Tuesday 4 April 2017

Glucolo herbal medicine 223 - Glucolo - Anti Diabetes Supplement

{As the survey population was identified from the records of one hospital only, the survey was repeated on a smaller scale at another hospital in Birmingham (541 patients mailed), in order to validate the rates of herbal medicine use identified from survey respondents treated at UHC& W and assess the wider generalisability of the findings. The findings have face validity and fit well with other research, which has found that women, those in younger age groups, and those who are more affluent are the most likely subgroups of cancer patients to use herbal medicines (Ernst and Cassileth, 1998; Harris et al, 2003; Catt et al, 2006). It is important that information resources regarding herbal medicines and their safety and efficacy are available to both ongoing patients and to cancer survivors. Glucolo pills - natural diabetes treatment with herbal ingredients. Best price for Glucolo pills, free shipping and 2 bonus bottles. 30 days money back Of the herbal medicine users (n=223), 55.2% (n=123) had used vitamin supplements in addition to herbal medicines, 49.3% (n=110) had used mineral supplements as well as herbal medicines, 21.5% (n=48) had also used homeopathic remedies, and 41.2% had used other complementary and alternative therapies. Choose a country and type in a state. The authors declare no conflict of interest. 2017年1月8日 -  Glucolo herbal medicine 4212posted on 08 Jan 2017 19:47 by morrmossahauas {Naturopaths Hope Island QLD - NaturalTherapyPages.com.auA natura Finally, those in the most deprived deprivation quartiles were significantly less likely to respond to the survey than those in more affluent quartiles (X2=45.61; P=<0.0001). Free-text responses were coded and analysed in the same way as herbal medicines indicated in the tick-list. R& D approvals were obtained from University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust (ref RG053908), and University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (ref RRK 3625). A validation data set, derived from a survey of oncology patients in Birmingham (n=541) with differing socioeconomic characteristics showed no significant difference in estimated prevalence (16.6%; 95% CI: 11.9-22.2). They were also twice as likely to be in the more affluent deprivation quartiles (OR: 2.1; 95% CI: 1.7-2.6; P=<0.0001), and were a younger population (X2=17.56; P=0.001). Expert. Herbal medicine uses plants, or mixtures of plant extracts, to treat illness and promote health. Information on the Side Effects, Health Properties, Active Substances and Side Effects of Medicinal Herbs for Diabetes Treatment and Relfief June 12, 2015.

Glucolo herbal medicine 8488636698 Glucolo herbal medicine 8488636698 Herbal medicine for erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common type of male Herbal medicine uses plants, or mixtures of plant extracts, to treat illness and promote health. It is sometimes called phytomedicine or phytotherapy. Of 1498 surveys distributed, 27 (1.8%) were returned blank, indicating that the recipient did not wish to receive a reminder. However, there are documented interactions between some herbal medicines and other conventional medicines, such as warfarin (Ali and Hussain-Gambles, 2005) or tamoxifen (Werneke et al, 2004b), and those taking prescribed medication for other co-morbidities may experience harmful interactions when using herbal medicines. It is likely that a substantial number of people with cancer are taking herbal medicines at any one time. The majority of herbal medicine users reported obtaining their herbal medicines from high street stores and supermarkets (n=151; 67.7%). This sample would be of sufficient size to determine the overall prevalence of herbal medicine use among respondents with a precision of 2% (95% confidence interval). There is some evidence that herbal products can help to prevent or relieve some symptoms of cancer and the side effects of treatment. A company limited by guarantee. July 6, 2015. A total of 1507 potential participants were identified. Once the country has been set and a search made, you will get a list of all the states in that country that have schools listed in our database. Comeback. With respect to the issue of non-disclosure, patients were informed that all survey responses would be kept confidential and that members of their medical team would not see any of the information that they supplied in response to the survey. However, estimates of the prevalence of herbal medicine use are inconsistent (varying from 3 to 25% of cancer patients), and the quality and scope of existing studies are limited (Ernst and Cassileth, 1998; Gratus et al, 2009a). Second, responder bias may mean that we have either under- or over-estimated the prevalence of herbal medicine use by cancer patients in our study population.

Glucolo herbal medicine 223

This study had several limitations. tract infections are drinks because you should 15 Natural Remedies for Heartburn Herbal My specialize in supplying special featured herbal medecines, GlucoLo Alternative medicine for diabetes. Glucolo is diabetic herbal supplement made from natural ingredients so it will not harm the organism. Natural alternati Patients known to be terminally ill, or whom the consultant believed may be distressed by receipt of the survey for any other reason, were excluded from the sample to minimise the possibility of distress, as were any individuals whose records did not indicate a consultant; duplicate records; those for whom a valid postal address could not be identified, and those who had died in the period between sample identification and survey mailing. This is an important first step in the development of accessible, authoritative, and independent information resources about herbal medicines and cancer, which are currently lacking in the United Kingdom (Gratus et al, 2009b). I want to thank the Whatcom Skillshare Faire for inviting me to teach an "Herbal Alternatives to Antibiotics" class this past weekend. Three Rivers Natural Medicine is ranked in the top Fort Collins, CO Massage Therapy practices Verified by Opencare.com. Call (970) 223-7425 to schedule! WELCOME! This may be deliberate, in that cancer patients may not disclose herbal medicine use, particularly if they have not told the health-care professionals treating them about any herbal medicines or supplements that they may be using (Evans et al, 2007; Saxe et al, 2008). The prevalence of herbal medicine use in the group from Birmingham was 16.6% (95% CI: 11.9-22.2; n=36). Recall bias may also be inadvertent, where patients may not remember whether or not they have taken herbal medicines since their cancer diagnosis, and consequently either under- or over-report their herbal medicine use. Understanding the self-medication behaviours of these individuals is essential if health-care professionals are to support treatment adherence and avoid unwanted pharmacological interactions. It's very important to use only herbal products that are registered under the Traditional Herbal Remedies (THR) scheme. Although not as rapid as bitter melon, the blood sugar lowering effects of this supplement make it a good pre-meal supplement to increase glucose tolerance. Across all respondents, the crude prevalence of herbal medicine use was 19.7% (95% CI: 17.4-22.1; n=223). All significant predictive factors for herbal medicine use observed in the bivariate analysis (affluence, younger age, longer time since diagnosis, and female gender) remained significant in the multivariate model, with the exception of cancer type. Those with oral and respiratory cancers (including lip, oral cavity, head and neck and lung cancers) were significantly less likely than people with breast cancer to use herbal medicines (OR: 0.3; 95% CI: 0.1-0.9), as were patients with thyroid and lymphoid cancers (OR: 0.3; 95% CI: 0.1-0.8; P=0.016). Vito Mol is online store of herbal medicine. Order the best herbal supplements and other herbal health products. Sitemap page 223tab vito mol. http://provaminquitho.exteen.com/20170303/anti-diabetes-vitamin-3d The 2 major types of diabetes - Type 1 and 2 is also known as insulin and non- insulin dependant diabetes respectively. Herbal medicine is one of the most common complementary and alternative therapies used by people with cancer. Some studies show that they use herbal medicine alongside conventional medical treatments such as radiotherapy, chemotherapy or biological therapy. However, alongside the benefits of age and gender standardisation, the inclusion of comparison data derived from repeating the survey on a smaller scale at a hospital in Birmingham, involving a patient population with very different sociodemographic characteristics adds validity to our findings.

As a result of the possibility of interactions between herbal medicines and conventional treatments, people with cancer are encouraged to advise health-care professionals if they are taking any type of medication, including herbal medicines and other supplements (Cancer Backup, 2010), although studies suggest that few patients do so (Corner et al, 2006). Health professionals need to be aware of which herbal medicines are being taken by their patients. Usage increased with time since diagnosis, with patients over 4 years since diagnosis the most likely to be herbal medicine users (X2 for trend=4.63; P=0.031). All herbs detailed in the pre-coded survey list were used by at least one individual, with the exception of Ivy (Hedera helix), Table 2. An individual was defined as a herbal medicine user if they answered ‘yes' to the question: ‘have you used herbal remedies since your cancer was diagnosed?' and/or gave a positive response to any question asking about herbal medicine purchasing, and/or indicated the use of a specific herbal medicine from the pre-coded list or via the free-text response box. Patients were identified at the participating hospital in Birmingham in the same way as for the larger survey, according to the same eligibility criteria, and received the same survey and study literature; however, non-responders did not receive a reminder. Higher usage in the years following treatment may indicate that patients were more likely to consider using herbal medicines to address the long-term consequences of cancer treatment. This is particularly so given that there was no statistically significant difference found between the prevalence rate from the larger survey and the rate observed within the comparison population (19.7%; 95% CI: 17.4-22.1 vs 16.6%; 95% CI: 11.9-22.2; P=0.292) despite the comparison population including a greater proportion of older patients, more males, more patients from non-White ethnic groups, and a higher number of socioeconomically deprived patients than the population in UHC& W. Respondents in the 50-59 year age group had the highest prevalence of herbal medicine use (n=61; 25.0%), as did those in the two most affluent deprivation quartiles (n=144; 21.1%). Comeback! Registered company in England and Wales (4325234) and the Isle of Man (5713F).

Furthermore, if patients require further treatment, following recurrence of disease, for example, it is possible that herbal medicine use has become established by this time. A large proportion of users were likely to use other complementary and alternative therapies in addition to herbal medicines, such as vitamins, mineral supplements, homeopathic remedies, or other therapies, such as aromatherapy or massage. Finally, our survey was conducted with individuals being followed up at a single hospital, which may affect the wider generalisability of the findings. http://naturalpillsfordi.blogspot.com/2016/09/natural-anti-diabetic-herbs-5-anti.html However, we have no evidence to support or refute this possibility. Natural Vito Mol is online store of herbal medicine. Order the best herbal supplements and other herbal health products. Natural oil 31 herbsTop 31 Benefits Of Cod Responders to the survey were more likely to be affluent, older, and in the White ethnic group, although the proportion of survey respondents in the White and non-White ethnic groups was broadly representative of the ethnic mix of oncology patients in England (National Cancer Intelligence Network, 2009).

They may affect adherence with prescribed treatments, cause harmful interactions with conventional medications, reduce treatment efficacy, or lead to adverse events (Frye et al, 2004; Catt et al, 2006; Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, 2007). Take herbal supplements to control levels of blood sugar and ensure a healthy overall health and keep away complications from diabetes - com The responsible consultant examined the list of potential participants to verify that the patient had been treated for invasive cancer and had been diagnosed within the specified time frame. An understanding of the self-medication behaviours of these individuals is essential if health-care professionals are to support treatment adherence and avoid unwanted pharmacological interactions and compromised treatment efficacy. September 2, 2015. Panax ginseng has many health boosting properties in all individuals. Users were more likely to be affluent, female, and aged under 50 years. Click here! However, studies of breast cancer patients and herbal medicine use constitute the majority of research literature, and may not be representative of other cancer diagnostic groups (Molassiotis et al, 2005). By focusing on herbal medicines specifically, rather than subsuming them under the broader term of complementary and alternative therapies, this study adds to the very limited existing literature regarding herbal medicine use by cancer patients in the United Kingdom (Gratus et al, 2009a). In all, 217 individuals responded to this survey from 541 mailed (response rate 40.1%).
This suggests that there may be less of a need to be concerned about possible harmful interactions with conventional treatments than is often asserted (McCune et al, 2004). May 8, 2015. What is herbal medicine? Herbal medicine, also called botanical medicine or phyto-medicine, refers to the use of any plant's seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark, or The survey included closed questions on sociodemographic characteristics (age, gender, and ethnicity), cancer-related characteristics (year of diagnosis), and a number of categorical (yes/no response) questions relating to the use of herbal medicines, vitamin/mineral supplements and homeopathic remedies; the sources through which herbal medicines were obtained by users (e.g, bought on the high street, from a herbal medicine practitioner, purchased via the Internet), and the use of specific herbal medicines since diagnosis, detailed in a pre-coded ‘tick-list', derived from a review of the most commonly cited herbal medicines from existing research literature. Herbal medicines are also frequently subsumed under the broader heading of complementary and alternative medicines, and their use assessed alongside other therapies, such as aromatherapy, reflexology, meditation, acupuncture, and homeopathy (Downer et al, 1994; Corner et al, 2006). Click here. September 29, 2015. A further 337 survey recipients (22.5%) did not respond to either the initial or reminder mailings, giving a total of 1134 useable responses (response rate 75.7%), Figure 1. They are medicines. Government Careers - Washington Post: Breaking News, World.
|This suggests that there may be less of a need to be concerned about possible harmful interactions with conventional treatments than is often asserted (McCune et al, 2004). May 8, 2015. What is herbal medicine? Herbal medicine, also called botanical medicine or phyto-medicine, refers to the use of any plant's seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark, or The survey included closed questions on sociodemographic characteristics (age, gender, and ethnicity), cancer-related characteristics (year of diagnosis), and a number of categorical (yes/no response) questions relating to the use of herbal medicines, vitamin/mineral supplements and homeopathic remedies; the sources through which herbal medicines were obtained by users (e.g, bought on the high street, from a herbal medicine practitioner, purchased via the Internet), and the use of specific herbal medicines since diagnosis, detailed in a pre-coded ‘tick-list', derived from a review of the most commonly cited herbal medicines from existing research literature. Herbal medicines are also frequently subsumed under the broader heading of complementary and alternative medicines, and their use assessed alongside other therapies, such as aromatherapy, reflexology, meditation, acupuncture, and homeopathy (Downer et al, 1994; Corner et al, 2006). Come here. However, we have no evidence to support or refute this possibility. Natural Vito Mol is online store of herbal medicine. Order the best herbal supplements and other herbal health products. Natural oil 31 herbsTop 31 Benefits Of Cod Responders to the survey were more likely to be affluent, older, and in the White ethnic group, although the proportion of survey respondents in the White and non-White ethnic groups was broadly representative of the ethnic mix of oncology patients in England (National Cancer Intelligence Network, 2009).

September 29, 2015. A further 337 survey recipients (22.5%) did not respond to either the initial or reminder mailings, giving a total of 1134 useable responses (response rate 75.7%), Figure 1. They are medicines. Government Careers - Washington Post: Breaking News, World. http://advapunnabea.exteen.com/20170213/anti-diabetes-spices-that-heal With respect to the issue of non-disclosure, patients were informed that all survey responses would be kept confidential and that members of their medical team would not see any of the information that they supplied in response to the survey. However, estimates of the prevalence of herbal medicine use are inconsistent (varying from 3 to 25% of cancer patients), and the quality and scope of existing studies are limited (Ernst and Cassileth, 1998; Gratus et al, 2009a). Second, responder bias may mean that we have either under- or over-estimated the prevalence of herbal medicine use by cancer patients in our study population.

Glucolo herbal medicine 223

As the survey population was identified from the records of one hospital only, the survey was repeated on a smaller scale at another hospital in Birmingham (541 patients mailed), in order to validate the rates of herbal medicine use identified from survey respondents treated at UHC& W and assess the wider generalisability of the findings. The findings have face validity and fit well with other research, which has found that women, those in younger age groups, and those who are more affluent are the most likely subgroups of cancer patients to use herbal medicines (Ernst and Cassileth, 1998; Harris et al, 2003; Catt et al, 2006). It is important that information resources regarding herbal medicines and their safety and efficacy are available to both ongoing patients and to cancer survivors. Glucolo pills - natural diabetes treatment with herbal ingredients. Best price for Glucolo pills, free shipping and 2 bonus bottles. 30 days money back Of the herbal medicine users (n=223), 55.2% (n=123) had used vitamin supplements in addition to herbal medicines, 49.3% (n=110) had used mineral supplements as well as herbal medicines, 21.5% (n=48) had also used homeopathic remedies, and 41.2% had used other complementary and alternative therapies. Choose a country and type in a state. The authors declare no conflict of interest. 2017年1月8日 -  Glucolo herbal medicine 4212posted on 08 Jan 2017 19:47 by morrmossahauas Naturopaths Hope Island QLD - NaturalTherapyPages.com.auA natura Finally, those in the most deprived deprivation quartiles were significantly less likely to respond to the survey than those in more affluent quartiles (X2=45.61; P=<0.0001). Free-text responses were coded and analysed in the same way as herbal medicines indicated in the tick-list. R& D approvals were obtained from University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust (ref RG053908), and University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (ref RRK 3625). A validation data set, derived from a survey of oncology patients in Birmingham (n=541) with differing socioeconomic characteristics showed no significant difference in estimated prevalence (16.6%; 95% CI: 11.9-22.2). They were also twice as likely to be in the more affluent deprivation quartiles (OR: 2.1; 95% CI: 1.7-2.6; P=<0.0001), and were a younger population (X2=17.56; P=0.001). How to. Understanding the self-medication behaviours of these individuals is essential if health-care professionals are to support treatment adherence and avoid unwanted pharmacological interactions. It's very important to use only herbal products that are registered under the Traditional Herbal Remedies (THR) scheme. Although not as rapid as bitter melon, the blood sugar lowering effects of this supplement make it a good pre-meal supplement to increase glucose tolerance. Across all respondents, the crude prevalence of herbal medicine use was 19.7% (95% CI: 17.4-22.1; n=223). All significant predictive factors for herbal medicine use observed in the bivariate analysis (affluence, younger age, longer time since diagnosis, and female gender) remained significant in the multivariate model, with the exception of cancer type. Those with oral and respiratory cancers (including lip, oral cavity, head and neck and lung cancers) were significantly less likely than people with breast cancer to use herbal medicines (OR: 0.3; 95% CI: 0.1-0.9), as were patients with thyroid and lymphoid cancers (OR: 0.3; 95% CI: 0.1-0.8; P=0.016). Vito Mol is online store of herbal medicine. Order the best herbal supplements and other herbal health products. Sitemap page 223tab vito mol. The 2 major types of diabetes - Type 1 and 2 is also known as insulin and non- insulin dependant diabetes respectively. Herbal medicine is one of the most common complementary and alternative therapies used by people with cancer. Some studies show that they use herbal medicine alongside conventional medical treatments such as radiotherapy, chemotherapy or biological therapy. However, alongside the benefits of age and gender standardisation, the inclusion of comparison data derived from repeating the survey on a smaller scale at a hospital in Birmingham, involving a patient population with very different sociodemographic characteristics adds validity to our findings.

They may affect adherence with prescribed treatments, cause harmful interactions with conventional medications, reduce treatment efficacy, or lead to adverse events (Frye et al, 2004; Catt et al, 2006; Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, 2007). Take herbal supplements to control levels of blood sugar and ensure a healthy overall health and keep away complications from diabetes - com The responsible consultant examined the list of potential participants to verify that the patient had been treated for invasive cancer and had been diagnosed within the specified time frame. An understanding of the self-medication behaviours of these individuals is essential if health-care professionals are to support treatment adherence and avoid unwanted pharmacological interactions and compromised treatment efficacy. September 2, 2015. Panax ginseng has many health boosting properties in all individuals. Users were more likely to be affluent, female, and aged under 50 years. Anti diabetes drugs lists of colleges
Registered company in England and Wales (4325234) and the Isle of Man (5713F).

Furthermore, if patients require further treatment, following recurrence of disease, for example, it is possible that herbal medicine use has become established by this time. A large proportion of users were likely to use other complementary and alternative therapies in addition to herbal medicines, such as vitamins, mineral supplements, homeopathic remedies, or other therapies, such as aromatherapy or massage. Finally, our survey was conducted with individuals being followed up at a single hospital, which may affect the wider generalisability of the findings. http://gluco.thenerd.me/antidiabetic-medicinal-plants-ppt.html Herbal medicine uses plants, or mixtures of plant extracts, to treat illness and promote health. Information on the Side Effects, Health Properties, Active Substances and Side Effects of Medicinal Herbs for Diabetes Treatment and Relfief June 12, 2015.

Glucolo herbal medicine 8488636698 Glucolo herbal medicine 8488636698 Herbal medicine for erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common type of male Herbal medicine uses plants, or mixtures of plant extracts, to treat illness and promote health. It is sometimes called phytomedicine or phytotherapy. Of 1498 surveys distributed, 27 (1.8%) were returned blank, indicating that the recipient did not wish to receive a reminder. However, there are documented interactions between some herbal medicines and other conventional medicines, such as warfarin (Ali and Hussain-Gambles, 2005) or tamoxifen (Werneke et al, 2004b), and those taking prescribed medication for other co-morbidities may experience harmful interactions when using herbal medicines. It is likely that a substantial number of people with cancer are taking herbal medicines at any one time. The majority of herbal medicine users reported obtaining their herbal medicines from high street stores and supermarkets (n=151; 67.7%). This sample would be of sufficient size to determine the overall prevalence of herbal medicine use among respondents with a precision of 2% (95% confidence interval). There is some evidence that herbal products can help to prevent or relieve some symptoms of cancer and the side effects of treatment. A company limited by guarantee. July 6, 2015. A total of 1507 potential participants were identified. Once the country has been set and a search made, you will get a list of all the states in that country that have schools listed in our database. How to! However, studies of breast cancer patients and herbal medicine use constitute the majority of research literature, and may not be representative of other cancer diagnostic groups (Molassiotis et al, 2005). By focusing on herbal medicines specifically, rather than subsuming them under the broader term of complementary and alternative therapies, this study adds to the very limited existing literature regarding herbal medicine use by cancer patients in the United Kingdom (Gratus et al, 2009a). In all, 217 individuals responded to this survey from 541 mailed (response rate 40.1%).
As a result of the possibility of interactions between herbal medicines and conventional treatments, people with cancer are encouraged to advise health-care professionals if they are taking any type of medication, including herbal medicines and other supplements (Cancer Backup, 2010), although studies suggest that few patients do so (Corner et al, 2006). Health professionals need to be aware of which herbal medicines are being taken by their patients. Usage increased with time since diagnosis, with patients over 4 years since diagnosis the most likely to be herbal medicine users (X2 for trend=4.63; P=0.031). All herbs detailed in the pre-coded survey list were used by at least one individual, with the exception of Ivy (Hedera helix), Table 2. An individual was defined as a herbal medicine user if they answered ‘yes' to the question: ‘have you used herbal remedies since your cancer was diagnosed?' and/or gave a positive response to any question asking about herbal medicine purchasing, and/or indicated the use of a specific herbal medicine from the pre-coded list or via the free-text response box. Patients were identified at the participating hospital in Birmingham in the same way as for the larger survey, according to the same eligibility criteria, and received the same survey and study literature; however, non-responders did not receive a reminder. Higher usage in the years following treatment may indicate that patients were more likely to consider using herbal medicines to address the long-term consequences of cancer treatment. This is particularly so given that there was no statistically significant difference found between the prevalence rate from the larger survey and the rate observed within the comparison population (19.7%; 95% CI: 17.4-22.1 vs 16.6%; 95% CI: 11.9-22.2; P=0.292) despite the comparison population including a greater proportion of older patients, more males, more patients from non-White ethnic groups, and a higher number of socioeconomically deprived patients than the population in UHC& W. Respondents in the 50-59 year age group had the highest prevalence of herbal medicine use (n=61; 25.0%), as did those in the two most affluent deprivation quartiles (n=144; 21.1%). Glucolo herbal medicine 968 This study had several limitations. tract infections are drinks because you should 15 Natural Remedies for Heartburn Herbal My specialize in supplying special featured herbal medecines, GlucoLo Alternative medicine for diabetes. Glucolo is diabetic herbal supplement made from natural ingredients so it will not harm the organism. Natural alternati Patients known to be terminally ill, or whom the consultant believed may be distressed by receipt of the survey for any other reason, were excluded from the sample to minimise the possibility of distress, as were any individuals whose records did not indicate a consultant; duplicate records; those for whom a valid postal address could not be identified, and those who had died in the period between sample identification and survey mailing. This is an important first step in the development of accessible, authoritative, and independent information resources about herbal medicines and cancer, which are currently lacking in the United Kingdom (Gratus et al, 2009b). I want to thank the Whatcom Skillshare Faire for inviting me to teach an "Herbal Alternatives to Antibiotics" class this past weekend. Three Rivers Natural Medicine is ranked in the top Fort Collins, CO Massage Therapy practices Verified by Opencare.com. Call (970) 223-7425 to schedule! WELCOME! This may be deliberate, in that cancer patients may not disclose herbal medicine use, particularly if they have not told the health-care professionals treating them about any herbal medicines or supplements that they may be using (Evans et al, 2007; Saxe et al, 2008). The prevalence of herbal medicine use in the group from Birmingham was 16.6% (95% CI: 11.9-22.2; n=36). Recall bias may also be inadvertent, where patients may not remember whether or not they have taken herbal medicines since their cancer diagnosis, and consequently either under- or over-report their herbal medicine use.

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