect.  Topically (applied to the tongue, mainly to the tip or by chewing) it is used to control a craving for sugar, recommended as an aid to a weightloss diet and diabetes.  Internally it is used as an adjuvant (tea, h.p.) for diabetes. T. Joseph & G. Parkhe, Chikitsa: collection of research articles on ayurveda, Shivapuri, Akalkot, Dist. Solapur, Maharashtra:  Dharmatma Tatyajimaharaj Memorial Medical Relief Trust. Govindadasa, Shri Bhaisajyaratnavali:  ‘Piyusa-varsini'  vyakhya sameta / Shrigovindadasa viracita; vyakhyakara, L. G. Santhakumari, C. B. Simhaji, A short history of Aryan medical science, Gondal: Electric Rint. P. Mamgain, & R. E. Schultz, Kennt die alte indische Literatur über die Heilkunst, Berlin: [s.n.]. G. D. Singhal & R. R. N. Murthy (eds), Scientific heritage of India: Proceedings of a national seminar, September 19-21, 1986, Bangalore, Bangalore: Mythic Society 1988, 140-145. Use with caution in cases of yin deficiency with heat signs. B. Vijayalakshmi,  B. Guan zhong is usually combined with other anti-infection herbs, like isatis, and provided in prepared remedies for both treating and preventing respiratory tract infections. J. P. S. Oberai & P. N. Upadhyaya, «Clinical evaluation of Acacia catechu, Willd. Jakhmola, A. H. R. Zimmer, Hindu medicine / edited with a foreword and preface by L. D. Ojha, R. K. Varanasi:  Caukhanba Samskrta Sirija Aphisa. V. Narasimham, «Evaluation of Ayush-64 for blood schizontocidal activity against rodent and simian malaria parasites», Indian Journal of Malariology  28(4): 255-258. S. N. Joglekar, S. India, New Delhi, Hyderabad: Indian Institute of History of Medicine. P. I. Tomas, Vishavaidyam, Kottayam:  Di. Kumar, «To evaluate the effect of Ayurvedic drugs sweta parpati with pashanbheda and gokhshuru im mutrasmari (urolithiasis)», Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Siddha 14 (3-4), 98-114. R. Shankara, S. R. S. Singh & B. Part II», Nagarjun (3): 79-84. V. M. Nanal, & R. Gso rig kho pa: the major Indic treatises and commentaries on ayurvedic medicine translated into Tibetan vol. The leaf juice is antiperiodic. Y. Gupta, Vyavaharayurveda aura Vishavijnana, 3 vol, [S. A double blind placebo controlled study», Journal of the National Integrated Medical Association 32 (1): 7-11. Kirfel, Leiden:  E. S. Prabhakar, «A survey of cardioactive drug formulations from Ayurveda: Single drug remedies», Aryavaidyan 4 (2): 105-108. A. Jacob, M. B. Dash, «The concept of Agni in Ayurveda with special reference to agnibala pariksha», Nagarjun 8 (4): 438-446; 8 (7):   488-499; 8 (8): 531-538; 8 (12): 729-738; 9 (1): 757-761; 9 (3) 77-81; 9 (4): 125-132. A. F. R. Hoernle, Studies in the medicine of ancient India: Osteology, or, The bones of the human body, New Delhi: Concept [Reprint of the ed. J. B. Khanna, The surgical instruments of the Hindus: with a comparative study of the surgical instruments of the Greek, Roman, Arab, and the modern European surgeons, New Delhi: R. N. Murthy, «Antihepatotoxic activity of some ayurvedic preparations», Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 55 (4): 137-140. V. Lad, Ayurveda.
It has long been known in Ayurvedic literature as a tonic, vitalizer and a remedy for diabetes and metabolic disorders. V. Subba Reddy (ed.), Western epitomes of Indian medicine, Hyderabad Upgraded Dept. Venkatasubramanya Sastri, Madras: Government Oriental Manuscripts Library. G. L. Ahuja, «Hridroga (diseases of heart) and other treatment in Ayurveda with my practical experience of 5 years», Journal of the National Integrated Medical Association 32 (3): 9-11. Dissanayake (eds.), Self as body in Asian theory and practice, Albany: State University of New York Press, 103-121. B. V. Spicilegium observationum de Indorum morbis et medicina.. J. Meulenbeld (ed.), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Priorities in the Study of Indian Medicine, held at the State University of Groningen, 23-27 October 1983, Groningen: Institute of Indian Studies, University of Groningen, 337-343. Akattiyar, Akattiya Munivararuliya Karpa muppu kurunul nuru, [S. Dvivedi evam T. K. Ojha, «Studies on the absorption and excretion of the Ayurvedic mercurials», The Medicine and Surgery, December issue, 33-40. C. Shukla, «The concept of ojas in Ayurveda», Sachitra Ayurved 29 (8): 576-583. Sushruta, Susrutamhita. J. S. Neki, «Ausar (‘Kairos'): and its place in creative psychotherapy», Psychoanalytic Review 68 (3): 425-449. J. Citracarya, Satkarmasastram, pemsanabhasyopetam. Part I: ‘shata-puta lauha and shahasra-puta lauha' (iron roasted a hundred and a thousand times)», Journal and Proceedings of the ASB 6: 385-391. Van Damme,  New York: Harmony Books. Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology 15D (1): 69-81. K. P. Sharma, Sachitra Ayurbeda-darpana, [S. B. B. Upadhyaya, «Clinical and laboratory studies on urinary tract infection (an Ayurvedic approach)», summary in Bulletin of Indian Medicine 1973: 147-151. E. Solomon, «Antitumor and radiosensitizing effects of Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) on a transplantable mouse tumor, Sarcoma-180», Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 31 (7): 607-611. Benefits of! Sharngadhara, Sharngadharasamhita / Sharngadharacaryaviracita; Bhisagvaradhamallaviracitadipika-Panditakashiramavaidyaviracita-Gudharthadipikabhyam tikabhyam samvalita; Panditaparashuramashastrina samshodhita, Varanasi: Chaukhambha Oriyantaliya [Reprint of the 1st ed. Narain (Eds.), Studies in orientology: essays in memory of Prof. R. D. Tripathi & D. C. Daremberg, Recherches sur l'état de la médecine durant le période primitive de l'histoire des Indous, Paris: J. R. Pathaka, Padartha-vijnana, 4. G. D. Singhal & T. S. Singh & S. D. S. Singh, S. J. H. Otten, «On the history of oral therapy of diabetes», Medizinische Klinik 63 (1): 22-25. In addition to delay in reaching various stages of development of cataract, IV stage did not develop with high doses till completion of 40 days of experimental period. S. Satakopan & P. E. Wolz-Gottwald, «Zur Philosophie der traditionellen indischen Medizin Ayurveda. D. Thesis, Guwahati University, Assam. S. Gupta, Studies on the role of an Ayurvedic compound in the management of abdominal tuberculosis, Varanasi: B. R. K. Parmar, Comparative study of Ayurveda in relation to neoplastic lesions and its management by by indigenous drugs, M. R. Das, «Arogya vardhini bati and anand bhairava ras», Ancient Science of Life 10 (1):   56-58. B. Ramakrishna Shetty, C. Fr. Zimmermann, «Gentle purge: the flower power of Ayurveda», in Ch. K. Ambikadutta Shastri; foreword by P.

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