Thursday 29 September 2016

Anti diabetes tea viburnum :: HerbNET - Herb Uses - C

Nettle relieves gout and arthritis by neutralizing uric acid, preventing its crystallization and aiding its elimination from the system. Oregano Oil-Rhus Coriaria- This is claimed to be an antioxidant, with properties to assist in inhibition of bacterial growth and inhibiting the growth of fungi. Eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus)- Adaptogen, immunostimulant. A traditional Ayurvedic herb, Ashwagandha has been used for centuries in India to treat various cerebral disorders, including memory loss. This herb is also very good for the skin due to its very high antioxidant content, and has been found to make an effective facial toner. UV protection: Hazelnut oil is one of those natural oils that offer a mild protection from damaging UV rays. Alterative, anodyne, antibiotic, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-tumor, bitter, blood purifier, diuretic, expectorant, anti-parasitic, tonic. Mineral Salts- Magnesium Sulfate- Magnesium performs more functions in more systems of the human body than virtually any other mineral, including regulating the activity of more than 325 enzymes. Although primarily used by the leather industry due to its high tannin content, Quebracho has also been used to lower blood pressure and to lower the incidence and severity of asthma attacks. An additional benefit of these silicones over other cationic polymers (such as polyquats) is their high refractive index, which gives the hair a high degree of gloss and shine. Hibiscus Fibers-Hibiscus Sabdraffia- A vibrant fuschia plant material wonderful for scrubs and masques and exfoliating washes. Wood Betony is an excellent remedy for head complaints such as face twitching and headaches, and was used in medieval England for monstrous nocturnal visions, devils, despair and lunacy. Hawthorn increases oxygen utilization by the heart, increases enzyme metabolism in the heart muscle, is a mild dilator of coronary vessels and lowers blood pressure. Hurry, This Offer Ends In 3 Hours. These multitudinous fats and oils are used in cosmetics as emollients and lubricants as well as water-binding and thickening agents. The other two NMF are lactic acid and amino acids. The quality is unparalleled and it is a truly special raw good. Used by the Hunza people for millennia, contributing to their being the healthiest and longest living people in the world. Chaparral is very useful as a topical treatment for skin abrasions and injuries.  It slows the rate of bacterial growth and kills bacteria due to its anti-microbial properties.  It also has antioxidant properties and can be added to salves and oils to prevent rancidity.  This herb can be used internally, but only with caution.  Please consult a practitioner before consuming internally. Boll Chim. Farm.  135:306-309. The Chinese use the seeds as an antibiotic in the case of lung infections, and the main chemical in Dandelion known as Inulin is currently being studies for its strengthening effects on the kidneys. Contraindications: devil's club consumption should be avoided during pregnancy. Melanin complex from medicinal mushroom Inonotus obliquus (Pers: Fr.) Pilat (Chaga) (Aphyllophoromycetidae). Int. Sekiba F. An account of Ainu medicine. Amine-functionalized silicones have been chemically modified so that some of the pendant groups along the backbone have been replaced with various alkylamine groups (-R-NH2). Increases the oxygen-. Gentle, cooling, and soothing. Oregon Grape has the ability to release stored iron into the bloodstream, helping to maintain a healthy supply of hemoglobin in the blood. Cocoa Butter is becoming increasingly popular in the natural bodycare and cosmetic industries for good reason. When used as a poultice, it is extremely effective at pulling out poisons or anything else embedded in a wound, as well as shortening the healing time. It is mildly soluble in water. When made into a tea and drunk, the salicin is excreted in the urine as salicylic acid, making it useful for the urethra and bladder. Esta planta medicinal serve para ansiedade, dificuldades de concentração, depressão, nervosismo, relaxamento muscular, hiperatividade infantil, sindrome pré-menstrual. It is a popular herb in Chinese Taoist herbalism, where it is used as an adaptogen. Ginseng fights free radicals in the body, therefore combating the signs and symptoms of aging. Penetrating and cooling sensation. Cocoa Butter-Theobroma Cacao- Emollient; skin conditioner; skin protectant. Sassafras officinalis, S. B, Jeona, E-J, Jungb, H. Calcium Carbonate- Chalk; used as an absorbent in cosmetics. Contains: Organic Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice (Aloe Vera), Rosa Canina (Rose Hip Oil), Lavandula Augustifolia (Lavender), Kosher Vegetable Glycerin, Organic Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba), Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E), and Olea Europaea (Olive Oil). It has a beneficial effect on the liver and is relaxing to the body. Allantoin- Allantoin is a healing, moisturizing, soothing and anti-irritating, keratolytic and non-toxic agent useful in dermatological, cosmetic and veterinary preparation. It has also been observed that Cotton Root causes uterine contractions, making it useful for difficult menstruation and delayed childbirth. Fennel can be taken to expel worms from the intestines, eliminate intestinal gas, reduce inflammation, rid the intestinal tract of mucus, reduce weight, and cleanse the gall bladder and liver. Because of its abundant health and epidermal benefits, we recommend incorporating this oil into your skin care and hair care formulations. The appearance of fine lines and wrinkles will become less noticeable within two to six months. James Duke, notable USDA scientist and author of The Green Pharmacy: I take vitamin C for coldsI prefer to get mine from camu camu, the amazing Amazonian fruit that has the worlds highest vitamin C content. Almond meal-Prunus Amygdalus- Exfoliant; used as an abrasive for exfoliation. When applied topically, Niacinamide dramatically improve skin tone and texture.

Although Valerian is a sedative, it also serves to antagonize the hypnotic effects of alcohol, improves coordination, strengthens the heart, stimulates intestinal motility, is an anti-spasmodic, and relieves stomach cramps and stress. Women are not suffering from liver problems because of propylene glycol in cosmetics. An amazing anti-oxidant, for anti-aging benefits. Also used (most often in styling products) as a film-forming agent. Fungal medicine, Fuscoporia obliqua, as a traditional herbal medicine, in vivo testing and  medicinal effects. Propolis- Propolis is the substance bees use to seal their hive. Chu. 2007. Aqueous extract of Inonotus obliquus (Fr.) pilat  (Hymenochaetaceae) significantly inhibits the growth of sarcoma 180 by  inducing apoptosis. Alves, R. E, et al. Some other commonly used molecules in this group are cetrimonium bromide (CTAB), behentrimonium chloride, and quaternium-15. In cosmetics, propylene glycol is used only in the smallest amounts to keep products from melting in high heat or freezing when it is cold. Choose Nature Instead of Prozac for PMS and PMDD. Wednesday, July 02, 2008 by: Tony Isaacs Tags: Prozac, health news, Natural News If pomegranate seed oil seems expensive, consider that over 200 pounds of fresh pomegranates are used to produce just one pound of pomegranate seed oil! Expert! Rich in Vitamin E and B complex, it is extremely beneficial for health. It calms the nervous system, brings about natural sleep, is effective in helping with drug and alcohol withdrawal symptoms, helps to rebuild nerve endings in the brain, helps with infertility, and is very useful in cases of spasmodic afflictions such as epilepsy. The re-mineralizing and restorative properties of the ocean are captured here in a potent concentrate which can be worked into any cutting edge proprietary formulation. Essential Oils- see essential oils section for more specific information regarding each oil. Indonesians soak the leaf in water; the resulting blue solution is applied to inflamed eyes or taken internally for heatstroke. However, the line offered by RSL leads in both quality and potency. Astragalus (A. Outside of West Africa, the major producers of cocoa are Indonesia, Brazil, Malaysia, Ecuador, and the Dominican Republic. Kidney problems, acute and chronically inflamed bladders have been treated with Corn Silk for over a century. Cayenne (Capsicum annuum, C. The Greek physician Dioscurides used Butterbur leaves to treat skin ulcers. Terazawa. 2000. Used in cosmetics as a pH balancer. Sea Fennel Extract softens the skin, unclogs pores, boosts collagen, reduces fine lines, speeds cell turnover and evens out skin discoloration and texture. Usnea is a lichen renowned for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.  Usnea contains lichen acids, particularly usnic acid which is effective against gram positive bacteria.  Examples of these fast-growing bacteria are: Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and Pneumococcus.  Usnea can be helpful in treating the following acute bacterial infections: bronchitis, pneumonia, sinus infections, and pleurisy.  Lichen acids have little effect on Salmonella or E. This refers to the herbs historical use in treating kidney stones. It is prized for its rejuvenating and soothing effects upon the skin, without leaving a greasy or oily film. Allantoin is a valuable cell-proliferating healing agent which stimulates healthy tissue formation. Pomegranate-Punica Gradatum- Botanical. Another asset natural to raw shea butter is its high protection against ultraviolet rays. These are ingredients that mimic the structure and function of healthy skin. The fruits pulp tastes similar to an apple, within which a large nut is embedded. Periwinkle has anti-hemorrhoid and anti-cancer properties. Nettle (Urtica dioica)- Alterative, anti-septic, astringent, diuretic, expectorant, galactagogue, hemostatic, nutritive, tonic. Contraindications: avoid internal use during pregnancy and lactation.  Avoid using this plant internally for more than one week, as the tannins can irritate the kidneys.  Discontinue use if kidney irritation occurs.  Consult a practitioner when treating a urinary tract infection. This balance is critical for optimum halth and dermal integrity. These are the words of Roman scholar Pliny, and are a testament to how dutifully the Romans chose Elecampane as a cure for post banquet indigestion. Traditionally, babies in Hawaii were anointed with Kukui Nut Oil to protect their skin from the sun, salt, and other elements. The pharmacological potential of mushrooms. Lee. 1996. Isolation and characterization of a novel platelet aggregation inhibitory  peptide from the medicinal mushroom, Inonotus obliquus. It has been used in cases of putrid leg ulcers where simply nothing else would heal them. As a cosmetic ingredient, oleic oil seems to be a great moisturizer. Meadowsweet is the herb that aspirin comes from. It has been observed that people suffering from the problem of hypertension are usually prone to anxiety, poor circulation, nerve and bone disorders. Kale  2. Spinach  3. Antitumor activity of water extract of a mushroom, Inonotus obliquus, against HT-29 human colon cancer cells. Please consult an herbalist before using poke root. Cinnamon suppresses E. Najafzadeh, M, Reynolds, P. Thus, Sesame oil application protects the body from various disorders associated with nervous system.

Anti diabetes tea viburnum

Global impact edible and medicinal mushrooms on human welfare in the 21st century: non-green evolution. However, when they are broken apart into free fatty acids, they become powerful antimicrobials. Saponins- Saponins are natural detergents found in many plants, especially certain desert plants. Used in some cosmetics to treat skin blemishes or to assist with creating a tan stain in conjunction with other ingredients. Chaga mushrooms are quite rare and difficult to find so I was over the moon when I spotted my first chaga mushroom by the road in Poland (I've been looking for chaga for over a year now). Hossain, S, et al. Cascara Sagrada helps the body rid itself of gallstones, and is helpful in the treatment of hemorrhoids, as well as jaundice, colitis, and liver failure. Pau D Arco also builds the blood in cases of pernicious anemia and leukemia. Ammonium Laurel Sulfate- A naturally derived surfactant from coconut. It is a blood-purifier that also relieves muscle spasms, itchiness of the skin, and ring worm. Note: elderberry is also used medicinally, as a lymphatic, expectorant, and antiviral agent for a cold or flu. Mushr. 2:1-9. A great source of Polyphenols. Ham, S. S, et al. Wood Betony is calming to the nerves, is very high in vitamin C, cleans impurities of the blood and is helpful in cases of heartburn, stomach cramps and indigestion. Many believe that the application of this mineral has a tendency to manifest a more refined and perfected physical appearance. Basil has medicinal properties in addition to being a delicious culinary herb.  It is high in vitamins A and C, calcium, and iron, and contains up to 14% protein by weight.  Basil can help to relieve mild stomach and intestinal cramps.  In many Mediterranean countries, hot basil tea is used as a folk remedy to break children's fevers.  Basil increases the flow of breast milk.  It can have a mild calming effect on the nervous system, and may relieve nervous headaches.  It is also an aphrodisiac. Hawthorn also relieves insomnia and restlessness. Dead Sea Concentrate- Contains trace minerals from the Dead Sea. These minerals occur in very small amounts and help organize the water molecules into tightly packed arrangements which serve to protect and enhance cellular health. Contains natural Vitamin E and is good in massage oils. Companies! Thus we take in water but do not actually rehydrate. Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum)- Cardamom contains an antiseptic known as cineole which is known to kill bacteria in the mouth that causes bad breath. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)- Alterative, anti-rheumatic, aperient, bitter, blood purifier, calcium solvent, cholagogue, deobstruent, depurative, diuretic, galactagogue, hepatic, intoxicant, laxative, nutritive, stimulant, stomachic, general tonic. Plantain has often been used as an appetite suppressant, and has been found to be an excellent treatment for poison ivy and poison oak dermatitis. Alterative, heat clearing, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, diaphoretic, tonic, anti-syphilitic, diuretic, hormonal, blood purifier, aromatic. It is no accident that thalassotherapy dates as far back as human beings can access recorded history. Coltsfoot has been considered one of the best herbal remedies for coughs for more than two-thousand years. Analysis of aqueous extract of Inonotus obliquus. It is also a light, non-oily moisturizer. In Mexico it is used an anti-cancer remedy. Some recommend using a mouth rinse of Spilanthes daily to promote gum health, and recent scientific research is proving Spilanthes to be a very strong antibacterial against E. Northeast American Indians used Prickly Ash as a cold and toothache remedy and expectorant. Mistletoe is a folk remedy for cancer, and recent research indicates that it may be useful in tumor therapy. Hyaluronic acid also protects the epidermis by scavenging reactive oxygen species generated by ultra violet light which would normally cause sunspots. Contraindications: avoid use in individuals with a blocked bile duct. Black Walnut (Juglans nigra)- Anthelmintic, antifungal, antiparasitic, antiseptic, astringent, bitter, insecticide, vermifuge. 얼음조끼의 혁명 하이퍼쿨 How it works: Boosts how much glucose leaves your body in Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate- Vitamin C- Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate (MAP) is a vitamin C derivative that has better stability than absorbic acid. Derived from peppermint. Kukui Nut Oil is a fabulous moisturizer, and quickly penetrates the skin leaving a silky-smooth non-greasy feeling. C, and the ancient writer Pliny prescribed it for gout and disorders of the spleen. The seeds are used in India as a diuretic, as well as a digestive aid and carminative in traditional herbalism. Recent studies show that topical application of optimized Vitamin C combinations can provide up to eight-fold antioxidant protection, ninety-six percent reduction of sunburn cells, and prevent the formation of free radicals in UV irradiated skin (sun exposed skin). Ocean Mineral Complex is the answer to tired and compromised skin structure and integrity, and will breath new life into the same old skin care regime. What is a chaga mushroom? Meadowfoam also requires less fertilizer and pesticides than most crops, assisting farmers and the environment. Elder Flower (Sambucus nigra, S. Celandine (Chelidonium majus)- Alterative, diuretic, purgative, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, anodyne, narcotic. Chang, S. T. Hair that reaches too high temperatures can suffer permanent damage to the delicate keratin fibrils in the cortex. St. John's wort helps to calm the nervous system and repair nerve damage.  It is useful for a variety of conditions including nerve pain, nerve inflammation, herpes, shingles, insomnia, anxiety, and A. Hypocrites used Marshmallow as a wound healer. D, and the American Indians used it for bowel eliminations, fevers and colds. The ruins of those factories can still be seen today at Erin Brooke and Erin Geed and they stand as testimonials to the ageless beauty power of Dead Sea bath salt. Evaluation of antitumor activity of peptide extracts from medicinal plants on the model of transplanted breast cancer in CBRB-Rb(8.17)1Iem mice. One can use Uva Ursi after child birth to prevent infections, and can add the herb to a hot bath for hemorrhoids, skin infections and inflammations. Made from oleic acid (olive oil source) connected to a sugar (sorbitol) this compound is then ethoxylated (grain based alcohol) to make it water dispersable. Valerian root is being used in place of Valium to help assist in the rehabilitation of drug addicts. A smaller particle size makes butter extraction easier. Dec;23(12):1784-9. Please read the contraindications before using this herb. Song Y, Hui J, Kou W, Xin R, Jia F, Wang N, Hu F, Zhang H, Liu H. Wild yam acts as an antispasmodic for smooth muscles.  It can be helpful for treating intestinal and uterine cramping, colic, griping, and pain from passing gallstones.  Wild yam is a carminative and a bitter.  It has been used safely as a remedy for morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy.  Some individuals find it useful for tinnitus and to decrease the pain of inner ear infections.  One of its folk names is rheumatism root, indicating its use for arthritis; it has moderate anti-inflammatory properties. So these bacteria convert the medium chain triglycerides (in the sebum or on the skin) into free fatty acids that can kill disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The extraordinary healing properties found in seaweed have formed in response to the brutal life that seaweed has been charged with evolving in and through. The night blooming variety known as Cereus has a heavy, vanilla like smell, while other varieties have a more delicate aroma. In Europe, monks used Blessed Thistle to cure small pox, and in 17th century England, herbalist Culpepper used Blessed Thistle for fever, feminine complaints and headaches. It overcomes putrefaction and lessens foul discharges in irritable and painful ulcers, and has been used to treat sore nipples, syphilitic ulcers, erysipelatous, scrofulous, malignant sore throat and Diphtheria. Aside from these amazing cosmetic uses, Meadowfoam oil is also beneficial for our environment! All of these nutrients help the body make full use of the abundant levels of Vitamin C found in this superfruit. A large group of ingredients that are composed of fats and oils. If you want to see the range of images of chaga mushrooms just google ‘chaga mushroom' and click on Images. Properties: Analgesic, antibacterial, antibiotic, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, antiseptic, antiviral, balsamic, cicatrisant, decongestant, diaphoretic, expectorant, fungicidal, stimulant (immune), and vulnerary. Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum americanum)- Alterative, antiseptic, antispasmodic (mild), astringent, carminative, deobstruent, diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue, nervine, rubefacient, sialagogue, stimulant (cardiac), tonic. And finally, according to the U. The information on is presented solely for informational purposes and is not presented as medical advice, treatment, prevention, cure or diagnosis. The effect of aqueous extracts from Inonotus obliquus on the mitotic index and enzyme activities. Dioscorides used Feverfew in childbirth if contractions were not regular. It enables the epidermis to regain its youth and vitality and improves radiance and tone. It contains powerful bactericide and fungicide agents that defeat human and animal pathogens. Dioscordes prescribed the plant when he needed to heal wound and mend broken bones. In the Middle Ages Rosemary was used in Europe to clear vision, alleviate nervous ailments, sharpen the senses and help weak memory. Dandelion kicks free radical booty, and is why we include it religiously in our skin care formulation menu. Geranium maculatum)- Astringent, antiseptic, diuretic, styptic, tonic. St. Johns Wort is an excellent blood purifier and is a very good remedy for chronic uterine problems, as well as bronchitis dysentery and nervous depression. Salix alba)- Alterative, analgesic, anodyne, anti-inflammatory, anti-periodic, anti-pyretic, antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, astringent, bitter, diaphoretic, diuretic, febrifuge, tonic, vermifuge. Potassium Phosphate- Potassium phosphate is a generic term for the salts of potassium and phosphate ions. It is wonderful as treatment for eczema, shingles, rosacea, psoriasis, ichthyosis, and any dry skin condition. Wormwood can be used as a bitter digestive stimulant; even low doses (5-10 drops of the tincture) are effective.  It stimulates the appetite by increasing digestive secretions and peristalsis.  It also promotes bile secretion.  Wormwood can be used with caution to expel roundworms and threadworms.  Wormwood has traditionally been used in liqueurs such as absinthe and vermouth. You can get chaga mushroom in liquid form / drops online - just add it to water. Arrowroot-Maranta Arudinacea- Botanical/Absorbent. The said benefits of Seabuckthorn oil range from cancer preventative to cancer treatment..anti-aging wonder berry, antioxidant, cardiovascular health, anti-parasitic, and more. It is used to treat rheumatism when in combination with other herbs, opens obstructions in the liver and spleen, softly stimulates the heart, expels worms from the body, and is a general tonic for digestive disorders. Burdock Root is known as a blood purifier, and historically herbalists have used it to rebuild the body due to its high source of various nutrients. K. M. Debatin. Palm oil can be used in lotions, cremes, balms, body butters and stick formulations where a thicker product is desired. A tea was also brewed to treat kidney stones, constipation, and headache. Contraindications: this herb should not be combined with certain pharmaceutical prescriptions, including birth control pills.  Consult a practitioner before using St. False Unicorn can be used for impotency and prostate problems in men, strengthens the reproductive and urinary organs, normalizes delayed or absent menses, and rids the intestines of parasites such as worms. Adding moisturizers helps the skin feel better, but it does not replace the acid or the protective medium chain fatty acid layers that was removed. Farmakol Toksikol. Yellow Dock helps to balance body chemistry due to its high mineral content, makes an excellent salve for itchy skin diseases and swelling, is applied to bleeding wounds and hemorrhoids, cleanses the lymphatic system, tones the pineal gland and builds the immune system. It also improves digestion, relieves inflammation of the stomach, restores appetite, and is even employed in the treatment of alcoholism. Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis)- Alterative, analgesic, anti-spasmodic, bitter, blood tonic, diuretic, emmenagogue, hormonal-female, laxative, oxytocic, sedative, uterine tonic. Devils Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens)- Alterative, analgesic, anti-arthritic, anti-inflammatory, anodyne, anti-phlogistic, anti-rheumatic, bitter tonic, cholagogue. Many European anti-bacterial and anti-fungal creams are made from Usnea because the usnic acid it contains is releases slowly and is therefore available to the site of infection longer than other anti-bacterials. The legend of how well Dead Sea salt works at helping skin look and feel younger, smoother as well as provide relaxation and skin ailment therapy dates back many thousands of years. Contains properties considered to be toning and antiseptic. When coconut oil is put on the skin it doesnt have any immediate antimicrobial action. When harvested correctly it is full of natural vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Commonly occurring minerals can be grouped into structure making or structure breaking categories as listed below. This reduces heat transfer through the hair surface to the cortex of the hair. Em geral, afeta a auto-estima e co.. This whole food is a beautifying mineral, and contributes to hair, skin, nail, and joint renewal and health. Eur. J. Clin. It is extremely important to maintain proper hydration of the hair because water has a very high specific heat which helps protect the hair from getting too hot. The oil maintains a mild raspberry flavor and aroma. Once the amine-functional silicone is deposited onto the surface of the hair, it spreads out and forms a cross linked film when it dries. This herbs name comes from the Greek word to bite, and was brought over to Europe by Christopher Columbus upon his return from the New World. Culvers Root (Veronicastrum virgincum)- Alterative, bitter, blood purifier, cathartic, cholagogue, emetic, hepatic, laxative, tonic. When mixed with glycol, it becomes a viscous liquid. It is an anti-oxidant and free radical scavenger, and increases membrane strength while decreasing membrane permeability. Oregon Grape is also known to have a direct effect on the skin. Ação anti-depressiva e relaxante, analgésica, antiespasmódica, hipotensoras e sedativas. It purifies the blood, balances hormones and the nervous system, and helps with menopausal problems in women. This is because it blocks the receptor site of any particular virus on the surface of the cell membrane, therefore preventing the cell from becoming infected. Other products with AHAs can still very safely be used alongside of our Vitamin C formulations, and will actually be greatly enhanced by the addition of these products. Streptococcus. Thyme is often used as a culinary herb enhancing the flavor of egg dishes, fish, poultry, meat, vinaigrettes, and vegetables.  Thyme leaves contain vitamin A, niacin, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc.  Thyme has antioxidant properties, and can be used as a preservative agent for foods, oils, and salves.  Internally, the antioxidant actions prevent free radical formation, and can aid in preventing cancer, strengthening the immune system, and improving cardiovascular health. Wild Geranium has been used as a salad green and is also a blood coagulant. Cocomidopropyl Betaine- Cocamidopropyl Betaine is a mild amphoteric co-surfactant. Ajos Kiro or Ajos Caspi (Cordia alliodora) The root of this Amazonian plant has substances which have anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties. Taji S, Yamada T, Wada S, Tokuda H, Sakuma K, Tanaka R. I was lucky because it was winter and there were no leaves on the trees so I could spot it easily. CTAC belongs to a family of molecules known as cationic surfactants, which can be used as emulsifying or conditioning agents. Contraindications: avoid use during pregnancy and lactation, and with children. Their skin was wrinkled, and had sun spots from overexposure to the sun. B. Aggarawal. This unending exposure to radiation... Saponins, from a variety of sources, have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties (Sources: Fitoterapia, July 2002, page 336; Phytotherapy Research, March 2001, pages 174176; and Drug Metabolism and Drug Interaction, 2000, volume 17, issue 1-4, pages 211235). It is slightly astringent to the mucus membranes, aids in digestion, loosens mucus in the throat and chest, is an excellent remedy for all catarrhal afflictions, and improves the condition of asthma. Schisandra chinensis)- Adaptogen, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, astringent, bitter, expectorant, sedative, tonic (uro-genital and hepatic). The pressed seeds are fed to cattle and other livestock, and are a source of nutrients for these animals. Whats important to know is that all three of these natural sugars are present in corn sugar, a derivative of the more familiar corn syrup.

It is used in the treatment of hepatitis, chronic rheumatism, jaundice, and to relieve flatulence, heartburn, nausea and belching. Kharazmi, A. Seventeenth Century herbalist John Evelyn called Elder Flower the remedy against all infirmities what-so-ever. It is ideal for Hair Conditioners as it makes the hair very soft. Damiana (Turnera aphrodisiaca)- Aperient, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, aromatic, bitter, diuretic, hormonal, laxative, nervine, stimulant, tonic. While grown in the field, birds, insects, mice, and other critters, also eat the nutritious seeds. Cranberry seed oil has excellent oxidative stability and contains 70% essential fatty acids making it a superb emollient, lubricant and conditioner for the skin. Shivrina, A. Cocoa Butter is one of the most stable, highly concentrated natural fats known, and melts at body temperature so that it is readily absorbed into the skin. The Kola Nut is a well known stimulant; its active ingredient is caffeine. Interest in chaga in the West began when Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's 1967 book Cancer Ward introduced his readers to chaga's use as a traditional Slavic anti-cancer remedy. Glyceryl Caprylate (Natural Preservative)- An emollient found naturally in cows milk, goats milk, palm oil and coconut oil. High linoleic and linolenic acid content. Chaga has a high level of melanin that protects DNA and fights radiation by activating the pineal gland. Xanthomonas campestris is the same bacteria responsible for causing black spots to form on broccoli, cauliflower, and other leafy vegetables. What are the features of.
The leaves of Red Raspberry are high in iron and enrich the colostrum found in breast milk. Feverfew (Chrysanthemum parthenium)- Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, antipyretic, aperient, aromatic, bitter, carminative, emmenagogue, nervine, parasiticide, stimulant, tonic, vasodilator. Another use for xanthan gum is the stabilization and binding of cosmetic products. Coriander is a gentle anti-spasmodic, carminative, and stomachic. Contraindications: avoid use during pregnancy and lactation, and in children. Cassia Angustifolia Seed Polysaccharide (botanical hyaluronic acid)- Cassia Angustifolia Seed Polysaccharide is a botanical ingredient retrieved from the Cassia Angustifolia, a native plant to India. Private publication (in Japanese), 1895. Bobek, P, Ozdin, L, and I. 2016年7月1日 -  Anti-Diabetes Tea, Blood Sugar, Health Tea manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Blood Sugar Reducing Tea, Anti-Hypertensive Tea, Tea

Antiviral and Antibacterial Activity from Medicinal Mushrooms. It is wonderful to use as a hair conditioner. Its also effective on gout and ringworm. Rosehip seed oil is a safe, inexpensive, effective, and non-invasive product for preventing and healing damaged skin. It was commonly grown in European vegetable gardens until the 1700s. Although Grindelia is not a thoroughly-studied herb, what is known is that it is effective in treating poison ivy rashes by reducing the itching and swelling. Calendula oil is the most successful oil for assisting us with dry and damaged skin, skin inflammations, rashes, diaper irritations, and other skin disorders. Native Americans have long used this herb in conjunction with other herbs for adult- onset, insulin resistant diabetes.  It decreases sugar cravings, and reduces blood glucose and blood cholesterol levels.  Devil's club has adaptogenic properties similar to other members of the ginseng family.  It decreases the hypothalamic and pituitary response to stress, allowing the body to cope more successfully with stress and anxiety.  It also gently energizes the body without over-stimulating the nervous system. Pau d'arco has shown strong anti-bacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Brucella.  Research demonstrates that pau d'arco also has been useful in treating tuberculosis, dysentery, and anthrax.  Pau d'arco displays anti-fungal properties against Candida albicans.  Research has shown that the bark demonstrates activity against some viruses including Herpes simplex, influenza, polio virus, and vesicular stomatitis virus.  Additionally, pau d'arco has anti-parasitic properties.  It can increase the number of red corpuscles, and is used as an adjunct therapy for treating cancer and tumors.  It is used specifically to treat leukemia, and in supportive therapy for other types of cancer. A highly volatile yet wonderfully moisturizing oil. Health clinics in the Sonoran desert region of Arizona are using Yucca for arthritis with impressive results. It is a wonderful hydrator, and penetrates dry or damaged skin immediately. Current research is showing us that Devils Club has antiviral, antifungal, antibiotic and antibacterial properties. Today, rosehip seed oil is exported around the world, and is used by the medical community, as well as in fine facial and cosmetic care products. Interamer. Soc. This purplish-red berry becomes light beige in color when dried and powdered. For instance, over 2000 years ago - the Jewish Roman historian Flavius wrote the following about peoples experience with Dead Sea bath salt: The Dead Sea can not be praised too highlytravelers take as much of this salt as they are able to home with them because it heals the human body and is therefore used in many medicines. The coconut milk will aid in removing the outer layer of dead skin cells, making the skin smoother. herbnet.for everything herbal. home: about us: ask the herbalist: associations: books by members: calendar: ezine signup: herb gardens: herb facts: herbal exchange Myrrh has been of value since over two-thousand years before Christ. According to the doctrine of signatures, Usnea is good for the hair and scalp. Licorice is anti-arthritic, anti-inflammatory, normalizes ovulation, stimulates the production of interferon, soothes sore throats, and stimulates and sustains adrenal functions. More important, all of these ingredients, and many more, help support the intercellular area of the skin by keeping it intact. Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)- Cholagogue, demulcent, galactagogue, hepatic, nervine, stimulant, tonic. A passiflora também induz o relaxamento muscular e o sono. One interesting property of these polymers is that they provide selective conditioning to the areas most in need of it. Y. 2011. Inonotus obliquus extracts suppress antigen-specific IgE production through the modulation of Th1/Th2 cytokines in ovalbumin-sensitized mice. RainShadow Labs only carries the 100% vegan approved material. Jan 30;90(2):276-80. Over the last 20 years, this oil has once again become popular for its medicinal properties, and is now a common dietary supplement. Having originated in Greece, its botanical name comes from the Greek words disorder and remedy. Accelerates the sloughing off of dead skin, diminishing the signs of actinic keratosis (discoloration of the skin). Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum, C. In these tests, rosehip seed oil regenerated the skin, reduced scars and wrinkles, prevented the advancement of wrinkles and aging, and helped skin to regain its natural color and tone. Free tutorials! Arnica grows wild in alpine meadows, and can be easily identified by its brightly colored yellow-orange flowers. Ocean minerals and trace elements are called cofactors, meaning they activate enzymes necessary for proper cellular function. Sometimes used for insect bites. Mizuno, T, et al. In the Himalayan regions of India Coptis is used to treat dyspepsia, and for insomnia in the case of the Chinese. This comparative studys results are not FDA approved. Rubus idaeus)- Alterative (mild), anti-abortive, anti-emetic, antispasmodic, astringent, cardiac, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, hemostatic, laxative, oxytocic, parturient, refrigerant, stimulant, stomachic, tonic. Lauric acid is a medium chain fatty acid, which has the additional beneficial function of being translated into monolaurin in the human or animal body. Sage is known to be useful for nervousness, trembling, depression, and is used in some communities to dry up breast milk. Blessed Thistle (Cnicus benedictus)- Alterative, anthelmintic, anti-pyretic, aperitive, carminative, cholagogue, diaphoretic-stimulating, diuretic, emetic (in large doses), emmenagogue, galactagogue, tonic.

Most individuals find the ideal time to apply vitamin-C is in the morning, because during the day you are more susceptible to sun exposure and L-ascorbic acid provides photoprotection from UVA/UVB radiation. ANALYSIS: Chipotle is a victim of corporate sabotage biotech industry food terrorists are planting e.coli in retaliation for restaurant's anti-GMO menu Some antiseptic properties. Burdock Root helps prevent water retention and jaundice in babies, and is a very strong liver purifier. The term vervain comes from the Celtic word ferfaen, meaning to drive away a stone. Over the past twenty years, panthenol has been effectively used to treat sunburns, irritations, dryness and other minor skin disorders. It has proven to be invaluable in the body care and cosmetic industries, and is also being studied for pharmaceutical and industrial use. It is also a folk remedy for burns, cough, dry lips, fever, malaria, rheumatism, snakebite and wounds. Acne, eczema, psoriasis and other skin maladies will benefit form this oil. It strengthens the fingernails and hair, keeps the muscles and skin supple, and helps to facilitate the use of calcium in the body. The medium chain fatty acids in the sebum provide the protective layer on the skin that kills harmful germs. Chinese Ginseng (Panax schinseng)- Adaptogen, alterative, aphrodisiac, cell proliferant, demulcent, digestant, diuretic, expectorant, nervine, nutritive, rejuvenative, immuno-stimulant, cardiotonic, tonic. Witch Hazel-Hamamelis Virginiana- Witch Hazel Extract is a wonderful ingredient for use in your cosmetic and medicinal preparations. Alterative, antibacterial, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-tumor, astringent, cathartic, diuretic, hypotensive, laxative, digestive aid (small doses), parasiticide, sialagogue, stomachic, tonic, vulnerary. It is used to treat diarrhea, dysentery, sore throats, irritable bowels, cholera, excessive bleeding during menstruation, kidney and stomach complaints, and hemorrhoids. Hydroxypropyl corn starch phosphate is used as a hydrocolloid for improved availability of active ingredients in cosmetic or dermatological compositions. Linden flowers are gently calming to the nervous system and can be useful as a mild relaxant for children and adults.  The flowers contain tannins and mucilage that help to reduce inflammation of the mucus membranes and excess secretions.  The tea can soothe irritated membranes in the upper respiratory system and the digestive tract.  Additionally, linden has cooling diaphoretic properties and can be used to reduce a fever in the first phase of a cold or flu.  Linden contains several flavonoid compounds, including quercetin and kaempferol, which may be partly responsible for its anti-inflammatory and diaphoretic actions. Due to its high mineral content, Bladderwrack is also good for cleansing and refreshing the skin, as well as treatment for psoriasis, cellulite, sprains and bruises. Organic Dandelion-. Ceteareth 20- Fatty alcohol that is used to thicken cosmetics and keep ingredients mixed together and stable. How to! Cocoa Butter also contains cocoa mass polyphenol (CMP), a substance that inhibits the production of the immuno globulin IgE. It is used both internally and externally for fungus, viral and bacterial infections, is effective against the parasite known as Trichomonas, and helps to strengthen the immune system. Sodium Carbomer- Carbomers are large molecule agents used as thickening and suspending agents and emulsion stabilizers in cosmetics. It is a priceless delight for the skin and has proven itself to be one of the best regenerative oils available. Peppermint has been noted in Chinese medical literature since 659 A. Pomegranate seed oil adds moisture, has natural estrogenic properties, anti-oxidants, is anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, improves skin elasticity, and protects the skin. Hazelnut Oil- This oil can be used to create a slew of formulas for sensitive and irritated oily skin. Chickweed is high in vitamins and minerals.  The fresh leaves of this plant are a delightful addition to salad greens in the spring and summer.  Chickweed soothes the skin and decreases internal and external inflammation.  The tea helps to heal ulcers of the mouth, stomach, and intestines.  A fresh plant poultice is effective as a drawing agent for boils and pus-filled wounds.  Apply the fresh plant poultice to mosquito bites, bee stings, and inflamed hemorrhoids.  A tea or poultice can aid with itchy, inflamed skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis.  Used internally, chickweed may help to reduce and eliminate breast cysts, ovarian cysts, and uterine fibroids.  It can also be used as a diuretic that aids in reducing water-related weight gain. Fulda, S, et al. In cosmetic products, Witch Hazel extract is used as an aftershave or a facial astringent, applied to blemishes and pimples, varicose veins, and is used to cleanse oil from the skin, remove make-up, decrease bags under eyes and skin puffiness, and to reduce pore size. Fringe tree root bark is a powerful cholagogue that stimulates the flow of bile from the gall bladder.  One of its primary uses is to relieve referred pain caused by gall bladder attacks; it also helps to speed the passing of gallstones.  This herb is quite bitter; it improves the appetite, aids in the assimilation of nutrients, and helps to tone the digestive organs.  It can be used for chronic liver ailments including jaundice, hepatitis, hypertrophy of the liver, and portal vein congestion.  Fringe tree root bark relieves irritation of the stomach caused by alcohol, as well as inflammatory conditions of the duodenum. They have been using it to eat, drink, and used as a part of healing ointments for years. Horsetail contains high amounts of silica - a mineral that helps to strengthen and maintain connective tissue, including arteries and skin.  Horsetail strengthens weak fingernails that break easily, and aids in treating infected hangnails.  It also improves the condition of hair that thins, lacks luster, or splits at the ends.  An infusion or topical poultice is useful to strengthen bones, joints, and arteries.  To speed the healing of broken bones, broken capillaries, bruises, and weak joints, combine horsetail, oat straw, nettle, comfrey leaf, and rosehips.  This combination is useful before and after surgical procedures. It stimulates brain function, memory and the release of dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin into pathways that activate the cerebral cortex. Marjoram is a sweet, aromatic, pungent culinary herb.  It imparts a distinct flavor to soups, sauces, salads, vinaigrettes, egg dishes, fish, and meat.  The leaves contain up to 13% protein by weight, and are high in vitamin A and C.  They also contain minerals including calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, and trace amounts of manganese.  Marjoram has carminative and smooth muscle antispasmodic properties.  It can be added to bean dishes to reduce gas and bloating.  It also enhances food digestion.  Marjoram has antimicrobial properties. Burdock also aids in the removal of uric acid waste products, making it useful for individuals who suffer from joint conditions such as gout, rheumatoid arthritis, or bursitis. In the 1700s the Jesuits began exporting it to China, where it gained the universal acclaim it still has today. Just add some more water next day and this time boil it for 1-2 minutes and then drink the tea. Celandine is primarily used for cleansing the liver, hepatitis, jaundice, eczema, psoriasis, warts and various other skin problems. European herbalists use the juice of the Dandelion root to treat liver diseases and diabetes, as well as to build up the blood in cases of anemia. Organic Herbal Infusion- RainShadow Labs has implemented a particular menu of key ingredients that will be found in almost every formulation coming out of our laboratory. Organic sulfur (MSM) occurs naturally in the human body. Slippery elm tea is very soothing to irritated sore throats and dry coughs, and is beneficial in addressing most conditions that result in dryness of the throat and lungs.  A potent decoction can be consumed as a nutrient during recovery from stomach flu, or if there is difficulty digesting foods.  It is also very nourishing for people who are debilitated and/or deficient.  To make gruel, add three to five tablespoons of slippery elm to one quart of water, mix together, and cook on low until the desired consistency is attained.  The gruel or capsules are also useful in treating gastrointestinal inflammations.  Slippery elm can reduce inflammation caused by gastric ulcers, ulcerative colitis flare-ups, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, or diarrhea.   Used topically, the poultice helps to heal dry conditions of the skin, including ulcers, boils, and wounds.  The inner bark is the most potent part of the plant. Psalms 51:7 says: Purge me with Hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. It is an omega-nine fatty acid, and considered one of the healthier sources of fat in the diet. Use it. Your natural beauty will come forth..which is what we all intend when it comes to skin health and personal care. It is also used as a cleansing agent in some cleansers. Used for healing cuts and bruises by the Polynesians. In this manner, they behave much like polyquaternium materials (organic cationic polymers), which are excellent conditioning agents as well. Sesame oil is known for its healing power. The free fatty acids also help to contribute to the acid environment on the skin which repels disease causing germs. It can penetrate the outermost layer of the skin cells and carry other beneficial products deeper into the epidermis. Shatavari is traditionally used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine, where it is regarded as the most important herb for female fertility; the word Shatavari means a woman who has a hundred husbands. There are no reports of adverse effects from topical application. Chaga mushrooms extract has 1,104 ORAC units per gram. Spearmint shares most of the properties of peppermint, but is not as stimulating and has a milder flavor.  The tea can be used to relieve gas and digestive upset.  Spearmint is sometimes used as a mild diaphoretic to treat the first stages of colds, flu, and fevers; it combines well with elder flower for this purpose.  Spearmint is a delightful flavoring agent in tea blends. Milk Thistle accelerates protein synthesis in the liver, stimulates the production of SOD, is beneficial to those with psoriasis, keeps the blood and vascular system clean, soothes inflamed tissue, blocks allergic and inflammatory responses, and increases immune response. Kelp has anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. Historically it has also been used as a hair tonic, to control the swelling of wounds and menstrual flow, and as a medicine for colds and sore eyes.
Nineteenth-century physicians used Bloodroot as a remedy for pneumonia, headaches, cancer, hepatitis and coughs. It speeds up the recovery process in the case of broken bones, reduces menstrual bleeding, and has been used historically for the treatment of diabetes. Verminose: tomar o chá com sementes secas. It can be added into serums, lotions, creams, and masks. The nonionic surfactant is washed away when the hair is rinsed; the positively-charged amodimethicone and the cationic surfactant are each deposited (separately) onto the surface of the hair. Witch Hazel extract is produced from the leaves and bark of the North American shrub Witch-hazel, Hamamelis virginiana. Considered useful for sensitive skin. Cinnamon can be used to relieve flatulence, diarrhea, and dysentery.  It is also useful as an acute remedy to relieve nausea and vomiting.  Cinnamon is specific for any form of mild gastric or intestinal hemorrhage.  It can help to slow or stop bleeding for most forms of passive hemorrhage.  A strong infusion or decoction can reduce excessive menstrual bleeding.  Midwives have used cinnamon during and after labor to control postpartum hemorrhage and restore uterine muscle tone.  In addition, it helps to reduce pulmonary bleeding and nose bleeds.  Long-term use of cinnamon may be too heating for some individuals. Saponins are a group of natural carbohydrates, found in plants, that have considerable potential as nutraceutical agents. Pure food grade essential oils are used in many alternative healing traditions and have been for millennia. We are only interested in efficacy, and if we have to watch or product turn a light yellow in order to have the best skin care available, well, so be it!! In the Philippines, the sap is mixed with sulfur to create an ointment for boils, open sores and wounds. Kukui means enlightenment in Hawaiian. It is good for fluid retention, is anti-asthmatic, and decreases the occurrence of kidney stones. Plantain contains tannin, which is an astringent that tightens the tissues. Chaparral eliminates parasites from the system, is a pain killer, and cleanses deep into muscular tissue. Witch Hazel extract has astringent, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal, and anesthetic properties, making it indispensable for a variety of different medicinal and cosmetic uses. Recently it has become a popular treatment in Germany for menopausal symptoms, but it is important to note that the plant has been employed to treat feminine issues for decades. Paired with other preservatives this ingredient can ensure the complete protection of a formula but only partial protection when used alone. Gotu Kola stimulates the brain while calming it at the same time. Candida Albicans, as well as controlling the microorganisms that cause Botulism and staph infections. The Costanoan Indians would rub a decoction of the flowers into the hair to kill lice, and the Indians of Mendocino County used a poultice of the fresh root for toothaches, headaches and sores. Vitamin C- Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate- The cutting edge of skin care research shows that aging skin is the result of more than just years on the calendar. Macadamia nut oil-Macadamia Ternifolia- This fine oil comes from the pressed nuts of the Macadamia tree. In our world, beauty is not cruel. Artichoke (Cynara Scolymus)- Hepatic, biliary fluidifying, cholagogic, diuretic, anti-rheumatic. As a natural vitamin C source, this product may be used in conjunction with MSM powder to rejuvenate collagen and improve the health of the skin. Oi eu já tomo fas uma semana e me sinto muito bem, só. Serenoa repens)- Ant-catarrhal, anti-galactagogue, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, aphrodisiac (mild), astringent, diuretic, expectorant, hormonal, nervine, nutritive, parasiticide, sedative, stimulant, tonic. Catnip is a mild antispasmodic that is beneficial in treating digestive cramping.  It is a cooling astringent for the digestive tract.  Catnip helps to relieve intestinal inflammation, and can be used as an adjunct treatment for diarrhea, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and Crohns disease.  The properties pass through nursing mothers' breast milk which can be useful in treating infant colic.  When combined with peppermint and chamomile, catnip tea is also helpful for children with digestive cramps and restlessness.  Catnip also reduces irritability resulting from fevers and teething.  This herb acts as a gentle nervine and sedative.  For children who do not like the flavor, pour the strained tea into the bath. Also known as Siberian Ginseng, it grows in eastern Russia, Hokkaido, northeast China and Korea. Chocolate liquor destined for processing into Cocoa Butter is refined to a very small particle size because it is easier to reduce the particle size early when the butter is still present. It is also used for hair to prevent hair loss, strengthen and thicken hair, restore shine and condition. Diagnosis and integrative treatment of intercelluar bacterial infections in chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia  syndromes, GulfWar Illness, and rheumatoid arthritis and other chronic  illnesses. Indian medicinal mushrooms as a source of antioxidant and antitumor agents. J.

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