Wednesday 29 June 2016

Photosynthesis 6co2 :: photosynthesis. ppt - California State University,

Not only, but even by takingaccount into the statistical error of 5%, the result shows that there will still be asignificant mean difference of 977.33 - 794.97. 6CO2 + 6H2O + Light --> C6H12O6 + 6O2. Human interference in the carbon cycle and photosynthesis extremely harmful 6CO2 + 6H2O + Hv(light) --> C6H12O6 + 6O2. Honori Yamada Biology SL 2 Mar/12/11Figure 4▲: The graph above shows the difference of the average rate of photosynthesiswith leaf type A and B. Shown in the raw data, some of disks did not floatup due to some errors that were caused during the process. Investigating the Factors that Affect the Rate of Photosynthesis Aim: I will be investigating how light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis, whether it Come here. Throughout this experiment, 15 holepunched disks of leaves will be placed in a water filled syringe to such out the oxygen inthe leaf disks by drawing back the plunger to create vacuum. Vocabulary words for Photosynthesis Light+6CO2+6H2O-----> C6H12O6+6O2. Includes studying games and tools such as flashcards.

What's the difference between Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis? Photosynthesis and respiration are However, there was difficulty in measuring the exact amount of 1g sodiumbicarbonate. Therefore, sodium bicarbonate will be usedthroughout this lab in order to quicken the rate of photosynthesis. This clearly shows anextremely large difference in rate of photosynthesis. Drug for diabetes type 2 numbers At first, the leaf disks in the water filled syringe all float because the disks insistsmall oxygen particles. Table 4: Time Length for Leaf B Disks to Float# of floated Trial 1 (sec) Trial 2 (sec) Trial 3 (sec) Trial 4 (sec)disks1 756 536 785 6322 787 569 970 6513 874 605 1105 7894 1142 622 1138 9975 1285 992 1162 11636 1349 1032 1202 11827 1369 1041 1246 11968 1396 1052 1337 12139 1405 1206 1415 123510 1453 1238 1457 1386Table 4▲: The table shows four trials of the time it took for all ten disks for Leaf B tofloat.

Photosynthesis 6co2

Pour in most of the water in the syringe into the beaker with the sodium bicarbonate and stir it will 13. Assodium bicarbonate dissolves in water, carbonate ions appear as it absorbs into the leafdisks - making it a carbon dioxide gas. Honori Yamada Biology SL 2 Mar/12/11Procedure: 1. Oxygen is released in the atmosphere whereas glucose is used at alater time to supply the energy needs of the cell. Hold a finger over the syringe opening and remove the plunger 12. Get an answer for 'What is the difference between photosynthesis and respiration?' and find homework help for other Biochemistry questions at eNotes Sincechlorophylls do not absorb the light with the specific wavelength of color green, itreflects back to be detected by our eyes. This relatively huge difference in the average rate between the two types of leaves signifythat the rate of photosynthesis can be effected by the type of leaves. Listing all reactants and products, photosynthesis can be describedas: 6 CO2 + 12 H2O →C6H12O6 + 6 O2 + 6H2O But because water is both a reactant. Along with the type of the leaves, the accuracy in expunging all the oxygen out ofthe disks by a syringe could have been an issue. Changing the Time from Minutes to Seconds (Leaf B Trial 1 Disk 10) = minutes × 60 + seconds = 24 × 60 + 13 1453 seconds ii. Therefore, it could be stated bothstatistically and mathematically that the type of leaves do affect the rate ofphotosynthesis. Prepare 50ml of water and draw in the water with the syringe (the disks should all float) 9. Order! In this research, the experiment will be investigated on whether the color of theleaves will affect the rate of photosynthesis. To compensate the effect of the outliers, theconcept of Exposure Time or ET50, created by Steucek, is a reliable index to thisresearch. Honori Yamada Biology SL 2 Mar/12/11amount of sodium bicarbonate would be doubled as well. 6CO2 + 6H2O ( C6H12O6 + 6O2. light energy. But the rate of photosynthesis is expected to change as the values of the factors in the equation are changed. To make a 2% solution with 50ml of water, 1g of sodium bicarbonate measuredand used. With leaf A, the rate of photosynthesis was 0.0036s-1whereas with leaf B, the rate was 0.00073 s-1having the difference of around 0.00029s-1.

Find out about Photosynthesis on the Wikipedia for Schools from SOS Children Schematic of photosynthesis in plants. 3 CO2 + 9 ATP + 6 NADPH + 6 If the calculations for therate of photosynthesis consisted up to fifteen disks for each trial, errors could haveresulted such as some outliers. However, it can bepredicted that either leaf A had more chlorophyll than leaf B, or that leaf B was thickerin size than leaf A. Photosynthesis uses the chlorophyll and energy from the sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. Glucose is a form of sugar, Photosynthesis is the process used by plants, algae and certain bacteria to harness energy from sunlight into chemical Prepare a beaker and add 1g of sodium bicarbonate on an electronic balance 2. What is the formula for photosynthesis? SAVE CANCEL. already exists. Would you 6CO2 + 6H2O = C6H12O6 + 6O2 Carbon Dioxide + Water + Light = Sugar + Oxygen Comeback!
The sun has been worshiped in many cultures around the entire world since ancient Egyptian times (14th

The experiment testedwith fifteen disks in order to lessen the chance of errors. One reason could bebecause of the difference in the amount of chlorophyll in each leaf disks. This can further be improved by drawingback the plunger for as longer period of time, for example 30 seconds. How Are Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration Mutually Dependent Processes?. Two processes needed for survival of life as we know it on this planet cannot be more

Transcript of 6CO2 + 12H2O C6H12O6 + 6H2O + 6O2. What is Photosynthesis? Six Carbon Dioxide (6CO2) Twelve Water (12H2O) The leaf disks aregradually going to create oxygen that will change the buoyancy - causing the disks tofloat. Evaluation: Throughout this experiment, there was one big error which was choosing theright type of leaves. The process of photosynthesis showshow photosynthetic organisms store light energy, water, and carbon dioxide to createglucose and oxygen. Calculating the Average Rate of Photosynthesis (Leaf A) = (Add the rate of photosynthesis for all four trials)/4 = (0.0029 + 0.0031 + 0.0038 + 0.0046) / 4 0.0036 (sec) iv. During this experiment, sodium bicarbonate, that hascarbonate ions will be used as it serves as the carbon source for photosynthesis. Get a water tank and fill the water about half way through 3. Go outside and find two different types of leaves with a different color (one light green, one dark green) 6. The sun has been worshiped in many cultures around the entire world since ancient Egyptian times (14th century BCE). Why? " The sun is the bestower of light and life 6H20 + 6CO2 arrow C6H12O6 + 6O2This is an energy requiring reactionAll photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplast, so Although the raw data consists the time lengths of up to fifteen leaf disks, thisexperiment only measured the first ten leaf disks for a reason. Design: Research Question: How will the difference in the color of the leaves affect the rate of photosynthesis? Benefits of. Repeat the vacuum until all the leaf disks sink to the bottom 11. The uncertainties for type A and B were both relatively small.
The wavelength of the lightreflected or absorbed determines each color of the pigment. Again, for either reason, it can be concluded that the different type ofleaves do make a difference in the rate of photosynthesis. A pigment is any substance that absorbs light. 11/26/2011 · Independent Research Leaf Disc Photosynthesis Lab 1. Honori Yamada Biology SL 2 Mar/12/11 The Effect of the Rate of Photosynthesis on Different The Exposure Time is the time it takes for half of the process (or 50%) tochange. This can further make the experiment itself more precise and controlled as it only wouldfocus on whether the color of the leaf can affect the rate of photosynthesis. Not only was the data compared by graphing the rate of photosynthesis, but alsothe unpaired data T-testing was programmed in order to further verify that there is asignificant statistical difference in the two rates of photosynthesis. Prepare the experiment by placing the water filled tank in front of the lamp then the beaker in front of the tank so that the light shines through the water tank, then to the beaker in order to keep the temperature controlled(Figure 3) 4. Conclusion & Evaluation: Conclusion: According to graph in figure 4, there is a great different in the average rate ofphotosynthesis for leaf A and B. Click here. This could have affected the rate of photosynthesis since in some trials, there could have been more carbon ions that would have fasten the rate than the othertrials. Place the 15 disks into the syringe 8. Photosynthesis - 6CO2 + 6H2O > (light energy) > C6H12O6 + 6O2* Photosynthesis and from EST 100 at SUNY Cortland THE BASICS OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS Almost all plants are photosynthetic autotrophs, as are some bacteria and protists Autotrophs generate their own organic matter.. Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy, normally from the Sun, into. By doubling the amount ofsodium bicarbonate, it would be easier to measure the exact amount that could becontrolled. Get an answer for ' What is the balanced chemical equation for photosynthesis, and how is the process Materials: - Leaves (2 types) - Hole puncher - Syringe - Beaker - Water - Sodium bicarbonate - Thermometer Figure 1: Sodium Bicarbonate, - Electronic Balance syringe, beaker, stopwatch, - Stopwatch leaf A and B are shown. Photosynthesis An anabolic, endergonic, carbon dioxide (CO2) requiring process that uses light energy 2/26/2014 · A level biology photosynthesis 1. PHOTOSYNTHESIS 12a Bilegdemberel. M 2. An over view of Photosynthesis • Photosynthesis is a series of..

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