Monday 3 October 2016

Anti diabetes vitamin 851 :: Vitamin K: MedlinePlus Supplements

M, Fenton, S. Hathcock JN. Med. 2002;139:133-139. M, and Taylor, P. Atherosclerosis 2009;203:489-93. Retrospective and prospective analyses of the treatment of overanticoagulated patients. G, Tu, W, Valentine, D, and Shekelle, P. Swanbeck, G. E. A comparison of the efficacy and rate of response to oral and intravenous Vitamin K in reversal of over-anticoagulation with warfarin. A, Fujii, Y, and Brans, Y. J Natl Cancer Inst 2006;98:245-54. Song, Y, Cook, N. Hurry, This Offer Ends In 3 Hours. M, and Southon, S. The effect of vitamin K supplementation on circulating osteocalcin (bone Gla protein) and urinary calcium excretion. E, Sato, S, Ohashi, A, Iribe, M, Goto, T, and Komai, M. Br. J. Cancer 3-4-2002;86:698-701. Clarification: Women with Budd-Chiari syndrome should not use COC/P/R because of the increased risk for thrombosis. E, Herman, J. J Nutr 2001;131:2096-2100. D, Schneyer, C. User-generated content areas are not reviewed by a WebMD physician or any member of the WebMD editorial staff for accuracy, balance, objectivity, or any other reason except for compliance with our Terms and Conditions. T, Zeggini, E, Weedon, M. Olson, R. E, Chao, J, Graham, D, Bates, M. Esfahani, A, Wong, J. K, Shiels, M, Hammond, E, Robinson, K. Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Arsenic, Boron, Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silicon, Vanadium, and Zinc. Vitaminol.(Tokyo) 2009;55:15-21. A, Thomson, J. A. Suboptimal vitamin K status despite supplementation in children and young adults with cystic fibrosis. Eur J Cancer 2000;36:2115-9. Kralove) 2001;44:97-100. J, Korhonen, P, Huttunen, J. Alpha tocopheryl succinate, retinoic acid and polar carotenoids enhanced the growth-inhibitory effect of a cholesterol-lowering drug on immortalized and transformed nerve cells in culture. Wenzel, G, Kuklinski, B, Ruhlmann, C, and Ehrhardt, D. Formanek I. Lightsensitive dermatoses in children. Beriplex P/N reverses severe warfarin-induced overanticoagulation immediately and completely in patients presenting with major bleeding. Assess. 2009;13:iii-134. Effects of 6-month multivitamin supplementation on serum concentrations of alpha-tocopherol, beta-carotene, and vitamin C in healthy elderly women. Richer, S. Multicenter ophthalmic and nutritional age-related macular degeneration study--part 2: antioxidant intervention and conclusions. J Am Coll Nutr 2001;20:628-36. Weber, U. and Goerz, G. R, McCullough, M. T, West, C. E, and Muhilal. Efficacy of menatetrenone (vitamin K2) against non-vertebral and hip fractures in patients with neurological diseases: meta-analysis of three randomized, controlled trials. Lancet 1980;1:39-40.

M, Zaharris, E, MacFadyen, J, Danielson, E, Buring, J. Lawrenson, J. Vitamin K intake and atherosclerosis. H, Bichile, S. Iwamoto I, Kosha S, Noguchi S, et al. Syst. Rev. 2008;: CD000253. R. [Effects of vitamins E, C and beta-carotene on DNA damage]. M, Bjelke, E, Gridley, G, Wacholder, S, Chien, H. Yonemura K, Kimura M, Miyaji T, Hishida A. Greenwald, P, Anderson, D, Nelson, S. Am J Clin Nutr 2000;71:878-84. Natural tablets for diabetes low sugar K, Lusk, R, Green, T. Clarification: If a woman is taking rifampicin, refer to the section on drug interactions. Copper, Zinc and Magnesium in Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus Treated with Metformin InTechOpen, Published on: 2013-01-23. Authors: Monica Daniela Dosa J Nutr 1998;128:1458-63. L, Mavrodaris, A, Stranges, S, Kandala, N. Yoshiji, H, Noguchi, R, Toyohara, M, Ikenaka, Y, Kitade, M, Kaji, K, Yamazaki, M, Yamao, J, Mitoro, A, Sawai, M, Yoshida, M, Fujimoto, M, Tsujimoto, T, Kawaratani, H, Uemura, M, and Fukui, H. L, Bennett, G, Dawson-Hughes, B, and Ordovas, J. Bardia, A, Tleyjeh, I. P. M. W. Hopfenmu ller C. Weight control and risk factor reduction in obese subjects treated for 2 years with orlistat. C, Ashley, D, Burke, D. Br. Med. J. 7-10-1976;2:83-85. Tornwall, M. However, women with IBD are at higher risk than unaffected women for VTE (468). Find a Doc. Find a doctor who practices alternative, natural or complementary medicine in your state! Just click a state below to see the list of medical doctors (MD Int. J. Cancer 7-1-2010;127:172-184. Evidence: The balance of the evidence suggests that rifampicin reduces the effectiveness of COCs (545--560). Evidence: Studies of antifungal agents have shown no clinically significant pharmacokinetic interactions with COCs (529--538) or R (539). L. Vitamin K content of nuts and fruits in the US diet. Summaries for patients. L, and Blumberg, J. Perry, J. R, Ferrucci, L, Bandinelli, S, Guralnik, J, Semba, R. Evidence: Risk for disease relapse was not significantly higher among women with IBD using oral contraceptives (most studies did not specify formulation) than among nonusers (461--465). E, Sellers, T. Lehmann, P, Scharffetter, K, Kind, P, and Goerz, G. Bolton-Smith C, Price RJ, Fenton ST, et al. It can cause side effects such as stomach upset, headaches, nausea, vomiting, loose stools, diarrhea, belching, and hiccups. Slattery ML, Benson J, Curtin K, et al. R, Colditz, G. Mortality associated with low plasma concentration of beta carotene and the effect of oral supplementation. D, and Kiely, M. Cancer 7-1-2008;113:150-157. Girodon F, Lombard M, Galan P, et al. Elinder LS, Hadell K, Johansson J, et al. Carotenoids and colon cancer. D, Yoshida, M, Booth, S. Arch Intern Med 1996;156:637-42.

Anti diabetes vitamin 851

R. Role of vitamins and minerals in prevention and management of type 2 diabetes mellitus. M, Mandel, J. F, McCullough, M. Limited evidence on women with low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions found use of the vaginal ring did not worsen the condition (21). Schaumberg, D. Arch. Ophthalmol. Block, G. The Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study in Finland. Gossage, C. P, Deyhim, M, Yamini, S, Douglass, L. For women who are carriers, COC use does not appear to trigger liver failure or severe dysfunction (471-473). B. Diet and breast cancer: a review of the prospective observational studies. C, Britz, S. M, McGuigan, F. Antioxidant supplements for prevention of gastrointestinal cancers: a systematic review and meta-analysis. All anti diabetes tea wholesalers & anti diabetes for human body than vitamin C and vitamin E. Telephone:86 851 83799686, 83936248 Country/ Am J Clin Nutr 2000;71:1201-8. Evidence: Limited direct evidence suggests that hormonal contraceptive use does not influence either progression or regression of liver lesions among women with focal nodular hyperplasia (475,476). CHCs protect against pregnancy in general, including ectopic gestation. Thane, C. W, Bolton-Smith, C, and Coward, W. M, Stern, M. Early vitamin K deficiency bleeding after maternal phenobarbital intake: management of massive intracranial haemorrhage by minimal surgical intervention. O'Neil, C, Shevill, E, and Chang, A. P, Albanes, D, Taylor, P. K. Alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) and beta-carotene supplementation does not affect the risk for large abdominal aortic aneurysm in a controlled trial. Comment: CHC use may decrease menstrual blood loss. Bjelakovic, G, Nikolova, D, Gluud, L. Syst. Rev. 2012;8: CD006751. Hart JP, Shearer MJ, Klenerman L, et al. Koitaya, N, Ezaki, J, Nishimuta, M, Yamauchi, J, Hashizume, E, Morishita, K, Miyachi, M, Sasaki, S, and Ishimi, Y. The effect of vitamin E and beta carotene on the incidence of lung cancer and other cancers in male smokers. However, one study reported discontinuations of COC use in 2 (8%) of 26 women as a result of serious medical complications, and in one case report, a woman developed cholestasis associated with high-dose COC use (477--480). Circulating levels of vitamins K1 and K2 decreased in elderly women with hip fracture. Antioxidant consumption and risk of coronary heart disease: emphasis on vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene: A statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association. Sato, Y, Tsuru, T, Oizumi, K, and Kaji, M. The effect of beta-carotene in combination with canthaxanthin, Ro 8-8427 (Phenoro), in treatment of polymorphous light eruptions. Metabolism 1998;47:195-9. Digestion 1998;59:148-156. Werneke, U. Risk management of nutritional supplements in chronic illness: the implications for the care of cancer and depression. Is vitamin K helpful for people who have taken too much warfarin? Dietary flavonoids, antioxidant vitamins, and incidence of stroke: the Zutphen study. J. Vitamin K status in human tissues: tissue-specific accumulation of phylloquinone and menaquinone-4. Menatetrenone ameliorates osteopenia in disuse-affected limbs of vitamin D- and K-deficient stroke patients. Jorgensen, F. M, Lowe, N, Nierenberg, D. M, Pietinen, P, Edwards, B. However, for women with IBD who are at increased risk for VTE (e.g, those with active or extensive disease, surgery, immobilization, corticosteroid use, vitamin deficiencies, or fluid depletion), the risks of COC/P/R use generally outweigh the benefits (Category 3). Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Suppl 1:63-65. Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, and Carotenoids. A, Simor, A. E. A randomized factorial trial of vitamins C and E and beta carotene in the secondary prevention of cardiovascular events in women: results from the Women's Antioxidant Cardiovascular Study. A, Hamann, G. A, Virtamo, J, Willett, W. Thorp JA, Gaston L, Caspers DR, Pal ML. Eur J Pediatr 1998;157:663-5. Sato, Y, Kaji, M, Tsuru, T, Satoh, K, and Kondo, I. C. A prospective randomized study to determine the optimal dose of intravenous vitamin K in reversal of over-warfarinization. H, Park, J. S, Kang, H. These opinions do not represent the opinions of WebMD. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1988;70:663-4. Giuliano AR, Gapstur S. Drug-nutrient interaction. J. The circulating inactive form of matrix Gla Protein (ucMGP) as a biomarker for cardiovascular calcification. Stratton, J. A. Low-dose supplementation with lycopene or beta-carotene does not enhance cell-mediated immunity in healthy free-living elderly humans. Rejnmark L, Vestergaard P, Charles P, et al. Menaquinone-4 in breast milk is derived from dietary phylloquinone. Predictable reduction in anticoagulant activity of warfarin by small amounts of vitamin K. Efficacy and safety of a prothrombin complex concentrate (Octaplex) for rapid reversal of oral anticoagulation. Thromb. Haemost. J, Seo, H. G, and Huh, B. Some women who used both COCs and lamotrigine experienced increased seizure activity in one trial (485). S. Vitamin A and cancer prevention II: comparison of the effects of retinol and beta-carotene. Antioxidant vitamins and coronary heart disease risk: a pooled analysis of 9 cohorts. H, Frontiero, V, Joseph, A, Engel, C, Snider, R, Smith, E. Bonifant, C. Haematologica 2004;89:857-862. Lung cancer chemoprevention: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (2nd Edition). Christian P, West KP Jr, Khatry SK, et al. J Nutr 2003;133:98-101. Garewal HS, Katz RV, Meyskens F, et al. Orphanet. J. A. Observations on the prophylactic use of vitamin Kin the newborn infant. Assoc. 2004;104:1410-1414. Clarification for initiation: The category should be assessed according to the severity of the condition. N, Owen, R. W, Larsen, S, and Osnes, M. D, Loveless, M. Effect of vitamin E supplementation on vitamin K status in adults with normal coagulation status. Proc Nutr Soc 2005;64:543-553. J Natl Cancer Inst 2000;92:1881-8. Leeuwen R, Boekhoorn S, Vingerling JR, et al. Formal name: Stool Trypsin and Chymotrypsin. Related tests: Trypsinogen, Fecal Fat, CF Gene Mutation Testing, Sweat Test. and vitamin deficiency. Lancet Oncol 2006;7:188. The effect of -carotene on serum vitamin A levels in erythropoietic protoporphyria. O, Albanes, D, van den Brandt, P. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 1999;8:489-93. Vitamin and mineral use and risk of prostate cancer: the case-control surveillance study. E, Dallal, G. A clinical trial of the effects of oral beta-carotene on the responses of human skin to solar radiation. J Pharm Technol 2008;24:69-76. Homnick, D. N, Spillers, C. L, and Berman, M. Circulation 1999;99:591-5. A, Lee, A. K, and Garg, M. Arch. Dermatol. Davies VA, Rothberg AD, Argent AC, Atkinson PM, Staub H, Pienaar NL. Arch Neurol 2003;60:203-8. Yoshida, M, Booth, S. Dietary intake of antioxidants and risk of age-related macular degeneration. Colon cancer. Alt Med Rev 2000;5:530-45. Hathaway, W. K, Heinonen, O. B, Saltzman, E, and Jacques, P. Explains how to beat, reverse and cure Type 2 diabetes; Project Abstract Title: Death to Diabetes Management & Prevention 6-Stage Model Problem Statement: It is W, Prentice, A, and Wadsworth, M. Pharmacotherapy 2000;20:1159-1166. G. Treatment of excessive anticoagulation with phytonadione (vitamin K): a meta-analysis. Oncol. Rep. 2003;10:1895-1901. F, Limburg, P. A. Association between antioxidant vitamins and asthma outcome measures: systematic review and meta-analysis. Int. J. Food Sci. Prevention of subclinical vitamin K deficiency based on PIVKA-II levels: oral versus intramuscular route. Home » Radio » December 2008 » Vitamin K may have anti-diabetes benefits: StudyVitamin K may have anti-diabetes benefits: Study Dermatologica 1979;159:82-86. Graat JM, Schouten EG, Kok FJ. Evidence: Limited evidence shows no consistent pattern of improvement or worsening of rheumatoid arthritis with use of oral contraceptives (240--245), progesterone (246), or estrogen (247). Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of ischemic heart disease]. J Biol. Chem. Polyp Prevention Study Group. Relationship between systemic markers of inflammation and serum beta-carotene levels. Clarification: Women adequately treated for hypertension are at reduced risk for acute myocardial infarction and stroke compared with untreated women. A, Stevens, M. The SU. VI. MAX Study: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of the health effects of antioxidant vitamins and minerals.

Reversal of excessive effect of regular anticoagulation: low oral dose of phytonadione (vitamin K1) compared with warfarin discontinuation. Evidence: The balance of the evidence suggests no association between oral contraceptive use and HIV acquisition, although findings from studies conducted among higher risk populations have been inconsistent (377--415). L. Influence of a drink containing different antioxidants and Lactobacillus plantarum 299v on plasma total antioxidant capacity, selenium status and faecal microbial flora. M. Vitamin K1 intake is associated with higher bone mineral density and reduced bone resorption in early postmenopausal Scottish women: no evidence of gene-nutrient interaction with apolipoprotein E polymorphisms. Antioxidant micronutrients for lung disease in cystic fibrosis. Effects of diet and simvastatin on serum lipids, insulin, and antioxidants in hypercholesterolemic men: a randomized controlled trial. Hypoprothrombobinaemic bleeding associated with ceftriaxone. Comment: Bariatric surgical procedures involving a malabsorptive component have the potential to decrease oral contraceptive effectiveness, perhaps further decreased by postoperative complications, such as long-term diarrhea and/or vomiting. On the mechanism of the anticlotting action of vitamin E quinone. Dagnelie PC, Schuurman AG, Goldbohm RA, Van den Brandt PA. Nutr. 2005;59:1173-1180. A randomized, 12-year primary-prevention trial of beta carotene supplementation for nonmelanoma skin cancer in the physicians' health study. Blumberg, J. S, and Jackson, M.
Grieger, J. A, Nowson, C. K, Kontto, J. Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals. Safety of vitamin A. Bjelakovic, G, Nikolova, D, Simonetti, R. A, and White, E. Russell RM. The vitamin A spectrum: from deficiency to toxicity. Assess. 2010;14:1-206.

R, Winkvist, A, Zeleniuch-Jacquotte, A, Zheng, W, and Hankinson, S. J. Menadione is a metabolite of oral vitamin K. Miesner AR, Sullivan TS. Bleyer WA, Skinner AL. D, and Shearer, M. A, Virtanen, M. A. Meta-analysis of antioxidant intake and the risk of esophageal and gastric cardia adenocarcinoma. L, Hansen, J, Olsen, N, Watts, V. M. Circulating beta-carotene levels and type 2 diabetes-cause or effect? Med. 9-5-2006;145:372-385. Meta-analysis of studies on breast cancer risk and diet: the role of fruit and vegetable consumption and the intake of associated micronutrients. Braam, L, McKeown, N, Jacques, P, Lichtenstein, A, Vermeer, C, Wilson, P, and Booth, S. S. Vitamin K epoxide reductase complex subunit 1 gene polymorphism is associated with atherothrombotic complication after drug-eluting stent implantation: 2-Center prospective cohort study. M, Neuhauser-Berthold, M, and Rechkemmer, G. C, and Suttie, J. Klebanoff, M. Comparison of the postprandial chylomicron carotenoid responses in young and older subjects. W. Vitamin K supplementation reduces serum concentrations of under-gamma-carboxylated osteocalcin in healthy young and elderly adults. Lodi, G, Sardella, A, Bez, C, Demarosi, F, and Carrassi, A. D, Schnurr, T, Steidl, L, Mera, V, Ultori, C, Venco, A, and Ageno, W. J, Brewer, C, McHale, M, Brewster, W, Chapman, J. Fibrinolysis 2003;14:469-477. Vitamin K in the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis and arterial calcification. Roche Laboratories, Inc. Nutrients. 2010;2:929-949. Comparison of oral vs intravenous phytonadione (vitamin K1) in patients with excessive anticoagulation: a prospective randomized controlled study. A. Prevention of vitamin K deficiency in infancy by weekly administration of vitamin K. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, 1998. Yamini, S, West, K. Eliassen, A. M, Rifai, N, and Cook, N. Limited Time Offer, Buy It Now! R, Raman, Kutty, V, and Sankara, Sarma P. Becker GL. The case against mineral oil. Evidence: Data suggest that in women with chronic hepatitis, COC use does not increase the rate or severity of cirrhotic fibrosis, nor does it increase the risk for hepatocellular carcinoma (469,470). Israeli researchers recently found that vitamin E supplements can significantly reduce carry specific genes diabetic patients, heart disease and associated with M, and Rosand, J. Respir. Res. Decreased circulating levels of vitamin K and 25-hydroxyvitamin D in osteopenic elderly men. C, Hilton, L. L, and Byrne, P.

Hooper CA, Haney BB, Stone HH. W, Bayrd, G, and. ANTI DIABETES DIET] The REAL cause of Diabetes Eat a diet high in zinc, selenium, and vitamin E. Foods that contain some of. Aug 29, 2009. Maternal vitamin K administration for prevention of intraventricular hemorrhage in preterm infants. Kurnik D, Lobestein R, Rabinovitz H, et al. Fatal neonatal hemorrhage after maternal anticonvulsant therapy. R, Baron, J. Evidence: After molar pregnancy evacuation, the balance of evidence found COC use did not increase the risk for postmolar trophoblastic disease, and b-hCG levels regressed more rapidly in some COC users than in nonusers (269--275). Bugel, S. Vitamin K and bone health in adult humans. K, Roy, S, Paul, V. McEvoy GK, ed. I. Correction of excessive anticoagulation with low-dose oral vitamin K1. Christen, W, Glynn, R, Sperduto, R, Chew, E, and Buring, J. N Engl J Med 1993;328:1450-6. Vitamin K supplementation can improve stability of anticoagulation for patients with unexplained variability in response to warfarin. Thromb. Vasc. J, and Sadowski, J. Minder, E. I, Schneider-Yin, X, Steurer, J, and Bachmann, L. Conservative treatment of overanticoagulated patients. Click here! Vitamin K deficiency in breast-fed infants at one month of age. M. A randomized trial of beta carotene supplementation and cognitive function in men: the Physicians' Health Study II. V, McCall, D, McGartland, C, and Young, I. J. Two-year randomized controlled trial of vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) and vitamin D3 plus calcium on the bone health of older women. J, Pace, D. G, and Joubert, P. For all categories of hypertension, classifications are based on the assumption that no other risk factors exist for cardiovascular disease. Kessler, C. M. Booth SL, Madabushi HT, Davidson KW, et al. A. Intakes of vitamins A, C and E and folate and multivitamins and lung cancer: a pooled analysis of 8 prospective studies. Hartman TJ, Albanes D, Pietinen P, et al. Do not consider WebMD User-generated content as medical advice. Chest 2007;132(3 Suppl):56S-68S. L, Fuchs, C. Dig Dis Sci 1982;27:723-7. F. Antioxidants in the chemoprevention of colorectal cancer and colorectal adenomas in the general population: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 5/28/2010 · 1 = A condition for which there is no restriction for the use of the contraceptive method. 2 = A condition for which the advantages of using the method Arch Ophthalmol 2001;119:1439-52. Prynne, C. J, Thane, C. Tea and coffee brews are not dietary sources of vitamin K-1 (phylloquinone). A, Dawson-Hughes, B, Karasik, D, Kiel, D. MacWalter RS, Fraser HW, Armstrong KM. J, Albanes, D, Bergkvist, L, Buring, J. R. Effect of alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene supplementation on macrovascular complications and total mortality from diabetes: results of the ATBC Study. Macdonald, H. UV light, beta-carotene and human skin--beneficial and potentially harmful effects. BMJ 1999;318:570-5. Iwamoto, J, Takeda, T, and Sato, Y. G, Goldbohm, R. Weibert, R. T, Le, D. Evidence: Most broad-spectrum antibiotics do not affect the contraceptive effectiveness of COCs(490--526), P (527) or R (528). Diabetes Care 2004;27:362-6. Nutr. 2002;76:1055-1060. A, Harnack, L, Leitzmann, M, McCullough, M. Greul, A. K, Grundmann, J. Martini, L. A, Catania, A. A, Crosby, D.
Dentali, F. and Ageno, W. Pediatrics 1980;65:243-50. A. A stable isotope method for the simultaneous measurement of vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) kinetics and absorption. Coulter, I. D, Hardy, M. C, and Kass, E. Many causes of autism have been proposed, but understanding of the theory of causation of autism and the other autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is incomplete.. Al-Terkait F, Charalambous H. Interventions for preventing non-melanoma skin cancers in high-risk groups. Kamangar, F, Qiao, Y. A, and Kearns, P. Nutr Res 2001;21:1209-15. Garbagnati, F, Cairella, G, De, Martino A, Multari, M, Scognamiglio, U, Venturiero, V, and Paolucci, S. F, Malon, R, and Ackland, L. The age-related eye disease study: the results of the clinical trial. The treatment of erythropoietic protoporphyria. Crowther, M. Click here. Limited evidence suggests obese women are no more likely to gain weight after 3 cycles of the vaginal ring or COC than overweight or normal weight women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2008;93:1217-23. Antioxidant supplements for liver diseases. Wright, M. E, Virtamo, J, Hartman, A. Cancer Causes Control 2000;11:617-26. In general, treatment of this condition can render a woman sterile. Vitamin K2 (menatetrenone) effectively prevents fractures and sustains lumbar bone mineral density in osteoporosis. Vitamin K and bone quality]. Comment: Theoretical concern exists about the association between CHC use up to 3 weeks postpartum and risk for thrombosis in the mother. Ann. Epidemiol. Effects of alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene supplementation on gastric cancer incidence in male smokers (ATBC Study, Finland). Chin J Gastroenterol 2002;7:73-78. M, and Blumberg, B. Sasaki, N, Kusano, E, Takahashi, H, Ando, Y, Yano, K, Tsuda, E, and Asano, Y. Epidemiology 1996;7:472-7. Broek, N, Dou, L, Othman, M, Neilson, J. Omenn GS. Chemoprevention of lung cancer: the rise and demise of beta-carotene.

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